Our Philosophy

By investing and working to create a fundamental change in the status of Arabic digital content, Majarra seeks to contribute to the region’s economic and social growth and development, and Arab revival of Arab, from ocean to ocean. Majarra wishes to unlock the potential of Arabic digital content, ushering a new dawn for an industry we believe is necessary to achieve progress in our region.

Therefore, we believe that current commercial models that rely on ad revenue and follower base feed an environment that lowers the quality of content, and weakens the possibility of sustainability given the limits on return. The field is wide open for free content, but Majarra offers a new vision for discerning, thoughtful readers.

عرض خاص: حمل تطبيق مجرة واحصل على اشتراك سنوي بتكلفة شهرين. حمل التطبيق