Adelheid Otto
Address: Germany
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Papers by Adelheid Otto
enable us to review, and to extend the results of the old excavations. The
comparison show a good correlation in accuracy to the old drawings and positive identification of the already excavated features with magnetometry. Highlights of the survey are the discovery of the city wall confirming its existence, the layout of a unique building complex in the centre of the mound, likely a temple, traces of canals inside the city and an evaluation of magnetometer prospection over a looted area.
enable us to review, and to extend the results of the old excavations. The
comparison show a good correlation in accuracy to the old drawings and positive identification of the already excavated features with magnetometry. Highlights of the survey are the discovery of the city wall confirming its existence, the layout of a unique building complex in the centre of the mound, likely a temple, traces of canals inside the city and an evaluation of magnetometer prospection over a looted area.
Abstract: This volume celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Institute for Near Eastern Archeology at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. It draws from archives, research and administrative data, but above all from the memories of its members since its foundation in 1970. The history of the institute, teaching experience and research achievements are the three intertwined cornerstones between which the contributions move. The vivid image of a community of practitioners is both a tribute to the past and an encouragement for further exploration of the "cradle of cultures".
Der vorliegende Band feiert das 50-jährige Bestehen des Instituts für Vorderasiatische Archäologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Er schöpft aus Archivalien, Forschungs- und Verwaltungsdaten, vor allem aber aus den Erinnerungen seiner Mitglieder seit der Gründung im Jahr 1970. Institutsgeschichte, Lehrerfahrungen und Forschungsleistung sind die drei vielfach ineinander verwobenen Eckpunkte, zwischen denen sich die Beiträge bewegen. Das lebendige Bild einer Gemeinschaft von Praktizierenden ist zugleich Würdigung des Vergangenen und Werbung für eine weitergehende Erforschung der „Wiege der Kulturen”.