
The Application interface provides various methods to query properties of the run-time environment.

Getting the Application Type

Sometimes it is necessary to implement certain functionality differently depending on the platform it is running on. The Application.getType() method returns the platform the application is currently running on:

switch (Gdx.app.getType()) {
    case Android:
        // android specific code
    case Desktop:
        // desktop specific code
    case WebGl:
        // HTML5 specific code
        // Other platforms specific code

On Android and iOS, one can also query the OS version the application is currently running on:

int androidVersion = Gdx.app.getVersion();

On Android, this will return the SDK level supported on the current device, e.g., 3 for Android 1.5; on iOS it will return the major version of the current OS.

Memory Consumption

For debugging and profiling purposes it is often necessary to know the memory consumption, for both the Java heap and the native heap:

long javaHeap = Gdx.app.getJavaHeap();
long nativeHeap = Gdx.app.getNativeHeap();

Both methods return the number of bytes currently in use on the respective heap.