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Showing posts with label illegal aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illegal aliens. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Living in LaLa Land with Lunatics! Call on St. Joseph, Terror of Demons

Well, actually, our overlords aren't lunatics, but minions of Lucifer. This morning, I learned that a Canadian priest who teaches at the SSPX seminary in Dillwyn, VA (St. Thomas Aquinas) is being deported, I think tomorrow. We know him because he occasionally offers Mass and hears Confessions at our chapel in Linden. The government flunkies won't allow him to renew his visa. Bishop Fellay, who lives at the seminary, is in the same boat, but his deportation is less imminent.

Think about that for a minute. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

"Be Brave Or You Will Not Exist!" Hey Republicans, #BeLikePoland! Listen to this wise pollitician!


This video is mis-titled. It's not an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, but with a journalist at our border and then with Polish politician and journalist, Dominik TarczyƄski. Tucker first talks about the border crisis here with a reporter at the border. Then he interviews Tarczynki about how Poland has kept their country safe from terrorists by keeping tight control of their own border. Talk about a straight talker who doesn't mince words and refuses to be cowed by a liberal lady leftist calling him a racist. That clip is very interesting!

Friday, September 16, 2022

Laugh of the Day: Rich Elitists on Martha's Vineyard Go Berserk over "Humanitarian Crisis"

I have no bone to pick with rich people. Hey, a lot of them made their fortunes by doing good things. Whenever I put on my sandals, I thank God for the guy who developed velcro! And who doesn't appreciate a better mousetrap? But I really have to laugh when virtue-signaling, rich leftists who call their community a "sanctuary city" that "welcomes" illegal aliens undocumented immigrants, goes berserk when they are overwhelmed by 50 landing in town. 


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Liberals Despise Law Enforcement Officers So Are We Surprised when Manslaughter is Treated With a Get Out of Jail (Almost) Free Card?

Illegal Alien Kills FBI Agent and Fire Marshall and Gets Off (Almost) Scot Free!

Palacios shouldn't have been in the country. If he'd been deported these two men would still be alive. When will the bishops who love to harass ICE and anyone who treats our immigration laws seriously respect the lives being lost to their disgraceful policy of accommodating alien lawbreakers? Pray for the repose of the souls of these men and for the comfort of their families. They died in the line of duty aiding others. As for the bishops? Their policies aid the Church pocketbook which gets millions of dollars dealing with illegals. How many of our bishops are more concerned about the Almighty Dollar than Almighty God?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Fr. Tom Collins Makes it Simple for You: The Impact of Obama Urging Illegals to Vote!

The internet is abuzz with Barack Obama affirming that illegals will NOT be prosecuted for voting fraudulently. The man is a traitor encouraging voter fraud to make sure the Democrat "juggarnaut" will roll over us now and forever. He should be impeached for that video alone!

Fr. Tom simplifies this for you! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hold Obama Responsible for These Murders!

Illegals freed by Obama later commit 19 murders

"Criminal illegal aliens released by the Obama administration between 2009 and 2011 went on to be charged with 19 murders, three attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, a House Judiciary Committee report previously documented....
"On Monday, a Center for Immigration Studies report found that in 2013, ICE again released violent criminals, this time including murderers, rapists, kidnappers and drug dealers. The offenders were among the 36,007 criminal illegal aliens released last year who committed 87,818 crimes, including 15,635 for driving while intoxicated."

Don't you feel safer knowing Obama is in charge. Just think, a dead ambassador and three other Americans killed in Benghazi, tens of thousands of victims of criminal illegal aliens, drug wars on the border using guns provided by the Feds.

Oh, but never forget, Obama got Osama. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Picking the Taxpayers Pockets

IRS Gives Millions to Illegal Aliens

More than $46 million went to ONE ATLANTA ADDRESS!

Who's minding the store?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is This How 9/11 Happened?

TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned by Illegal Alien

Hmmm....Remember the 9/11 terrorists enrolling in flight school? How secure does this make you feel? Have we learned anything in the past ten years?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Terrorists come into this country through the Mexican border.

"The American public has been kept in the dark about this whole issue."

Watch these two videos about the invasion of our country. Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, did not answer the request for an interview. If you think illegal immigration is no big deal and doesn't affect you think again. How many families around the country were impacted by 9/11? How many more will be touched by the next big terrorist strike. We need to control our borders! And the bishops who stand behind the invasion do a great disservice by painting those who oppose illegal immigration as racists. Millions of immigrants enter this country legally and are welcomed by us. Those who sneak across the border are not immigrants; they are invaders. Twenty percent of those caught by border patrol have criminal records. Many are from terrorist nations that hate us. The drug cartels appear to be smuggling terrorists and weapons as well as drugs into the country. Check it out for yourself.

Subject: Channel 2 Investigates U.S. Border Security Part 1 - Video - WSB Atlanta
Part II of Congressional report

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why we need to fight illegal immigration!

Under this bill, American citizens might be better off if they become illegals and get their permanent temporary visas along with all the perks and tax credits. Think other countries would treat you like this if you entered their country and remained illegally? Why do you think the Democrats have promoted policies that are disastrous for our country? Because they expect illegals to register and vote Democratic, of course. Many of these groups, sadly, are anti-American and they push to the front of the line in favor of those who entered the country legally. Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers over a billion dollars a year. Check out Help Save Manassas, VA to see one community's battle.

The Obama Administration's Version of Immigration Reform