Akdeniz üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi dergisi, Feb 16, 2024
Because of digitalisation, social media platforms usage for news follow-up, the changing news con... more Because of digitalisation, social media platforms usage for news follow-up, the changing news consumption habits of young readers, and the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional journalism has been in a crisis for a while. Social media has become a significant competitor for news organisations in terms of both news consumption and advertising. Using the findings of the news consumption habits survey conducted with 200 participants in the United Kingdom (in London and Cardiff), this study discusses readers' expectations and consumption habits in the context of sustainable journalism. The survey constitutes a part of large-scale research carried out with the financial support of TÜBİTAK. It is revealed that readers heavily prefer digital platforms, including social media, for news follow-up, and this interest increased during the Pandemic. The main expectations of the consumer/reader are reliability, easy access/use, easy-to-follow, personalised/reader-specific content, and less advertising. Among the findings is that young readers prefer social media platforms that are not "news organisations" to follow the news. Readerbased revenues are regarded as the most crucial income for sustainable journalism. Media needs to understand the reader's expectations and produce news content that will create value for them to generate sustainable reader income.
In Türkiye, a country where Muslims comprise the majority, circumcision is performed on male chil... more In Türkiye, a country where Muslims comprise the majority, circumcision is performed on male children due to traditional and religious grounds. In this article, we explored Turkish circumcision ceremonies as a rite of passage related to hegemonic masculinity. Our aim was to uncover the traditionally accepted form of masculinity and analyse how it is reproduced in feast invitations. We conducted a descriptive analysis of 64 circumcision feast invitations obtained from the websites of six printing houses in Turkey. Through coding to examine the messages on the invitation cards, we identified three main topics: traditional and religious motives, the ritual of cutting, and the transition into masculinity. The invitations delineate what it means to be "a man" in a conservative, patriarchal society. In the analysed Geliş tarihi (
ATILIM ÜNİVERSİTESİ YAYINLARI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Culture and Communication in Anatolia: Past, Present and Future 15-17 June 2016, 2016
Bu kitabın her türlü basım, yayın ve telif hakları Atılım Üniversitesine aittir. Bütün hakları sa... more Bu kitabın her türlü basım, yayın ve telif hakları Atılım Üniversitesine aittir. Bütün hakları saklıdır. Kitabın tümü yada bölüm/bölümleri Atılım Üniversitesi'nin yazılı izni olmadan elektronik, mekanik yada diğer yollarla basılamaz, çoğaltılamaz ve dağıtılamaz. Aralık 2016 tarihinde elektronik olarak yayınlanmıştır.
Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in... more Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in many areas including economics, education, political participation and communication, for both individuals and communities. Parallel to these developments, having the skill and access to use these technologies reproduces the current inequalities between individuals and societies, and sometimes creates new forms of inequality. Information, which is essential in today's society, closely relates to the future of political, cultural, economic systems and the people. Even though an abstract concept, information produces a great material power; and to have it or not to have it matters. In today's so-called information society, having the information and the communication technologies and using them efficiently provides substantial advantage to both individual and to the nations, in contras not having them is disadvantageous in many aspects. In this study, the concept of digital divide, which is used to express inequality of access to information and Internet technologies between developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as between different social segments within the same country, was discussed from the perspective of gender inequality.Gender is determined to be an important parameter with regards to the access to information and to communication technologies and being able to use them efficiently.In the light of the present studies, the differences in the Internet access and usage between women and men were revealed through examples from some countries around the world, after which the situation in Turkey was investigated. First, as a result of the study, it was seen that, in almost all developing countries, men are more advantageous than women in using Internet technologies. This situation leaves women in a disadvantageous position compared to both men, and women in developed countries. The
Anadolu journal of educational sciences international, Feb 1, 2019
In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms ... more In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. For this aim seven different region of Turkey was surveyed and seven focus group interviews was conducted with the participation of 49 middle school students. The participants age was differed from 12 to 14. The data was collected with semi-structured question form. In this question form students were asked to discuss their cyberbullying experiences as being witness. However, some students wanted to talk about their experiences on being bully or victim in cyber-bullying process. Findings showed that all participants experienced cyber-bullying before. When the experiences of the students classified in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model it was revealed that participants had been in victim, possible defenders of victim, bully, defender of victim or passive defender of bully statuses in the past. On the other hand the other three statuses (disengaged onlooker, follower of bully and defender of bully) mentioned by Olweus was not found among the participants. According to the findings, victims were labeled as whipping boy; they did not follow the safety internet usage rules and they did not seek social support from peer or adults. Besides, it was found out that the possible defenders were aware of the victim's suffer and distress but they refrain to help them because of the peers' and adults negative attitudes. On the other hand findings of this study showed that bullies did not care the results of their behaviors and behave unethically on internet. It was revealed that these students bullied others for fun, revenge and protect victims. When it comes to the defenders of victim status, it was found that the students in this group had high level of empathy and self-efficacy. These students stated that they used different ways for fighting with bullying such as reconciliation with bullies, showing their open support to the victims in the other peers, using technological abilities to block the bullies and face-to-face fighting with bullies. As for the passive supporters of the bullies, the most remarkable thought they stated was that victims deserved bullies. These findings showed that middle school students had cyber-bullying experiences at school in Turkey and cyber-bullying is processing as the circle mentioned in Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. This study point out the importance of the cyberbullying statuses for the forthcoming studies. In this context researchers have to focus on removing the barriers that prevent the passive supporters of victims to be defenders of victim. Besides, studies such as improving the empathical understanding among bullies and their supporters have to be increased.
Anadolu Journal Of Educational Sciences International, 2019
In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms ... more In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. For this aim seven different region of Turkey was surveyed and seven focus group interviews was conducted with the participation of 49 middle school students. The participants age was differed from 12 to 14. The data was collected with semi-structured question form. In this question form students were asked to discuss their cyberbullying experiences as being witness. However, some students wanted to talk about their experiences on being bully or victim in cyber-bullying process. Findings showed that all participants experienced cyber-bullying before. When the experiences of the students classified in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model it was revealed that participants had been in victim, possible defenders of victim, bully, defender of victim or passive defender of bully statuses in the past. On the other hand the other three statuses (disengaged onlooker, follower of bully and defender of bully) mentioned by Olweus was not found among the participants. According to the findings, victims were labeled as whipping boy; they did not follow the safety internet usage rules and they did not seek social support from peer or adults. Besides, it was found out that the possible defenders were aware of the victim's suffer and distress but they refrain to help them because of the peers' and adults negative attitudes. On the other hand findings of this study showed that bullies did not care the results of their behaviors and behave unethically on internet. It was revealed that these students bullied others for fun, revenge and protect victims. When it comes to the defenders of victim status, it was found that the students in this group had high level of empathy and self-efficacy. These students stated that they used different ways for fighting with bullying such as reconciliation with bullies, showing their open support to the victims in the other peers, using technological abilities to block the bullies and face-to-face fighting with bullies. As for the passive supporters of the bullies, the most remarkable thought they stated was that victims deserved bullies. These findings showed that middle school students had cyber-bullying experiences at school in Turkey and cyber-bullying is processing as the circle mentioned in Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. This study point out the importance of the cyberbullying statuses for the forthcoming studies. In this context researchers have to focus on removing the barriers that prevent the passive supporters of victims to be defenders of victim. Besides, studies such as improving the empathical understanding among bullies and their supporters have to be increased.
Page 1. Kadın Programlarına Bir Bakış: "Kadının Sesi" v... more Page 1. Kadın Programlarına Bir Bakış: "Kadının Sesi" ve "Sizin Sesiniz"de Tür, Anlatı ve Format Emel Baştürk Akça Hasan Akbulut Özet 1990'lı yıllardan itibaren medyanın dönüşüm geçirmesiyle birlikte yeni televizyon tür ve formatları ortaya çıkmıştır. ...
Özet: İnternet teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, hem bireyler hem de toplumlar için ekonomiden eğiti... more Özet: İnternet teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, hem bireyler hem de toplumlar için ekonomiden eğitime, siyasal katılımdan haberleşmeye kadar pek çok alanda önemli yenilikler ve açılımlar getirmiştir. Bu açılımlara paralel olarak bu teknolojilere erişim ve kullanım becerisine sahip olmak, bireyler ve toplumlar arasında kimi zaman mevcut eşitsizlikleri tekrar üretmekte, kimi zaman da yeni eşitsizlik biçimleri yaratmaktadır. Günümüz toplumlarında yaşamsal bir öneme sahip olan bilgi, siyasal, kültürel, ekonomik sistemlerin ve halkların geleceğini yakından ilgilendirmektedir. Soyut bir kavram olmasına karşın büyük bir maddi güç üreten bilgi için de mevcut olan bir sahip olma ve sahip olamama durumu söz konusudur. Enformasyon toplumu olarak adlandırılan günümüz toplumunda bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerine sahip olmak ve bunları etkin biçimde kullanmak hem uluslara hem de bireylere önemli avantajlar sağlamakta, buna karşılık bu teknolojilerden yoksun olmak ise pek çok açıdan önemli dezavantajlar yaratmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bilgi ve İnternet teknolojilerine erişim konusunda gelişmiş ve az gelişmiş ülkeler ile aynı ülke içinde yaşayan farklı kesimler arasında yaşanan eşitsizliği ifade etmek için kullanılan dijital açık kavramı, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği perspektifinden ele alınmıştır. Cinsiyet, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerine erişebilme ve bu teknolojileri nitelikli olarak kullanabilme açısından önemli bir değişken olarak tespit edilmektedir. Mevcut çalışmalar ışığında dünya genelinde bazı ülke örnekleri üzerinden kadınlar ve erkekler arasındaki İnternet erişimi ve kullanımı konusundaki farklılıklar ortaya konulmuş ve ardından Türkiye’deki duruma bakılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerin hemen hepsinde erkeklerin İnternet teknolojilerini kullanım konusunda kadınlardan daha avantajlı konumda olduğu görülmüştür. Bu durum kadınları hem erkekler, hem de gelişmiş ülkelerdeki hemcinsleri karşısında dezavantajlı konuma düşürmektedir. Kadınlar ve erkekler arasındaki İnternet kullanım oranlarında görülen fark ve farkın keskinliği ülkelerin sosyo-ekonomik durumuna göre değişiklik göstermekte, gelişmişlik ve refah seviyesi düştükçe fark keskinleşmektedir. Aynı ülke içerisindeki kullanım oranları da yine eğitim seviyesi ve kent/kır ayrımı gibi pek çok faktörden etkilenmekte, kırda yaşayan kadınlar erkeklere ve kentte yaşayan kadınlara nazaran daha dezavantajlı konumda görünmektedir. Kadınların tümüyle avantajlı konumda olmasalar da istatistiksel açıdan İnternet kullanımında erkeklere yakın bir oran sağladıkları tek değişken eğitimdir. Kadınların eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe, bilgisayar ve İnternet kullanımının arttığı görülmektedir. Ancak bunun olumlu bir sonuç olarak değerlendirilebilmesi için İnternet kullanım amaçlarının da dikkate alınması gerektiği fark edilmektedir. Türkiye’de ise İnternet kullanımı hızla artmakta, ancak dijital cinsiyet açığı hala keskin bir biçimde karşımızda durmaktadır. İnternet teknolojilerine kolay, güvenilir ve nitelikli erişime sahip olmamak, bilginin serbest dolaşım avantajından mahrum olmak anlamına geldiği için, bu temel bir yurttaşlık hakkı olarak görülmelidir. Bu nedenle dijital açığı ortadan kaldırmak, yalnızca teknolojik yatırımların planlanması boyutunda değil, sosyal politikalar içerisinde de ele alınmalıdır. Ülkenin her yerinde ucuz ve güvenli internet erişiminin yanı sıra, e-okuryazarlık eğitimlerinin de isteyen herkesin ulaşabileceği şekilde düzenlenmesi bir gerekliliktir. İnternete erişim tüm yurttaşlar için anayasal olarak güvence altına alınmalı, asgari standartlar belirlenerek erişim konusunda eşitlik sağlanması için kapsayıcı politika ve projeler hayata geçirilmelidir. Cinsiyetler arasında görülen dijital açığın kapatılması ise toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine ilişkin mücadelenin önemli bir parçası olarak görülmeli ve İnternet teknolojilerinin kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayata daha etkin katılımının bir aracı olarak kullanılması yolunda adımlar atılmalıdır. Kadınlara ücretsiz yeni medya okuryazarlığı eğitimleri verilmeli, kadınların bilgi iletişim teknolojilerine erişimi noktasında pozitif ayrıcalıklar uygulanmalı, bu sektördeki girişimci kadınlar devlet tarafından desteklenmelidir. Ayrıca ülkeler arasındaki dijital açığın kapatılması adına da uluslararası örgütler düzeyinde de çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki politika ve projelerle sektördeki firmaların İnterneti bir ‘erkek alanı’ olarak gören bakışı yıkacak şekilde kadın odaklı yazılımlar geliştirmesi de oldukça önemlidir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: dijital açık, dijital cinsiyet açığı, İnternet, Türkiye
Abstract: Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in many areas including economics, education, political participation and communication, for both individuals and communities. Parallel to these developments, having the skill and access to use these technologies reproduces the current inequalities between individuals and societies, and sometimes creates new forms of inequality. Information, which is essential in today’s society, closely relates to the future of political, cultural, economic systems and the people. Even though an abstract concept, information produces a great material power; and to have it or not to have it matters. In today’s so-called information society, having the information and the communication technologies and using them efficiently provides substantial advantage to both individual and to the nations, in contras not having them is disadvantageous in many aspects. In this study, the concept of digital divide, which is used to express inequality of access to information and Internet technologies between developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as between different social segments within the same country, was discussed from the perspective of gender inequality.Gender is determined to be an important parameter with regards to the access to information and to communication technologies and being able to use them efficiently.In the light of the present studies, the differences in the Internet access and usage between women and men were revealed through examples from some countries around the world, after which the situation in Turkey was investigated. First, as a result of the study, it was seen that, in almost all developing countries, men are more advantageous than women in using Internet technologies. This situation leaves women in a disadvantageous position compared to both men, and women in developed countries. The difference between men’s and women’s Internet usage and the extent of difference depends heavily on the socio-economic status of the respective country; and the gap widens with lower level of development. Within the same country borders, usage rates also depends on several factors such as level of education, and living in urban or rural areas; rural women being more disadvantegous than the men and women living in urban areas. Though not advantageous, only parameter in which women attain a statistically close rate that of men is education. It has been observed that use of computer and the Internet is increased with increasing women’s level of education. However, in order to be viewed as a positive outcome, the purpose of the Internet use should also be considered. The Internet use in Turkey is increasingly rises, but digital gender divide is still a problem. Since not having easy, reliable and qualified access to Internet technologies means being devoid of the advantages of free movement of information, it should be considered as a fundamental civil right. For this reason, closing the digital divide should be viewed not only as a matter of planning the technological investments, but also within the framework of social policy. Providing countrywide inexpensive and reliable Internet access as well as literacy programs for those who want it is a requirement. Every citizen’s access to Internat should be assured constitutionally, minimum standards should be set and inclusive policies and projects should be implemented in order to achieve equality of access. The closure of the digital divide present between the genders should be seen as an important part of the struggle regarding gender equality, and steps should be taken to enable Internet technologies to be used as a means of women's active participation in social and economic life. New media literacy education should be given to women for free, with regard to the access to the information technologies, positive privileges for women should be applied, and entrepreneur women in this sector should be supported. Fürthermore, for closing the digital divide between the countries, international organisational level studies are required. It is also very important that companies in the sector, in coordination with the national and international policies and projects, to develop women-focused software to break down the view which sees the Internet as a 'man's space'.
Akdeniz üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi dergisi, Feb 16, 2024
Because of digitalisation, social media platforms usage for news follow-up, the changing news con... more Because of digitalisation, social media platforms usage for news follow-up, the changing news consumption habits of young readers, and the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional journalism has been in a crisis for a while. Social media has become a significant competitor for news organisations in terms of both news consumption and advertising. Using the findings of the news consumption habits survey conducted with 200 participants in the United Kingdom (in London and Cardiff), this study discusses readers' expectations and consumption habits in the context of sustainable journalism. The survey constitutes a part of large-scale research carried out with the financial support of TÜBİTAK. It is revealed that readers heavily prefer digital platforms, including social media, for news follow-up, and this interest increased during the Pandemic. The main expectations of the consumer/reader are reliability, easy access/use, easy-to-follow, personalised/reader-specific content, and less advertising. Among the findings is that young readers prefer social media platforms that are not "news organisations" to follow the news. Readerbased revenues are regarded as the most crucial income for sustainable journalism. Media needs to understand the reader's expectations and produce news content that will create value for them to generate sustainable reader income.
In Türkiye, a country where Muslims comprise the majority, circumcision is performed on male chil... more In Türkiye, a country where Muslims comprise the majority, circumcision is performed on male children due to traditional and religious grounds. In this article, we explored Turkish circumcision ceremonies as a rite of passage related to hegemonic masculinity. Our aim was to uncover the traditionally accepted form of masculinity and analyse how it is reproduced in feast invitations. We conducted a descriptive analysis of 64 circumcision feast invitations obtained from the websites of six printing houses in Turkey. Through coding to examine the messages on the invitation cards, we identified three main topics: traditional and religious motives, the ritual of cutting, and the transition into masculinity. The invitations delineate what it means to be "a man" in a conservative, patriarchal society. In the analysed Geliş tarihi (
ATILIM ÜNİVERSİTESİ YAYINLARI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Culture and Communication in Anatolia: Past, Present and Future 15-17 June 2016, 2016
Bu kitabın her türlü basım, yayın ve telif hakları Atılım Üniversitesine aittir. Bütün hakları sa... more Bu kitabın her türlü basım, yayın ve telif hakları Atılım Üniversitesine aittir. Bütün hakları saklıdır. Kitabın tümü yada bölüm/bölümleri Atılım Üniversitesi'nin yazılı izni olmadan elektronik, mekanik yada diğer yollarla basılamaz, çoğaltılamaz ve dağıtılamaz. Aralık 2016 tarihinde elektronik olarak yayınlanmıştır.
Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in... more Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in many areas including economics, education, political participation and communication, for both individuals and communities. Parallel to these developments, having the skill and access to use these technologies reproduces the current inequalities between individuals and societies, and sometimes creates new forms of inequality. Information, which is essential in today's society, closely relates to the future of political, cultural, economic systems and the people. Even though an abstract concept, information produces a great material power; and to have it or not to have it matters. In today's so-called information society, having the information and the communication technologies and using them efficiently provides substantial advantage to both individual and to the nations, in contras not having them is disadvantageous in many aspects. In this study, the concept of digital divide, which is used to express inequality of access to information and Internet technologies between developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as between different social segments within the same country, was discussed from the perspective of gender inequality.Gender is determined to be an important parameter with regards to the access to information and to communication technologies and being able to use them efficiently.In the light of the present studies, the differences in the Internet access and usage between women and men were revealed through examples from some countries around the world, after which the situation in Turkey was investigated. First, as a result of the study, it was seen that, in almost all developing countries, men are more advantageous than women in using Internet technologies. This situation leaves women in a disadvantageous position compared to both men, and women in developed countries. The
Anadolu journal of educational sciences international, Feb 1, 2019
In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms ... more In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. For this aim seven different region of Turkey was surveyed and seven focus group interviews was conducted with the participation of 49 middle school students. The participants age was differed from 12 to 14. The data was collected with semi-structured question form. In this question form students were asked to discuss their cyberbullying experiences as being witness. However, some students wanted to talk about their experiences on being bully or victim in cyber-bullying process. Findings showed that all participants experienced cyber-bullying before. When the experiences of the students classified in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model it was revealed that participants had been in victim, possible defenders of victim, bully, defender of victim or passive defender of bully statuses in the past. On the other hand the other three statuses (disengaged onlooker, follower of bully and defender of bully) mentioned by Olweus was not found among the participants. According to the findings, victims were labeled as whipping boy; they did not follow the safety internet usage rules and they did not seek social support from peer or adults. Besides, it was found out that the possible defenders were aware of the victim's suffer and distress but they refrain to help them because of the peers' and adults negative attitudes. On the other hand findings of this study showed that bullies did not care the results of their behaviors and behave unethically on internet. It was revealed that these students bullied others for fun, revenge and protect victims. When it comes to the defenders of victim status, it was found that the students in this group had high level of empathy and self-efficacy. These students stated that they used different ways for fighting with bullying such as reconciliation with bullies, showing their open support to the victims in the other peers, using technological abilities to block the bullies and face-to-face fighting with bullies. As for the passive supporters of the bullies, the most remarkable thought they stated was that victims deserved bullies. These findings showed that middle school students had cyber-bullying experiences at school in Turkey and cyber-bullying is processing as the circle mentioned in Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. This study point out the importance of the cyberbullying statuses for the forthcoming studies. In this context researchers have to focus on removing the barriers that prevent the passive supporters of victims to be defenders of victim. Besides, studies such as improving the empathical understanding among bullies and their supporters have to be increased.
Anadolu Journal Of Educational Sciences International, 2019
In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms ... more In this research, cyber-bullying experiences of middle school students was investigated in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. For this aim seven different region of Turkey was surveyed and seven focus group interviews was conducted with the participation of 49 middle school students. The participants age was differed from 12 to 14. The data was collected with semi-structured question form. In this question form students were asked to discuss their cyberbullying experiences as being witness. However, some students wanted to talk about their experiences on being bully or victim in cyber-bullying process. Findings showed that all participants experienced cyber-bullying before. When the experiences of the students classified in terms of Olweus' Peer Bullying Model it was revealed that participants had been in victim, possible defenders of victim, bully, defender of victim or passive defender of bully statuses in the past. On the other hand the other three statuses (disengaged onlooker, follower of bully and defender of bully) mentioned by Olweus was not found among the participants. According to the findings, victims were labeled as whipping boy; they did not follow the safety internet usage rules and they did not seek social support from peer or adults. Besides, it was found out that the possible defenders were aware of the victim's suffer and distress but they refrain to help them because of the peers' and adults negative attitudes. On the other hand findings of this study showed that bullies did not care the results of their behaviors and behave unethically on internet. It was revealed that these students bullied others for fun, revenge and protect victims. When it comes to the defenders of victim status, it was found that the students in this group had high level of empathy and self-efficacy. These students stated that they used different ways for fighting with bullying such as reconciliation with bullies, showing their open support to the victims in the other peers, using technological abilities to block the bullies and face-to-face fighting with bullies. As for the passive supporters of the bullies, the most remarkable thought they stated was that victims deserved bullies. These findings showed that middle school students had cyber-bullying experiences at school in Turkey and cyber-bullying is processing as the circle mentioned in Olweus' Peer Bullying Model. This study point out the importance of the cyberbullying statuses for the forthcoming studies. In this context researchers have to focus on removing the barriers that prevent the passive supporters of victims to be defenders of victim. Besides, studies such as improving the empathical understanding among bullies and their supporters have to be increased.
Page 1. Kadın Programlarına Bir Bakış: "Kadının Sesi" v... more Page 1. Kadın Programlarına Bir Bakış: "Kadının Sesi" ve "Sizin Sesiniz"de Tür, Anlatı ve Format Emel Baştürk Akça Hasan Akbulut Özet 1990'lı yıllardan itibaren medyanın dönüşüm geçirmesiyle birlikte yeni televizyon tür ve formatları ortaya çıkmıştır. ...
Özet: İnternet teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, hem bireyler hem de toplumlar için ekonomiden eğiti... more Özet: İnternet teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, hem bireyler hem de toplumlar için ekonomiden eğitime, siyasal katılımdan haberleşmeye kadar pek çok alanda önemli yenilikler ve açılımlar getirmiştir. Bu açılımlara paralel olarak bu teknolojilere erişim ve kullanım becerisine sahip olmak, bireyler ve toplumlar arasında kimi zaman mevcut eşitsizlikleri tekrar üretmekte, kimi zaman da yeni eşitsizlik biçimleri yaratmaktadır. Günümüz toplumlarında yaşamsal bir öneme sahip olan bilgi, siyasal, kültürel, ekonomik sistemlerin ve halkların geleceğini yakından ilgilendirmektedir. Soyut bir kavram olmasına karşın büyük bir maddi güç üreten bilgi için de mevcut olan bir sahip olma ve sahip olamama durumu söz konusudur. Enformasyon toplumu olarak adlandırılan günümüz toplumunda bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerine sahip olmak ve bunları etkin biçimde kullanmak hem uluslara hem de bireylere önemli avantajlar sağlamakta, buna karşılık bu teknolojilerden yoksun olmak ise pek çok açıdan önemli dezavantajlar yaratmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bilgi ve İnternet teknolojilerine erişim konusunda gelişmiş ve az gelişmiş ülkeler ile aynı ülke içinde yaşayan farklı kesimler arasında yaşanan eşitsizliği ifade etmek için kullanılan dijital açık kavramı, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği perspektifinden ele alınmıştır. Cinsiyet, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerine erişebilme ve bu teknolojileri nitelikli olarak kullanabilme açısından önemli bir değişken olarak tespit edilmektedir. Mevcut çalışmalar ışığında dünya genelinde bazı ülke örnekleri üzerinden kadınlar ve erkekler arasındaki İnternet erişimi ve kullanımı konusundaki farklılıklar ortaya konulmuş ve ardından Türkiye’deki duruma bakılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerin hemen hepsinde erkeklerin İnternet teknolojilerini kullanım konusunda kadınlardan daha avantajlı konumda olduğu görülmüştür. Bu durum kadınları hem erkekler, hem de gelişmiş ülkelerdeki hemcinsleri karşısında dezavantajlı konuma düşürmektedir. Kadınlar ve erkekler arasındaki İnternet kullanım oranlarında görülen fark ve farkın keskinliği ülkelerin sosyo-ekonomik durumuna göre değişiklik göstermekte, gelişmişlik ve refah seviyesi düştükçe fark keskinleşmektedir. Aynı ülke içerisindeki kullanım oranları da yine eğitim seviyesi ve kent/kır ayrımı gibi pek çok faktörden etkilenmekte, kırda yaşayan kadınlar erkeklere ve kentte yaşayan kadınlara nazaran daha dezavantajlı konumda görünmektedir. Kadınların tümüyle avantajlı konumda olmasalar da istatistiksel açıdan İnternet kullanımında erkeklere yakın bir oran sağladıkları tek değişken eğitimdir. Kadınların eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe, bilgisayar ve İnternet kullanımının arttığı görülmektedir. Ancak bunun olumlu bir sonuç olarak değerlendirilebilmesi için İnternet kullanım amaçlarının da dikkate alınması gerektiği fark edilmektedir. Türkiye’de ise İnternet kullanımı hızla artmakta, ancak dijital cinsiyet açığı hala keskin bir biçimde karşımızda durmaktadır. İnternet teknolojilerine kolay, güvenilir ve nitelikli erişime sahip olmamak, bilginin serbest dolaşım avantajından mahrum olmak anlamına geldiği için, bu temel bir yurttaşlık hakkı olarak görülmelidir. Bu nedenle dijital açığı ortadan kaldırmak, yalnızca teknolojik yatırımların planlanması boyutunda değil, sosyal politikalar içerisinde de ele alınmalıdır. Ülkenin her yerinde ucuz ve güvenli internet erişiminin yanı sıra, e-okuryazarlık eğitimlerinin de isteyen herkesin ulaşabileceği şekilde düzenlenmesi bir gerekliliktir. İnternete erişim tüm yurttaşlar için anayasal olarak güvence altına alınmalı, asgari standartlar belirlenerek erişim konusunda eşitlik sağlanması için kapsayıcı politika ve projeler hayata geçirilmelidir. Cinsiyetler arasında görülen dijital açığın kapatılması ise toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine ilişkin mücadelenin önemli bir parçası olarak görülmeli ve İnternet teknolojilerinin kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayata daha etkin katılımının bir aracı olarak kullanılması yolunda adımlar atılmalıdır. Kadınlara ücretsiz yeni medya okuryazarlığı eğitimleri verilmeli, kadınların bilgi iletişim teknolojilerine erişimi noktasında pozitif ayrıcalıklar uygulanmalı, bu sektördeki girişimci kadınlar devlet tarafından desteklenmelidir. Ayrıca ülkeler arasındaki dijital açığın kapatılması adına da uluslararası örgütler düzeyinde de çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki politika ve projelerle sektördeki firmaların İnterneti bir ‘erkek alanı’ olarak gören bakışı yıkacak şekilde kadın odaklı yazılımlar geliştirmesi de oldukça önemlidir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: dijital açık, dijital cinsiyet açığı, İnternet, Türkiye
Abstract: Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in many areas including economics, education, political participation and communication, for both individuals and communities. Parallel to these developments, having the skill and access to use these technologies reproduces the current inequalities between individuals and societies, and sometimes creates new forms of inequality. Information, which is essential in today’s society, closely relates to the future of political, cultural, economic systems and the people. Even though an abstract concept, information produces a great material power; and to have it or not to have it matters. In today’s so-called information society, having the information and the communication technologies and using them efficiently provides substantial advantage to both individual and to the nations, in contras not having them is disadvantageous in many aspects. In this study, the concept of digital divide, which is used to express inequality of access to information and Internet technologies between developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as between different social segments within the same country, was discussed from the perspective of gender inequality.Gender is determined to be an important parameter with regards to the access to information and to communication technologies and being able to use them efficiently.In the light of the present studies, the differences in the Internet access and usage between women and men were revealed through examples from some countries around the world, after which the situation in Turkey was investigated. First, as a result of the study, it was seen that, in almost all developing countries, men are more advantageous than women in using Internet technologies. This situation leaves women in a disadvantageous position compared to both men, and women in developed countries. The difference between men’s and women’s Internet usage and the extent of difference depends heavily on the socio-economic status of the respective country; and the gap widens with lower level of development. Within the same country borders, usage rates also depends on several factors such as level of education, and living in urban or rural areas; rural women being more disadvantegous than the men and women living in urban areas. Though not advantageous, only parameter in which women attain a statistically close rate that of men is education. It has been observed that use of computer and the Internet is increased with increasing women’s level of education. However, in order to be viewed as a positive outcome, the purpose of the Internet use should also be considered. The Internet use in Turkey is increasingly rises, but digital gender divide is still a problem. Since not having easy, reliable and qualified access to Internet technologies means being devoid of the advantages of free movement of information, it should be considered as a fundamental civil right. For this reason, closing the digital divide should be viewed not only as a matter of planning the technological investments, but also within the framework of social policy. Providing countrywide inexpensive and reliable Internet access as well as literacy programs for those who want it is a requirement. Every citizen’s access to Internat should be assured constitutionally, minimum standards should be set and inclusive policies and projects should be implemented in order to achieve equality of access. The closure of the digital divide present between the genders should be seen as an important part of the struggle regarding gender equality, and steps should be taken to enable Internet technologies to be used as a means of women's active participation in social and economic life. New media literacy education should be given to women for free, with regard to the access to the information technologies, positive privileges for women should be applied, and entrepreneur women in this sector should be supported. Fürthermore, for closing the digital divide between the countries, international organisational level studies are required. It is also very important that companies in the sector, in coordination with the national and international policies and projects, to develop women-focused software to break down the view which sees the Internet as a 'man's space'.
Papers by Emel Baştürk
İnternet teknolojilerine kolay, güvenilir ve nitelikli erişime sahip olmamak, bilginin serbest dolaşım avantajından mahrum olmak anlamına geldiği için, bu temel bir yurttaşlık hakkı olarak görülmelidir. Bu nedenle dijital açığı ortadan kaldırmak, yalnızca teknolojik yatırımların planlanması boyutunda değil, sosyal politikalar içerisinde de ele alınmalıdır. Ülkenin her yerinde ucuz ve güvenli internet erişiminin yanı sıra, e-okuryazarlık eğitimlerinin de isteyen herkesin ulaşabileceği şekilde düzenlenmesi bir gerekliliktir. İnternete erişim tüm yurttaşlar için anayasal olarak güvence altına alınmalı, asgari standartlar belirlenerek erişim konusunda eşitlik sağlanması için kapsayıcı politika ve projeler hayata geçirilmelidir. Cinsiyetler arasında görülen dijital açığın kapatılması ise toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine ilişkin mücadelenin önemli bir parçası olarak görülmeli ve İnternet teknolojilerinin kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayata daha etkin katılımının bir aracı olarak kullanılması yolunda adımlar atılmalıdır. Kadınlara ücretsiz yeni medya okuryazarlığı eğitimleri verilmeli, kadınların bilgi iletişim teknolojilerine erişimi noktasında pozitif ayrıcalıklar uygulanmalı, bu sektördeki girişimci kadınlar devlet tarafından desteklenmelidir. Ayrıca ülkeler arasındaki dijital açığın kapatılması adına da uluslararası örgütler düzeyinde de çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki politika ve projelerle sektördeki firmaların İnterneti bir ‘erkek alanı’ olarak gören bakışı yıkacak şekilde kadın odaklı yazılımlar geliştirmesi de oldukça önemlidir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: dijital açık, dijital cinsiyet açığı, İnternet, Türkiye
Abstract: Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in many areas including economics, education, political participation and communication, for both individuals and communities. Parallel to these developments, having the skill and access to use these technologies reproduces the current inequalities between individuals and societies, and sometimes creates new forms of inequality. Information, which is essential in today’s society, closely relates to the future of political, cultural, economic systems and the people. Even though an abstract concept, information produces a great material power; and to have it or not to have it matters. In today’s so-called information society, having the information and the communication technologies and using them efficiently provides substantial advantage to both individual and to the nations, in contras not having them is disadvantageous in many aspects. In this study, the concept of digital divide, which is used to express inequality of access to information and Internet technologies between developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as between different social segments within the same country, was discussed from the perspective of gender inequality.Gender is determined to be an important parameter with regards to the access to information and to communication technologies and being able to use them efficiently.In the light of the present studies, the differences in the Internet access and usage between women and men were revealed through examples from some countries around the world, after which the situation in Turkey was investigated. First, as a result of the study, it was seen that, in almost all developing countries, men are more advantageous than women in using Internet technologies. This situation leaves women in a disadvantageous position compared to both men, and women in developed countries. The difference between men’s and women’s Internet usage and the extent of difference depends heavily on the socio-economic status of the respective country; and the gap widens with lower level of development. Within the same country borders, usage rates also depends on several factors such as level of education, and living in urban or rural areas; rural women being more disadvantegous than the men and women living in urban areas. Though not advantageous, only parameter in which women attain a statistically close rate that of men is education. It has been observed that use of computer and the Internet is increased with increasing women’s level of education. However, in order to be viewed as a positive outcome, the purpose of the Internet use should also be considered. The Internet use in Turkey is increasingly rises, but digital gender divide is still a problem.
Since not having easy, reliable and qualified access to Internet technologies means being devoid of the advantages of free movement of information, it should be considered as a fundamental civil right. For this reason, closing the digital divide should be viewed not only as a matter of planning the technological investments, but also within the framework of social policy. Providing countrywide inexpensive and reliable Internet access as well as literacy programs for those who want it is a requirement. Every citizen’s access to Internat should be assured constitutionally, minimum standards should be set and inclusive policies and projects should be implemented in order to achieve equality of access. The closure of the digital divide present between the genders should be seen as an important part of the struggle regarding gender equality, and steps should be taken to enable Internet technologies to be used as a means of women's active participation in social and economic life. New media literacy education should be given to women for free, with regard to the access to the information technologies, positive privileges for women should be applied, and entrepreneur women in this sector should be supported. Fürthermore, for closing the digital divide between the countries, international organisational level studies are required. It is also very important that companies in the sector, in coordination with the national and international policies and projects, to develop women-focused software to break down the view which sees the Internet as a 'man's space'.
Books by Emel Baştürk
İnternet teknolojilerine kolay, güvenilir ve nitelikli erişime sahip olmamak, bilginin serbest dolaşım avantajından mahrum olmak anlamına geldiği için, bu temel bir yurttaşlık hakkı olarak görülmelidir. Bu nedenle dijital açığı ortadan kaldırmak, yalnızca teknolojik yatırımların planlanması boyutunda değil, sosyal politikalar içerisinde de ele alınmalıdır. Ülkenin her yerinde ucuz ve güvenli internet erişiminin yanı sıra, e-okuryazarlık eğitimlerinin de isteyen herkesin ulaşabileceği şekilde düzenlenmesi bir gerekliliktir. İnternete erişim tüm yurttaşlar için anayasal olarak güvence altına alınmalı, asgari standartlar belirlenerek erişim konusunda eşitlik sağlanması için kapsayıcı politika ve projeler hayata geçirilmelidir. Cinsiyetler arasında görülen dijital açığın kapatılması ise toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine ilişkin mücadelenin önemli bir parçası olarak görülmeli ve İnternet teknolojilerinin kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayata daha etkin katılımının bir aracı olarak kullanılması yolunda adımlar atılmalıdır. Kadınlara ücretsiz yeni medya okuryazarlığı eğitimleri verilmeli, kadınların bilgi iletişim teknolojilerine erişimi noktasında pozitif ayrıcalıklar uygulanmalı, bu sektördeki girişimci kadınlar devlet tarafından desteklenmelidir. Ayrıca ülkeler arasındaki dijital açığın kapatılması adına da uluslararası örgütler düzeyinde de çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki politika ve projelerle sektördeki firmaların İnterneti bir ‘erkek alanı’ olarak gören bakışı yıkacak şekilde kadın odaklı yazılımlar geliştirmesi de oldukça önemlidir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: dijital açık, dijital cinsiyet açığı, İnternet, Türkiye
Abstract: Developments in Internet technologies have caused significant innovations and new implications in many areas including economics, education, political participation and communication, for both individuals and communities. Parallel to these developments, having the skill and access to use these technologies reproduces the current inequalities between individuals and societies, and sometimes creates new forms of inequality. Information, which is essential in today’s society, closely relates to the future of political, cultural, economic systems and the people. Even though an abstract concept, information produces a great material power; and to have it or not to have it matters. In today’s so-called information society, having the information and the communication technologies and using them efficiently provides substantial advantage to both individual and to the nations, in contras not having them is disadvantageous in many aspects. In this study, the concept of digital divide, which is used to express inequality of access to information and Internet technologies between developed and underdeveloped countries, as well as between different social segments within the same country, was discussed from the perspective of gender inequality.Gender is determined to be an important parameter with regards to the access to information and to communication technologies and being able to use them efficiently.In the light of the present studies, the differences in the Internet access and usage between women and men were revealed through examples from some countries around the world, after which the situation in Turkey was investigated. First, as a result of the study, it was seen that, in almost all developing countries, men are more advantageous than women in using Internet technologies. This situation leaves women in a disadvantageous position compared to both men, and women in developed countries. The difference between men’s and women’s Internet usage and the extent of difference depends heavily on the socio-economic status of the respective country; and the gap widens with lower level of development. Within the same country borders, usage rates also depends on several factors such as level of education, and living in urban or rural areas; rural women being more disadvantegous than the men and women living in urban areas. Though not advantageous, only parameter in which women attain a statistically close rate that of men is education. It has been observed that use of computer and the Internet is increased with increasing women’s level of education. However, in order to be viewed as a positive outcome, the purpose of the Internet use should also be considered. The Internet use in Turkey is increasingly rises, but digital gender divide is still a problem.
Since not having easy, reliable and qualified access to Internet technologies means being devoid of the advantages of free movement of information, it should be considered as a fundamental civil right. For this reason, closing the digital divide should be viewed not only as a matter of planning the technological investments, but also within the framework of social policy. Providing countrywide inexpensive and reliable Internet access as well as literacy programs for those who want it is a requirement. Every citizen’s access to Internat should be assured constitutionally, minimum standards should be set and inclusive policies and projects should be implemented in order to achieve equality of access. The closure of the digital divide present between the genders should be seen as an important part of the struggle regarding gender equality, and steps should be taken to enable Internet technologies to be used as a means of women's active participation in social and economic life. New media literacy education should be given to women for free, with regard to the access to the information technologies, positive privileges for women should be applied, and entrepreneur women in this sector should be supported. Fürthermore, for closing the digital divide between the countries, international organisational level studies are required. It is also very important that companies in the sector, in coordination with the national and international policies and projects, to develop women-focused software to break down the view which sees the Internet as a 'man's space'.