Bora Erdagi
Bora Erdağı Kocaeli Üniversitesi’nden makine mühendisi olarak mezun (1998) oldu. Ardından yine aynı üniversitenin Felsefe Bölümü’nden "Kant’ın Doğa Kavrayışı" ile yüksek lisans (2001), "Maddeci Tarihçiliğe Eleştirel Katkı Denemesi" ile doktora (2010) derecesi aldı. Erdağı’nın çok sayıda yayınlanmış makalesi, kitap bölümü ve editör olarak katkı verdiği çalışması bulunmaktadır. Felsefelogos, Praksis, Toplum ve Bilim, Kampflatz, Alternate Routes, Cogito, Baykuş katkılarının gerçekleştiği bazı akademik mecralardır. Erdağı söz konusu akademik çalışmaları nedeniyle hukuk ve siyaset felsefesi doçenti olmuştur (2013) ve yine aynı üniversitede ağırlıklı olarak 19. yüzyıldan çağdaş döneme felsefi okumalar ile ilgili dersler vermektedir. Erdağı Sanat Kahvesi’nde (1993-1998), Fayton dergisinde (1998-99), felsefelogos dergisinde (2001-2010), kampfplatz’ta (2011-2014), Kocaeli Kültür Kolektifi Derneği’nde (2010-2016), Etkinlikizi Kültürel Etkinlikler Platformu’nda (2017’den beri), Uluslararası Taner Yelkenci Hukuk ve Devlet Teorisi Sempozyumu’nda (2013’den beri) ulusal ve uluslararası katılımlı yayımlar ve etkinlikler düzenlenmesine katkı vermektedir.
Bora Erdağı received his BA degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kocaeli University in 1998. He completed his MA degree on “ Conception of Nature in Kant” (2001) and Ph.D. degree on “A Critical Contribution on Materialist History” (2010) at the Department of Philosophy of the same university. Erdağı’s research has led to several publications including academic articles, book chapters and co-edited works. He contributed to the academic journals such as felsefelogos, Praksis, Toplum ve Bilim, Kampflatz, Alternate Routes, Cogito, and Baykuş. Erdağı became an associate professor on the philosophy of law and politics in 2013 and has been lecturing on the philosophical readings from the 19th century to the contemporary period at Kocaeli University, Department of Philosophy. As an active participant of some collective and academic circles, such as Erdağı Sanat Kahvesi (1993-1998), Fayton (1998-1999), felsefelogos (2001-2010), Kampflatz (2011-2014), Kocaeli Cultural Collective Association (2010-2016), Etkinlikizi Cultural Events Platform (since 2017), and International Taner Yelkenci Law and State Theory Symposium (since 2013), he has contributed to academic collective publications and organized national and international events.
Bora Erdağı received his BA degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kocaeli University in 1998. He completed his MA degree on “ Conception of Nature in Kant” (2001) and Ph.D. degree on “A Critical Contribution on Materialist History” (2010) at the Department of Philosophy of the same university. Erdağı’s research has led to several publications including academic articles, book chapters and co-edited works. He contributed to the academic journals such as felsefelogos, Praksis, Toplum ve Bilim, Kampflatz, Alternate Routes, Cogito, and Baykuş. Erdağı became an associate professor on the philosophy of law and politics in 2013 and has been lecturing on the philosophical readings from the 19th century to the contemporary period at Kocaeli University, Department of Philosophy. As an active participant of some collective and academic circles, such as Erdağı Sanat Kahvesi (1993-1998), Fayton (1998-1999), felsefelogos (2001-2010), Kampflatz (2011-2014), Kocaeli Cultural Collective Association (2010-2016), Etkinlikizi Cultural Events Platform (since 2017), and International Taner Yelkenci Law and State Theory Symposium (since 2013), he has contributed to academic collective publications and organized national and international events.
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