This article presents a hoard of 27 metal artefacts and fragments of one ceramic vessel from the ... more This article presents a hoard of 27 metal artefacts and fragments of one ceramic vessel from the South Bohemian site of Krtely, dated to the earlier phase of the Late Bronze Age (Br D-Ha A1). Two exceptional phenomena are associated with the hoard. The first is its placement in a burial mound, and the second is the presence of two fragments of a broken miner's pick, analogous to those found in the salt mines of Hallstatt. In addition to typological-chronological analyses, the article also includes elemental composition and use-wear analyses of the pick. Unique to this find is the reutilization of the pick as a chisel. The hoard also contained a fragment of a cast sword hilt with embedded fragments of other artefacts, examined by X-ray and tomographic analyses. The hoard from Krtely significantly contributes to the ongoing discussion on the role of Bronze Age metal hoards and their potential connections to ritualized behaviour and the spiritual world of that era. South Bohemia-Late Bronze Age-hoard-pick-burial mound-XRF analyses-use-wear analyses V článku je publikován depot 27 kovových artefaktů a zlomků jedné keramické nádoby z jihočeské lokality Krtely, který lze datovat do starší fáze mladší doby bronzové (Br D-Ha A1). S depotem jsou spojeny dva výjimečné fenomény, na něž je tento článek zaměřen. Prvním je fakt uložení depotu do mohyly, druhým pak přítomnost do dvou fragmentů rozlomeného hornického špičáku s analogiemi v solných dolech v Hallstattu. Vedle typologicko-chronologické analýzy je v článku tento artefakt podroben i analýze prvkového složení a traseologické analýze. Zatím bez analogií je jeho reutilizace na dláto. Depot obsahoval i zlomek lité rukojeti meče, do níž jsou vloženy zlomky dalších artefaktů, které byly zkoumány pomocí rentgenové a tomografické analýzy. Depot z Krtel významně přispívá do bohaté diskuse o roli kovových depotů doby bronzové a o jejich možných souvislostech s ritualizovaným chováním a duchovním světem tehdejších lidí. jižní Čechy-mladší doba bronzová-depot-špičák-mohyla-XRF analýzy-traseologická analýza
This paper focuses on a unique Nortycken-type bronze battle-axe recently discovered as part of th... more This paper focuses on a unique Nortycken-type bronze battle-axe recently discovered as part of the Late Bronze Age hoard (Br D – Ha A1) at the site Olešná in Southern Bohemia. The battle-axe probably originates from the Eastern Baltic or Northern Poland, where similar artifacts are primarily dated to Period I-III of the Bronze Age. The possible role of this artifact in Southern Bohemia remains in question. The Nortycken-type battle-axe was likely imported over a considerable distance, but there is no evidence of a connection to local Bronze Age elites. The archaeological record does not indicate the presence of such elites in the region of Southern Bohemia (Czech Republic).
Pozdní doba bronzová představuje v jižních Čechách epochu, která ve srovnání s předchozími fázemi... more Pozdní doba bronzová představuje v jižních Čechách epochu, která ve srovnání s předchozími fázemi doby bronzové poskytuje daleko méně pramenů (srov. Chvojka 2015). Dosud zde zcela chybějí s jistotou prokázané hrobové nálezy, v jednotkách lokalit lze počítat depoty kovových artefaktů, výšinná opevněná i neopevněná sídliště a ojedinělé nálezy. Relativně největší počet komponent pozdní doby bronzové tak v jižních Čechách spadá na rovinná sídliště, ovšem i v jejich případě je stav poznání dosud velmi omezený. Za lépe poznaná, tj. moderně prozkoumaná, vyhodnocená a publikovaná, lze označit jen pět sídlišť: Strakonice (Michálek 2002), Milenovice (Fröhlich-Chvojka 2001), Čížová (první sezóna výzkumu: Fröhlich-Chvojka-Jiřík 2004; další sezóny výzkumu aktuálně zpracovává a k publikaci připravuje K. Pokorná), Písek (Pokorná et al. 2016) a Topělec (Pokorná et al. 2017). Dalším rovinným sídlištěm pozdní doby bronzové, které bylo již před téměř 15 lety odborně zkoumáno, dosud však nebylo podrobněji zpracováno, je lokalita v Senožatech na Bechyňsku. Předložený článek se tak snaží uvedený dluh napravit a přinést komplexní vyhodnocení této zajímavé lokality.
Das Depot aus Svrčovec ist ein typischer Fundkomplex der älteren Urnenfelderzeit. Es handelt sich... more Das Depot aus Svrčovec ist ein typischer Fundkomplex der älteren Urnenfelderzeit. Es handelt sich um ein Depot mit Fragmenten unterschiedlicher Produkte, die zusammen mit Stücken plankonvexer Gusskuchen deponiert wurden, was besonders für die Stufen Bz D–Ha A1 typisch ist. Es handelt sich um eine größere Kollektion von mehr als 100 Einzelstücken mit einem überwiegenden Anteil an Gusskuchen (67 %). Unter den Artefakten dominieren Sicheln und Beile. Schwerter, ein rundes Schmuckstück, ein Armband, eine Nadel und eine Falere kommen als Einzelstücke vor. Ihrer Zusammensetzung nach zu schließen gehören sie zu Depots des Lažany–Horizonts. Ein interessantes Fundstück ist ein Beil aus der Stufe Bz A1/A2. Da in Westböhmen bisher keine Funde aus dieser Periode belegt sind, stammt das Randleistenbeil nicht nur aus einem anderen Zeitabschnitt als der Rest des Depots, sondern sehr wahrscheinlich auch aus einer anderen Region. Nach einer Analyse der Elementzusammensetzung der Bruchstücke der plankonvexen Gusskuchen bestehen alle diese Bruchstücke aus Kupfer, im Gegensatz zu den fertigen Produkten, die aus Zinnbronze gegossen wurden. Eine Analyse der Legierungen ergab einen unterschiedlichen Zinnanteil bei den Beilen und Sicheln. Ein Bruchstück eines Randleistenbeils (Abb. 5:9) wurde aus einer für die frühe Bronzezeit charakteristischen, als „Singener Metall“ bezeichneten Legierung hergestellt. Funde von Beilen des Typs Salez, welche in ihrer Zusammensetzung und Form den Bruchstücken aus Svrčovec entsprechen, kommen besonders in der Umgebung des Bodensees konzentriert vor. Der Ursprung des für ihre Herstellung benötigten Kupfers wird daher in den angrenzenden Alpengebieten an der Grenze zwischen dem heutigen Österreich und der Schweiz gesucht.
Neuerlich ist es gelungen, dank der senkrechten Flugaufnahme aus dem Jahr 2017 im Kataster der Ge... more Neuerlich ist es gelungen, dank der senkrechten Flugaufnahme aus dem Jahr 2017 im Kataster der Gemeinde Lékařova Lhota (Bezirk Budweis) die Vegetationsmerkmale eines verschwundenen Objektes mit ungewohnt regelmäßiger Form eines Siebenwinkels mit Maßen 20x20 Meter zu entdecken (Abb. 1 A). Auf der Stelle hat man nachher die Prospektion mit Magnetometer und Metallsuchgerät duchgeführt. Die selbständige Parzelle einer sehr ähnlichen Form ist schon in der Karte des Stabilkatasters aus dem Jahr 1827 erfaßt (Abb. 1 B) und die Entstehung des Objektes kann man also zuverlässig vor dieses Datum einreihen. Wir schlagen in diesem Artikel die mögliche Interpretation des Objektes im Sinne der militärischen Fortifikation (Redoute) höchstwahrscheinlich aus dem 18. Jahrhundert vor. Zu dieser Interpretation führt uns die Form des Objektes, die der Artillerieredoute bei Habrovany in Nordböhmen aus siebziger Jahren des 18. Jahrhunderts ähnelt (Abb. 1 D). Das weitere Indiz ist die Plazierung an der Anhöhe mit guter Aussicht in der Nähe der bedeutenden Kommunikation. Die mit Metallsuchgerät gefundenen Gegenstände bestätigen unsere Hypothese. Erwähnugswert sind vor allem die Münze aus dem Jahr 1762 und im Militärmilieu beliebtes Medaillon mit dem von der Skt. Georg-Amulettmedaille übernommenen Motiv (Abb. 2). Der Artikel bringt auch Verzeichnis der historischen Ereignisse militärischer Art, die mit dem Objekt irgendwie in Zusammenhang sein könnten. Die hiesige Landschaft wurde zum Schauplatz der militärischen Operationen im Österreichischen Ergfolgekrieg 1741 bis 1744 und im Siebenjährigen Krieg, in dem man zwar in Südböhmen nicht direkt gekämpft hat, aber die Region diente als Kommunikations-, Nachschubs-und Übungsplatz der österreichischen Armee.
A hoard from Držov (Písek District). A contribution to the knowledge of fibulae of the Late and F... more A hoard from Držov (Písek District). A contribution to the knowledge of fibulae of the Late and Final Bronze Age in South Bohemia. In 2020, a hoard of two bronze objects-a shield fibula and a spiral armlet-was discovered in the cadastral area of Držov in the Písek region. These artefacts are so far quite unique in South Bohemia. They both can be dated to the beginning of the Final Bronze Age (Ha B1). The fibula has its nearest analogy in an assemblage discovered in the nearby village of Vrcovice and is probably of local provenance. It is interesting that the fibula was repaired with two decorated pieces of sheet metal which could have come from another fibula. The Držov hoard is only the fifth hoard of the Jenišovice horizon in South Bohemia.
The article provides information about a small assemblage of glass artefacts from the middle/late... more The article provides information about a small assemblage of glass artefacts from the middle/late La Tène period which were found by surface collection south of the village of Chlumec (Olešník, České Budějovice District). The most extraordinary find is a fragment of a spool-shaped bead with decoration in the form of a schematised human face, which has not been recorded in Bohemia before. This form of face beads proves contacts between South Bohemia and the Carpathian Basin, as most of the previously known specimens come from Moravia, Slovakia and Hungary. The article also presents the results of XRF analysis of glass samples which allowed us to reliably exclude two artefacts from the assemblage whose chemical composition does not correspond to La Tène period glass.
The paper describes the excavation of the unmarked graves of civilians from World War II, close t... more The paper describes the excavation of the unmarked graves of civilians from World War II, close to the village of Blato near Nová Bystřice, and discusses the collection and examination of the many personalitems from the 20th century found in the graves of the people buried there. Thanks to archaeology, the items which were buried create a unique opportunity to find out more about the lives of the owners and their tragic end. Some of the finds, for example wallets, offer the possibility to better understand the wartime circulation of money in the region. Additionally, they could serve to help us discover the identity of the deceased.
The universal medicine and antidote known as theriac was produced in large quantities by dozens o... more The universal medicine and antidote known as theriac was produced in large quantities by dozens of pharmacies in Venice, Italy from the 16th century onwards. It also became a valued commercial item, exported by long-distance trade from Venice to many regions, and the evidence of the import of theriac to the Czech lands comes mainly from the metal tops of the vessels (jars) in which it was distributed. The inscriptions and symbols usually make it possible to identify particular pharmacies and sometimes even their more specific chronological classification. The article describes six such tops that were found in South Bohemia and transferred to collecting institutions. The description of the tops also includes the results of the X-ray fluorescence analysis of the composition of the alloy used.
The article presents an evaluation of a recently found deposit of three bronze bracelets from the... more The article presents an evaluation of a recently found deposit of three bronze bracelets from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age from Kladruby in western part of Strakonice district in South Bohemia. Although the find belongs to the smallest South Bohemian hoards of the Urnfield Period, it is interesting from several points of view. The first is its unusual typological composition, consisting of three whole and richly decorated bracelets; a similar typological scheme is still exceptional in South Bohemian hoards. Equally important is the geographical location of the hoard in the hitherto little-known, seemingly peripheral landscape of the upper Otava-river, which in the era of Urnfileds formed a link between the South and West Bohemian regions.
The article is devoted to two hoards of metal artefacts from the end of the Middle or the beginni... more The article is devoted to two hoards of metal artefacts from the end of the Middle or the beginning of the Late Bronze Age, which were recently discovered near Jindřichův Hradec. The Jindřichův Hradec region was previously considered to be a landscape that was practically unsettled in the Bronze Age. The assemblages from Najdek and Dolní Radouň, published here, represent the first certain Bronze Age deposits from the area. The findings from both sites are subjected to both typological and chronological analysis and XRF analysis. The article also presents an updated inventory of Bronze Age finds from the Jindřichův Hradec district.
Článek je věnován dvěma depotům kovových artefaktů ze závěru střední, resp. z počátku mladší doby bronzové, které byly nedávno objeveny v blízkosti Jindřichova Hradce. Jindřichohradecko bylo dosud považováno za krajinu, kterou lidé v době bronzové prakticky nevyužívali. Na tomto místě zveřejněné soubory z Najdku a Dolní Radouně představují vůbec první jisté depoty doby bronzové z uvedené oblasti. Nálezy z obou depotů jsou podrobeny jak typologicko-chronologickému rozboru, tak i analýze XRF. Článek rovněž přináší aktualizovaný soupis nálezů doby bronzové z okresu Jindřichův Hradec.
X-ray 2D imaging and 3D computed tomography are increasingly used for surveying archaeological finds and objects of cultural heritage. As examples of non-destructive methods, they can be used for the inspection of the inner structures of objects without modifying their original form. The contribution deals with the possibilities, limitations and results of a tomographic survey of a uniquely preserved hoard of coins discovered in 2020 near the village of Hradce in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic). The hoard was deposited in a ceramic vessel about 17 cm high and with a diameter of about 15 cm at the widest point. The weight of the hoard is 3.8 kg, and it contains more than 5000 coins dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. A small number of coins are still wrapped in fabric since the fifteenth century. The contents of this fabric package in terms of the amount and type of present coins have been identified by X-ray tomography.
Research into Neolithic sites in South Bohemia during the year 2021. Intermediate results of a gr... more Research into Neolithic sites in South Bohemia during the year 2021. Intermediate results of a grant project focusing on Neolithic settlement of South Bohemia are presented in the article. Magnetometer survey at the sites of Dehtáře a Radčice 1 revealed several hypothetical building complexes consisting of longhouses which are usually only identified as larger magnetic anomalies reflecting the presence of longitudinal construction pits. Although the ground plans are difficult to interpret, at least their orientation can be reconstructed. All so far known longhouses in the south of Bohemia seem to more or less respect a south-north orientation. One such construction pit belonging to a longhouse was completely excavated at the site of Dehtáře. An important find made in the first year of the project is without doubt the discovery of an LBK cremation grave at Protivín which is actually the earliest known burial in the south of Bohemia. A magnetometer survey in the immediate vicinity of the findspot shows a number of smaller anomalies which could potentially be other graves.
A barrow grave from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age near Přední Ptákovice (Strakonice Distri... more A barrow grave from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age near Přední Ptákovice (Strakonice District). In 2017, a so far unknown barrow containing a cremation burial was discovered on the eastern outskirts of the town of Strakonice. According to several distinctive bronze grave goods, it dates back to the beginning of the Late Bronze Age. It is the most westerly proven barrow grave from this period in South Bohemia. It was situated in a landscape which has so far been considered as a region with exclusively flat graves. The metal finds from the grave were analyzed using XRF analysis, the cremated bones were anthropologically investigated.
The paper contains a list and an evaluation of newly discovered metal artefacts from the Hallstat... more The paper contains a list and an evaluation of newly discovered metal artefacts from the Hallstatt (Ha C-Ha D 2/3-LT A) and La Tène (LT B-D) periods originating from sites distributed almost all over South Bohemia. From the viewpoint of find types, these are predominantly isolated finds. In one case, a hoard or a related activity is likely. The other objects come from newly discovered and unregistered settlement and burial contexts.
S-shaped temple rings and a weight which were newly discovered at three sites are presented in th... more S-shaped temple rings and a weight which were newly discovered at three sites are presented in the article. Based on analysis, the convolute of finds is dated to the 11 th (or possibly to the 12 th) century and thus contributes to our knowledge of the newly defined settlement districts in the Dobříš and Sedlčany regions during this period.
A Bronze-Age bronze anvil from Zlivice, Písek District. The article contains an evaluation of an ... more A Bronze-Age bronze anvil from Zlivice, Písek District. The article contains an evaluation of an assemblage consisting of two bronze objects which were found together in a wood near Zlivice in the Písek region in around 2010. A so-called cross anvil with two striking surfaces and two edges stands out. It is a rare find in the context of the whole of Bohemia. Judging from a fragment of a bronze bracelet which was found together with it, the anvil may probably date back to the close of the Middle or the turn of the Middle and Late Bronze Age. In the article, the anvil is analyzed both typologically and from the viewpoint of its material composition.
The paper provides an overview of the first Bronze Age finds discovered in recent years in the pe... more The paper provides an overview of the first Bronze Age finds discovered in recent years in the peripheral area near the upper course of the River Malše, at the border between today's regions of southern Bohemia and Upper Austria. Several isolated finds of metal items and two hoards from the southern Bohemian part of the upper Malše basin indicate the use of this area, seemingly uninhabited in the Bronze Age, as a possible communication corridor connecting the two above-mentioned regions. For the first time, a hoard of bronze artefacts from the Late Bronze Age from Tichá is published in this paper, which significantly contributes to the knowledge and possible interpretation of prehistoric human activities in this region.
Článek přináší informaci o nálezu tří vídeňských feniků z areálu hradu u Boršova nad Vltavou, k n... more Článek přináší informaci o nálezu tří vídeňských feniků z areálu hradu u Boršova nad Vltavou, k němuž došlo během detektorové prospekce v roce 2018. Všechny tři feniky byly vyraženy během vlády Rudolfa Habsburského v letech 1276–1282. Mince v kombinaci s písemnými prameny dokladují využívání hradu v poslední čtvrtině 13. století.
The article informs about three Vienna pfennigs from the area of a castle near Boršov nad Vltavou (České Budějovice District), found during a metal detector survey in 2018. All three pfennigs were struck during the reign of Rudolf I of Habsburg in 1276–1282. The coins in combination with the written sources prove that the castle was inhabited in the last quarter of the 13th century.
This article presents a hoard of 27 metal artefacts and fragments of one ceramic vessel from the ... more This article presents a hoard of 27 metal artefacts and fragments of one ceramic vessel from the South Bohemian site of Krtely, dated to the earlier phase of the Late Bronze Age (Br D-Ha A1). Two exceptional phenomena are associated with the hoard. The first is its placement in a burial mound, and the second is the presence of two fragments of a broken miner's pick, analogous to those found in the salt mines of Hallstatt. In addition to typological-chronological analyses, the article also includes elemental composition and use-wear analyses of the pick. Unique to this find is the reutilization of the pick as a chisel. The hoard also contained a fragment of a cast sword hilt with embedded fragments of other artefacts, examined by X-ray and tomographic analyses. The hoard from Krtely significantly contributes to the ongoing discussion on the role of Bronze Age metal hoards and their potential connections to ritualized behaviour and the spiritual world of that era. South Bohemia-Late Bronze Age-hoard-pick-burial mound-XRF analyses-use-wear analyses V článku je publikován depot 27 kovových artefaktů a zlomků jedné keramické nádoby z jihočeské lokality Krtely, který lze datovat do starší fáze mladší doby bronzové (Br D-Ha A1). S depotem jsou spojeny dva výjimečné fenomény, na něž je tento článek zaměřen. Prvním je fakt uložení depotu do mohyly, druhým pak přítomnost do dvou fragmentů rozlomeného hornického špičáku s analogiemi v solných dolech v Hallstattu. Vedle typologicko-chronologické analýzy je v článku tento artefakt podroben i analýze prvkového složení a traseologické analýze. Zatím bez analogií je jeho reutilizace na dláto. Depot obsahoval i zlomek lité rukojeti meče, do níž jsou vloženy zlomky dalších artefaktů, které byly zkoumány pomocí rentgenové a tomografické analýzy. Depot z Krtel významně přispívá do bohaté diskuse o roli kovových depotů doby bronzové a o jejich možných souvislostech s ritualizovaným chováním a duchovním světem tehdejších lidí. jižní Čechy-mladší doba bronzová-depot-špičák-mohyla-XRF analýzy-traseologická analýza
This paper focuses on a unique Nortycken-type bronze battle-axe recently discovered as part of th... more This paper focuses on a unique Nortycken-type bronze battle-axe recently discovered as part of the Late Bronze Age hoard (Br D – Ha A1) at the site Olešná in Southern Bohemia. The battle-axe probably originates from the Eastern Baltic or Northern Poland, where similar artifacts are primarily dated to Period I-III of the Bronze Age. The possible role of this artifact in Southern Bohemia remains in question. The Nortycken-type battle-axe was likely imported over a considerable distance, but there is no evidence of a connection to local Bronze Age elites. The archaeological record does not indicate the presence of such elites in the region of Southern Bohemia (Czech Republic).
Pozdní doba bronzová představuje v jižních Čechách epochu, která ve srovnání s předchozími fázemi... more Pozdní doba bronzová představuje v jižních Čechách epochu, která ve srovnání s předchozími fázemi doby bronzové poskytuje daleko méně pramenů (srov. Chvojka 2015). Dosud zde zcela chybějí s jistotou prokázané hrobové nálezy, v jednotkách lokalit lze počítat depoty kovových artefaktů, výšinná opevněná i neopevněná sídliště a ojedinělé nálezy. Relativně největší počet komponent pozdní doby bronzové tak v jižních Čechách spadá na rovinná sídliště, ovšem i v jejich případě je stav poznání dosud velmi omezený. Za lépe poznaná, tj. moderně prozkoumaná, vyhodnocená a publikovaná, lze označit jen pět sídlišť: Strakonice (Michálek 2002), Milenovice (Fröhlich-Chvojka 2001), Čížová (první sezóna výzkumu: Fröhlich-Chvojka-Jiřík 2004; další sezóny výzkumu aktuálně zpracovává a k publikaci připravuje K. Pokorná), Písek (Pokorná et al. 2016) a Topělec (Pokorná et al. 2017). Dalším rovinným sídlištěm pozdní doby bronzové, které bylo již před téměř 15 lety odborně zkoumáno, dosud však nebylo podrobněji zpracováno, je lokalita v Senožatech na Bechyňsku. Předložený článek se tak snaží uvedený dluh napravit a přinést komplexní vyhodnocení této zajímavé lokality.
Das Depot aus Svrčovec ist ein typischer Fundkomplex der älteren Urnenfelderzeit. Es handelt sich... more Das Depot aus Svrčovec ist ein typischer Fundkomplex der älteren Urnenfelderzeit. Es handelt sich um ein Depot mit Fragmenten unterschiedlicher Produkte, die zusammen mit Stücken plankonvexer Gusskuchen deponiert wurden, was besonders für die Stufen Bz D–Ha A1 typisch ist. Es handelt sich um eine größere Kollektion von mehr als 100 Einzelstücken mit einem überwiegenden Anteil an Gusskuchen (67 %). Unter den Artefakten dominieren Sicheln und Beile. Schwerter, ein rundes Schmuckstück, ein Armband, eine Nadel und eine Falere kommen als Einzelstücke vor. Ihrer Zusammensetzung nach zu schließen gehören sie zu Depots des Lažany–Horizonts. Ein interessantes Fundstück ist ein Beil aus der Stufe Bz A1/A2. Da in Westböhmen bisher keine Funde aus dieser Periode belegt sind, stammt das Randleistenbeil nicht nur aus einem anderen Zeitabschnitt als der Rest des Depots, sondern sehr wahrscheinlich auch aus einer anderen Region. Nach einer Analyse der Elementzusammensetzung der Bruchstücke der plankonvexen Gusskuchen bestehen alle diese Bruchstücke aus Kupfer, im Gegensatz zu den fertigen Produkten, die aus Zinnbronze gegossen wurden. Eine Analyse der Legierungen ergab einen unterschiedlichen Zinnanteil bei den Beilen und Sicheln. Ein Bruchstück eines Randleistenbeils (Abb. 5:9) wurde aus einer für die frühe Bronzezeit charakteristischen, als „Singener Metall“ bezeichneten Legierung hergestellt. Funde von Beilen des Typs Salez, welche in ihrer Zusammensetzung und Form den Bruchstücken aus Svrčovec entsprechen, kommen besonders in der Umgebung des Bodensees konzentriert vor. Der Ursprung des für ihre Herstellung benötigten Kupfers wird daher in den angrenzenden Alpengebieten an der Grenze zwischen dem heutigen Österreich und der Schweiz gesucht.
Neuerlich ist es gelungen, dank der senkrechten Flugaufnahme aus dem Jahr 2017 im Kataster der Ge... more Neuerlich ist es gelungen, dank der senkrechten Flugaufnahme aus dem Jahr 2017 im Kataster der Gemeinde Lékařova Lhota (Bezirk Budweis) die Vegetationsmerkmale eines verschwundenen Objektes mit ungewohnt regelmäßiger Form eines Siebenwinkels mit Maßen 20x20 Meter zu entdecken (Abb. 1 A). Auf der Stelle hat man nachher die Prospektion mit Magnetometer und Metallsuchgerät duchgeführt. Die selbständige Parzelle einer sehr ähnlichen Form ist schon in der Karte des Stabilkatasters aus dem Jahr 1827 erfaßt (Abb. 1 B) und die Entstehung des Objektes kann man also zuverlässig vor dieses Datum einreihen. Wir schlagen in diesem Artikel die mögliche Interpretation des Objektes im Sinne der militärischen Fortifikation (Redoute) höchstwahrscheinlich aus dem 18. Jahrhundert vor. Zu dieser Interpretation führt uns die Form des Objektes, die der Artillerieredoute bei Habrovany in Nordböhmen aus siebziger Jahren des 18. Jahrhunderts ähnelt (Abb. 1 D). Das weitere Indiz ist die Plazierung an der Anhöhe mit guter Aussicht in der Nähe der bedeutenden Kommunikation. Die mit Metallsuchgerät gefundenen Gegenstände bestätigen unsere Hypothese. Erwähnugswert sind vor allem die Münze aus dem Jahr 1762 und im Militärmilieu beliebtes Medaillon mit dem von der Skt. Georg-Amulettmedaille übernommenen Motiv (Abb. 2). Der Artikel bringt auch Verzeichnis der historischen Ereignisse militärischer Art, die mit dem Objekt irgendwie in Zusammenhang sein könnten. Die hiesige Landschaft wurde zum Schauplatz der militärischen Operationen im Österreichischen Ergfolgekrieg 1741 bis 1744 und im Siebenjährigen Krieg, in dem man zwar in Südböhmen nicht direkt gekämpft hat, aber die Region diente als Kommunikations-, Nachschubs-und Übungsplatz der österreichischen Armee.
A hoard from Držov (Písek District). A contribution to the knowledge of fibulae of the Late and F... more A hoard from Držov (Písek District). A contribution to the knowledge of fibulae of the Late and Final Bronze Age in South Bohemia. In 2020, a hoard of two bronze objects-a shield fibula and a spiral armlet-was discovered in the cadastral area of Držov in the Písek region. These artefacts are so far quite unique in South Bohemia. They both can be dated to the beginning of the Final Bronze Age (Ha B1). The fibula has its nearest analogy in an assemblage discovered in the nearby village of Vrcovice and is probably of local provenance. It is interesting that the fibula was repaired with two decorated pieces of sheet metal which could have come from another fibula. The Držov hoard is only the fifth hoard of the Jenišovice horizon in South Bohemia.
The article provides information about a small assemblage of glass artefacts from the middle/late... more The article provides information about a small assemblage of glass artefacts from the middle/late La Tène period which were found by surface collection south of the village of Chlumec (Olešník, České Budějovice District). The most extraordinary find is a fragment of a spool-shaped bead with decoration in the form of a schematised human face, which has not been recorded in Bohemia before. This form of face beads proves contacts between South Bohemia and the Carpathian Basin, as most of the previously known specimens come from Moravia, Slovakia and Hungary. The article also presents the results of XRF analysis of glass samples which allowed us to reliably exclude two artefacts from the assemblage whose chemical composition does not correspond to La Tène period glass.
The paper describes the excavation of the unmarked graves of civilians from World War II, close t... more The paper describes the excavation of the unmarked graves of civilians from World War II, close to the village of Blato near Nová Bystřice, and discusses the collection and examination of the many personalitems from the 20th century found in the graves of the people buried there. Thanks to archaeology, the items which were buried create a unique opportunity to find out more about the lives of the owners and their tragic end. Some of the finds, for example wallets, offer the possibility to better understand the wartime circulation of money in the region. Additionally, they could serve to help us discover the identity of the deceased.
The universal medicine and antidote known as theriac was produced in large quantities by dozens o... more The universal medicine and antidote known as theriac was produced in large quantities by dozens of pharmacies in Venice, Italy from the 16th century onwards. It also became a valued commercial item, exported by long-distance trade from Venice to many regions, and the evidence of the import of theriac to the Czech lands comes mainly from the metal tops of the vessels (jars) in which it was distributed. The inscriptions and symbols usually make it possible to identify particular pharmacies and sometimes even their more specific chronological classification. The article describes six such tops that were found in South Bohemia and transferred to collecting institutions. The description of the tops also includes the results of the X-ray fluorescence analysis of the composition of the alloy used.
The article presents an evaluation of a recently found deposit of three bronze bracelets from the... more The article presents an evaluation of a recently found deposit of three bronze bracelets from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age from Kladruby in western part of Strakonice district in South Bohemia. Although the find belongs to the smallest South Bohemian hoards of the Urnfield Period, it is interesting from several points of view. The first is its unusual typological composition, consisting of three whole and richly decorated bracelets; a similar typological scheme is still exceptional in South Bohemian hoards. Equally important is the geographical location of the hoard in the hitherto little-known, seemingly peripheral landscape of the upper Otava-river, which in the era of Urnfileds formed a link between the South and West Bohemian regions.
The article is devoted to two hoards of metal artefacts from the end of the Middle or the beginni... more The article is devoted to two hoards of metal artefacts from the end of the Middle or the beginning of the Late Bronze Age, which were recently discovered near Jindřichův Hradec. The Jindřichův Hradec region was previously considered to be a landscape that was practically unsettled in the Bronze Age. The assemblages from Najdek and Dolní Radouň, published here, represent the first certain Bronze Age deposits from the area. The findings from both sites are subjected to both typological and chronological analysis and XRF analysis. The article also presents an updated inventory of Bronze Age finds from the Jindřichův Hradec district.
Článek je věnován dvěma depotům kovových artefaktů ze závěru střední, resp. z počátku mladší doby bronzové, které byly nedávno objeveny v blízkosti Jindřichova Hradce. Jindřichohradecko bylo dosud považováno za krajinu, kterou lidé v době bronzové prakticky nevyužívali. Na tomto místě zveřejněné soubory z Najdku a Dolní Radouně představují vůbec první jisté depoty doby bronzové z uvedené oblasti. Nálezy z obou depotů jsou podrobeny jak typologicko-chronologickému rozboru, tak i analýze XRF. Článek rovněž přináší aktualizovaný soupis nálezů doby bronzové z okresu Jindřichův Hradec.
X-ray 2D imaging and 3D computed tomography are increasingly used for surveying archaeological finds and objects of cultural heritage. As examples of non-destructive methods, they can be used for the inspection of the inner structures of objects without modifying their original form. The contribution deals with the possibilities, limitations and results of a tomographic survey of a uniquely preserved hoard of coins discovered in 2020 near the village of Hradce in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic). The hoard was deposited in a ceramic vessel about 17 cm high and with a diameter of about 15 cm at the widest point. The weight of the hoard is 3.8 kg, and it contains more than 5000 coins dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. A small number of coins are still wrapped in fabric since the fifteenth century. The contents of this fabric package in terms of the amount and type of present coins have been identified by X-ray tomography.
Research into Neolithic sites in South Bohemia during the year 2021. Intermediate results of a gr... more Research into Neolithic sites in South Bohemia during the year 2021. Intermediate results of a grant project focusing on Neolithic settlement of South Bohemia are presented in the article. Magnetometer survey at the sites of Dehtáře a Radčice 1 revealed several hypothetical building complexes consisting of longhouses which are usually only identified as larger magnetic anomalies reflecting the presence of longitudinal construction pits. Although the ground plans are difficult to interpret, at least their orientation can be reconstructed. All so far known longhouses in the south of Bohemia seem to more or less respect a south-north orientation. One such construction pit belonging to a longhouse was completely excavated at the site of Dehtáře. An important find made in the first year of the project is without doubt the discovery of an LBK cremation grave at Protivín which is actually the earliest known burial in the south of Bohemia. A magnetometer survey in the immediate vicinity of the findspot shows a number of smaller anomalies which could potentially be other graves.
A barrow grave from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age near Přední Ptákovice (Strakonice Distri... more A barrow grave from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age near Přední Ptákovice (Strakonice District). In 2017, a so far unknown barrow containing a cremation burial was discovered on the eastern outskirts of the town of Strakonice. According to several distinctive bronze grave goods, it dates back to the beginning of the Late Bronze Age. It is the most westerly proven barrow grave from this period in South Bohemia. It was situated in a landscape which has so far been considered as a region with exclusively flat graves. The metal finds from the grave were analyzed using XRF analysis, the cremated bones were anthropologically investigated.
The paper contains a list and an evaluation of newly discovered metal artefacts from the Hallstat... more The paper contains a list and an evaluation of newly discovered metal artefacts from the Hallstatt (Ha C-Ha D 2/3-LT A) and La Tène (LT B-D) periods originating from sites distributed almost all over South Bohemia. From the viewpoint of find types, these are predominantly isolated finds. In one case, a hoard or a related activity is likely. The other objects come from newly discovered and unregistered settlement and burial contexts.
S-shaped temple rings and a weight which were newly discovered at three sites are presented in th... more S-shaped temple rings and a weight which were newly discovered at three sites are presented in the article. Based on analysis, the convolute of finds is dated to the 11 th (or possibly to the 12 th) century and thus contributes to our knowledge of the newly defined settlement districts in the Dobříš and Sedlčany regions during this period.
A Bronze-Age bronze anvil from Zlivice, Písek District. The article contains an evaluation of an ... more A Bronze-Age bronze anvil from Zlivice, Písek District. The article contains an evaluation of an assemblage consisting of two bronze objects which were found together in a wood near Zlivice in the Písek region in around 2010. A so-called cross anvil with two striking surfaces and two edges stands out. It is a rare find in the context of the whole of Bohemia. Judging from a fragment of a bronze bracelet which was found together with it, the anvil may probably date back to the close of the Middle or the turn of the Middle and Late Bronze Age. In the article, the anvil is analyzed both typologically and from the viewpoint of its material composition.
The paper provides an overview of the first Bronze Age finds discovered in recent years in the pe... more The paper provides an overview of the first Bronze Age finds discovered in recent years in the peripheral area near the upper course of the River Malše, at the border between today's regions of southern Bohemia and Upper Austria. Several isolated finds of metal items and two hoards from the southern Bohemian part of the upper Malše basin indicate the use of this area, seemingly uninhabited in the Bronze Age, as a possible communication corridor connecting the two above-mentioned regions. For the first time, a hoard of bronze artefacts from the Late Bronze Age from Tichá is published in this paper, which significantly contributes to the knowledge and possible interpretation of prehistoric human activities in this region.
Článek přináší informaci o nálezu tří vídeňských feniků z areálu hradu u Boršova nad Vltavou, k n... more Článek přináší informaci o nálezu tří vídeňských feniků z areálu hradu u Boršova nad Vltavou, k němuž došlo během detektorové prospekce v roce 2018. Všechny tři feniky byly vyraženy během vlády Rudolfa Habsburského v letech 1276–1282. Mince v kombinaci s písemnými prameny dokladují využívání hradu v poslední čtvrtině 13. století.
The article informs about three Vienna pfennigs from the area of a castle near Boršov nad Vltavou (České Budějovice District), found during a metal detector survey in 2018. All three pfennigs were struck during the reign of Rudolf I of Habsburg in 1276–1282. The coins in combination with the written sources prove that the castle was inhabited in the last quarter of the 13th century.
The book presents a complex study of the phenomenon of periphery within prehistoric occupation. I... more The book presents a complex study of the phenomenon of periphery within prehistoric occupation. It is examined in case region of South Bohemia where the long-term interest of authors mingles here with factors that, in comparison to neighbouring regions, formed a specific environment for prehistoric inhabitants. The book is seeking answers to questions concerning the dynamics by which periphery was settled and, on contrary, when and why did the occupation decline. How important was the interaction of periphery with neighbouring core regions and how did this relationship develop in time? Is it possible to consider communities that inhabited peripheries as societies being different in any aspect? Answers to these questions are sought in a longue dureé perspective comprising eight millennia of cultural development from the beginning of the Mesolithic to the end of Bronze Age.
The hoard was discovered in December 2018 in a meadow, which began to be cultivated again after m... more The hoard was discovered in December 2018 in a meadow, which began to be cultivated again after many years. Ploughing brought a set of coins to the surface, from which a total of 972 pieces were saved using a metal detector. The coins were originally stored in a ceramic vessel, of which only the lower part with glaze on the inside is preserved. All coins from the hoard represent silver currency, minted over a period of more than 150 years. The oldest coin is undoubtedly the Meissen Grosch, minted sometime between 1457 and 1464, while the youngest part of the hoard consists of so-called kipper Groschen, minted in 1622. From the chronological and geographical point of view, the hoard from Hrachov can be divided into two parts. About a quarter of the coins was made before 1619 and comes almost exclusively from mints in Bohemia. This part of the hoards reflects the fact that Bohemia was able to maintain the good quality of its own small circulation coins before 1619, which was rather exceptional in Europe. On the other hand only one single Bohemian coin from the period of the Thirty Years' War is documented in the hoard (kipper 3Kreuzer of Ferdinand II. from the year 1622). In addition to it, the younger and more numerous part of the hoard (roughly three quarters) consists mainly of kipper Groschen, minted since 1619 in today's Germany, especially Saxony, Anhalt, Brunswick and Mansfeld. Kipper (or “long”) coins are inflationary coins with a reduced silver content, mass-produced in some Central European countries, most intensively in the years 1619–1622. During this period, there were many dozens of mints in Central Europe, which intensively withdrew older quality coins from circulation and produced less valuable inflationary kipper coins. One of the factors that enabled their mass production was the introduction of machine minting (rolling machines) in many workshops. This was also reflected in the hoard from Hrachov, where more than 220 pieces of kipper coins show traces of machine minting. The result of the large volume of production of these coins is their considerable variability, so it is no wonder that the hoard also contained variants not yet described in the literature. The hoard also includes three counterfeit coins from the period 1619–1621. Using SEM-EDS analysis, it was shown that all the counterfeit was silver-plated by the amalgamation method, a commonly used procedure consisting of applying a thin layer of silver-mercury alloy to a core of a cheaper material (copper or brass). Coins from Austria, Silesia, Poland and Switzerland are only marginally represented in the hoard. Single coins from the Venetian Republic and the Kingdom of Sweden are of the most remote origin. An interesting question is why the hoard from Hrachov does not contain almost any kipper coins from Bohemia, although inflationary currency has been largely minted in our territory as well. One of the reasons may be the general shortage of domestic small kipper coins, which were neglected in production in favour of coins with higher denominations. This fact probably forced the use of foreign small coins, imported mainly from the German region. An important circumstance that influenced the composition of the depot may also be the ban on the circulation of foreign and old Bohemian coins, issued on 18 February 1622 by the viceroy of Bohemia, Prince Liechtenstein. From the point of view of this regulation, from April 1622, practically the entire content of the hoard was to be an illegal currency. For this reason, coins could be separated from the currently valid currency and hidden under the ground.
The publication focuses on hoards of metal objects from the Bronze Age that were found between 19... more The publication focuses on hoards of metal objects from the Bronze Age that were found between 1990 and 2013 on the territory of Bohemia. Therefore are not included in the previous syntheses of Czech hoards processed by V. Moucha and O. Kytlicová at the end of the 20th century. Only hoards are presented, which are stored in museums or other professional institutions. Hoards occure in illegal collections are not covered by the publication. Heart of the publication is a detailed catalog describing all artifacts collected on the newly discovered 110 hoards. Other chapters are theoretical, they deal with the history of research about hoards from the Bronze Age in Bohemia, evaluate the present state of the preserved source base and the typological composition of hoards . There are also chapters dealing with analysis of the elemental composition of collected¨artifacts and the organic materials that were discovered in the hoards. The final overall summary resolves cultural-chronological issues, settlement topographic analysis of disposition of hoards or the interpretation potential of newly discovered hoards. The second part of the monograph brings drawings of all the collected artifacts and other related pictorial documentation.
Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Podborský, DrSc., Masarykova univerzita v Brně Publikace je výstupem výzkumn... more Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Podborský, DrSc., Masarykova univerzita v Brně Publikace je výstupem výzkumného záměru "Opomíjená archeologie" (MSM 4977751314)
The book is an example of the ability of Czech archaeologists to harness,in their scientific work... more The book is an example of the ability of Czech archaeologists to harness,in their scientific work, the wide possibilities offered by up-to-date computer support. It should be a valuable Czech counterpart to important international publications such as proceedings from the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology or Archäologie und Computer – Kulturelles Erbe und Neue Technologien conferences. Today it can provide an impetus for the further development of the methodology of archaeology and in the future it can serve as evidence of the state-of-the-art nature of technology achieved by Czech archaeology at the beginning of the 21st century.
This volume contains papers on the “factor analysis” (vector synthesis of archaeological structur... more This volume contains papers on the “factor analysis” (vector synthesis of archaeological structures) by former students of the Department of Archaeology, the University of West Bohemia in Plzen (R. Novák, P. Krištuf, T. Kovářová, P. Snítilý). They are accompanied by papers written by two teachers of the same Department (Jan John and Evžen Neustupný) on the same subject.
Geografický původ mincí s přihlédnutím k jejich vnitřní chronologii-113 Nominálová skladba fryštá... more Geografický původ mincí s přihlédnutím k jejich vnitřní chronologii-113 Nominálová skladba fryštácké peněžní hotovosti-118 Kategorizace nominálového složení fryštácké peněžní hotovosti-120 Chronologické spektrum ražeb a doba ukrytí pokladu-121 Stanovení dobové hodnoty fryštácké peněžní hotovosti-123 Majitel fryštáckého pokladu a důvody ukrytí i nevyzvednutí peněz-125
Obr. 4. Červený Újezdec-Vávra. A-digitální model reliéfu 5. generace (DMR5G, zdroj dat ČÚZK); B-s... more Obr. 4. Červený Újezdec-Vávra. A-digitální model reliéfu 5. generace (DMR5G, zdroj dat ČÚZK); B-stínovaný model povrchu lokality vytvořený z leteckých snímků; C-generalizovaný plán mohylníku na podkladu katastrální mapy; D-schéma číslování mohyl a jejich jádrová hustota v ploše (kernel density).
Early medieval barrow cemeteries are traditionally perceived in Bohemia as relatively unattractiv... more Early medieval barrow cemeteries are traditionally perceived in Bohemia as relatively unattractive archaeological monuments, containing just a few artefacts, predominantly pottery fragments. However, the apparent poverty is undoubtedly the result of a specific burial rite, the remains of which may remain preserved, among other things, on the surfaces of barrow mounds in the form of small metal artefacts. In this chapter, we describe several finds of metal artefacts from seven sites, which are arranged chronologically according to the date of discovery or survey. All these metal objects were identified with the help of a metal detector, often practically on the barrow’s surface or at a depth of up to 20 cm under it. Belt fittings predominate among these finds, but some parts of equestrian equipment are represented as well. At the same time, both categories can be associated with the elites of early medieval society in South Bohemia.
Frána, J. – John, J. 2017: Poznámky k analýzám prvkového složení kovových artefaktů z hromadných nálezů. In: O. Chvojka – L. Jiráň – M. Metlička a kol., Nové české depoty doby bronzové, díl 1, 177–193.
Úvodem 04 Linecká stezka a její historie 06 Pravěk (V. Vondrovský) 07 Středověk a raný novověk (D... more Úvodem 04 Linecká stezka a její historie 06 Pravěk (V. Vondrovský) 07 Středověk a raný novověk (D. Kovář) 14 Archeologie a Linecká stezka 30 Archeologický výzkum odkryvem (V. Vondrovský) 30 Nedestruktivní metody v archeologii (J. John, M. Pták, V. Vondrovský) 32 Environmentální archeologie (T. Šálková) 43 Památky na Linecké stezce 48 Hradiště Na Jánu v Netolicích (J. Beneš, M. Pták, H. Hojerová, T. Šálková, P. Houfková) 48 Zámek Kratochvíle (V. Vondrovský, M. Pták) 61 Mohylové pohřebiště Doubrava u Netolic (M. Pták, J. John, V. Vondrovský) 70 Tvrze a hrádky (D. Kovář, H. Hojerová) 80 Polní opevnění (V. Vondrovský, D. Kovář) 95 Středověká kolonizace (H. Hojerová) 104 Poutní místa (V. Vondrovský, D. Kovář) 112 Proměna krajiny po roce 1945 (M. Pták) 08 09
Přeshraniční projekt Linecká stezka je příkladem spolupráce archeologie (AÚ FF JU) a turistického... more Přeshraniční projekt Linecká stezka je příkladem spolupráce archeologie (AÚ FF JU) a turistického ruchu (Místní akční skupina Rozkvět jižních Čech).
A short report on archaeological investigations at the hillfort site of Gradac-Cikote in northwes... more A short report on archaeological investigations at the hillfort site of Gradac-Cikote in northwestern Serbia, conducted back in 2019.
antropoloških istraživanja grupnih i masovnih sahrana Radmila Zotović, Silvanov kult na području ... more antropoloških istraživanja grupnih i masovnih sahrana Radmila Zotović, Silvanov kult na području Srbije-kratka crtica iz proučavanja kultova na tlu Srbije Angelina Raičković Savić, Ana Mitić, Rezultati obrade keramičkog materijala iz objekta br. 18 sa lokacije Nad Klepečkom, Viminacijum Josip Šarić, Kremen za puške kremenjače u Beogradskoj tvrđavi
Papers by Jan John
of a connection to local Bronze Age elites. The archaeological record does not indicate the presence of such elites in the region of Southern Bohemia (Czech Republic).
Gusskuchen deponiert wurden, was besonders für die Stufen Bz D–Ha A1 typisch ist. Es handelt sich um eine größere Kollektion von mehr als 100 Einzelstücken mit einem überwiegenden Anteil an Gusskuchen (67 %). Unter den Artefakten dominieren Sicheln und Beile. Schwerter, ein rundes Schmuckstück, ein Armband, eine Nadel und eine Falere kommen als Einzelstücke vor. Ihrer Zusammensetzung nach zu schließen gehören sie zu Depots des Lažany–Horizonts. Ein interessantes Fundstück ist ein Beil aus der Stufe Bz A1/A2. Da in Westböhmen bisher keine Funde aus dieser Periode belegt sind, stammt das Randleistenbeil nicht nur aus einem anderen Zeitabschnitt als der Rest des Depots, sondern sehr wahrscheinlich auch aus einer anderen Region.
Nach einer Analyse der Elementzusammensetzung der Bruchstücke der plankonvexen Gusskuchen bestehen alle diese Bruchstücke aus Kupfer, im Gegensatz zu den fertigen Produkten, die aus Zinnbronze gegossen wurden. Eine Analyse der Legierungen ergab einen unterschiedlichen Zinnanteil bei den Beilen und Sicheln. Ein Bruchstück eines Randleistenbeils (Abb. 5:9) wurde aus einer für die frühe Bronzezeit charakteristischen, als „Singener Metall“ bezeichneten Legierung hergestellt. Funde von Beilen des Typs Salez, welche in ihrer Zusammensetzung und Form den Bruchstücken aus Svrčovec entsprechen, kommen besonders in der Umgebung des Bodensees konzentriert vor. Der Ursprung des für ihre Herstellung benötigten
Kupfers wird daher in den angrenzenden Alpengebieten an der Grenze zwischen dem heutigen Österreich und der Schweiz gesucht.
Die selbständige Parzelle einer sehr ähnlichen Form ist schon in der Karte
des Stabilkatasters aus dem Jahr 1827 erfaßt (Abb. 1 B) und die Entstehung des Objektes kann man also zuverlässig vor dieses Datum einreihen. Wir schlagen in diesem Artikel die mögliche Interpretation des Objektes im Sinne der militärischen Fortifikation (Redoute) höchstwahrscheinlich aus dem 18. Jahrhundert vor.
Zu dieser Interpretation führt uns die Form des Objektes, die der Artillerieredoute bei Habrovany in Nordböhmen aus siebziger Jahren des 18. Jahrhunderts ähnelt (Abb. 1 D). Das weitere Indiz ist die Plazierung an der Anhöhe mit guter Aussicht in der Nähe der bedeutenden Kommunikation. Die mit Metallsuchgerät gefundenen Gegenstände bestätigen unsere Hypothese. Erwähnugswert sind vor allem die Münze aus dem Jahr 1762 und im Militärmilieu beliebtes Medaillon mit dem von der Skt. Georg-Amulettmedaille übernommenen Motiv (Abb. 2).
Der Artikel bringt auch Verzeichnis der historischen Ereignisse militärischer Art, die mit dem Objekt irgendwie in Zusammenhang sein könnten. Die hiesige Landschaft wurde zum Schauplatz der militärischen Operationen im Österreichischen Ergfolgekrieg 1741 bis 1744 und im Siebenjährigen Krieg, in dem man zwar in Südböhmen nicht direkt gekämpft hat, aber die Region diente als Kommunikations-,
Nachschubs-und Übungsplatz der österreichischen Armee.
to help us discover the identity of the deceased.
Článek je věnován dvěma depotům kovových artefaktů ze závěru střední, resp. z počátku mladší doby bronzové, které byly nedávno objeveny v blízkosti Jindřichova Hradce. Jindřichohradecko bylo dosud považováno za krajinu, kterou lidé v době bronzové prakticky nevyužívali. Na tomto místě zveřejněné soubory z Najdku a Dolní Radouně představují vůbec první jisté depoty doby bronzové z uvedené oblasti. Nálezy z obou depotů jsou podrobeny jak typologicko-chronologickému rozboru, tak i analýze XRF. Článek rovněž přináší aktualizovaný soupis nálezů doby bronzové z okresu Jindřichův Hradec.
X-ray 2D imaging and 3D computed tomography are increasingly used for surveying archaeological finds and objects of cultural heritage. As examples of non-destructive methods, they can be used for the inspection of the inner structures of objects without modifying their original form. The contribution deals with the possibilities, limitations and results of a tomographic survey of a uniquely preserved hoard of coins discovered in 2020 near the village of Hradce in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic). The hoard was deposited in a ceramic vessel about 17 cm high and with a diameter of about 15 cm at the widest point. The weight of the hoard is 3.8 kg, and it contains more than 5000 coins dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. A small number of coins are still wrapped in fabric since the fifteenth century. The contents of this fabric package in terms of the amount and type of present coins have been identified by X-ray tomography.
The article informs about three Vienna pfennigs from the area of a castle near Boršov nad Vltavou (České Budějovice District), found during a metal detector survey in 2018. All three pfennigs were struck during the reign of Rudolf I of Habsburg in 1276–1282. The coins in combination with the written sources prove that the castle was inhabited in the last quarter of the 13th century.
of a connection to local Bronze Age elites. The archaeological record does not indicate the presence of such elites in the region of Southern Bohemia (Czech Republic).
Gusskuchen deponiert wurden, was besonders für die Stufen Bz D–Ha A1 typisch ist. Es handelt sich um eine größere Kollektion von mehr als 100 Einzelstücken mit einem überwiegenden Anteil an Gusskuchen (67 %). Unter den Artefakten dominieren Sicheln und Beile. Schwerter, ein rundes Schmuckstück, ein Armband, eine Nadel und eine Falere kommen als Einzelstücke vor. Ihrer Zusammensetzung nach zu schließen gehören sie zu Depots des Lažany–Horizonts. Ein interessantes Fundstück ist ein Beil aus der Stufe Bz A1/A2. Da in Westböhmen bisher keine Funde aus dieser Periode belegt sind, stammt das Randleistenbeil nicht nur aus einem anderen Zeitabschnitt als der Rest des Depots, sondern sehr wahrscheinlich auch aus einer anderen Region.
Nach einer Analyse der Elementzusammensetzung der Bruchstücke der plankonvexen Gusskuchen bestehen alle diese Bruchstücke aus Kupfer, im Gegensatz zu den fertigen Produkten, die aus Zinnbronze gegossen wurden. Eine Analyse der Legierungen ergab einen unterschiedlichen Zinnanteil bei den Beilen und Sicheln. Ein Bruchstück eines Randleistenbeils (Abb. 5:9) wurde aus einer für die frühe Bronzezeit charakteristischen, als „Singener Metall“ bezeichneten Legierung hergestellt. Funde von Beilen des Typs Salez, welche in ihrer Zusammensetzung und Form den Bruchstücken aus Svrčovec entsprechen, kommen besonders in der Umgebung des Bodensees konzentriert vor. Der Ursprung des für ihre Herstellung benötigten
Kupfers wird daher in den angrenzenden Alpengebieten an der Grenze zwischen dem heutigen Österreich und der Schweiz gesucht.
Die selbständige Parzelle einer sehr ähnlichen Form ist schon in der Karte
des Stabilkatasters aus dem Jahr 1827 erfaßt (Abb. 1 B) und die Entstehung des Objektes kann man also zuverlässig vor dieses Datum einreihen. Wir schlagen in diesem Artikel die mögliche Interpretation des Objektes im Sinne der militärischen Fortifikation (Redoute) höchstwahrscheinlich aus dem 18. Jahrhundert vor.
Zu dieser Interpretation führt uns die Form des Objektes, die der Artillerieredoute bei Habrovany in Nordböhmen aus siebziger Jahren des 18. Jahrhunderts ähnelt (Abb. 1 D). Das weitere Indiz ist die Plazierung an der Anhöhe mit guter Aussicht in der Nähe der bedeutenden Kommunikation. Die mit Metallsuchgerät gefundenen Gegenstände bestätigen unsere Hypothese. Erwähnugswert sind vor allem die Münze aus dem Jahr 1762 und im Militärmilieu beliebtes Medaillon mit dem von der Skt. Georg-Amulettmedaille übernommenen Motiv (Abb. 2).
Der Artikel bringt auch Verzeichnis der historischen Ereignisse militärischer Art, die mit dem Objekt irgendwie in Zusammenhang sein könnten. Die hiesige Landschaft wurde zum Schauplatz der militärischen Operationen im Österreichischen Ergfolgekrieg 1741 bis 1744 und im Siebenjährigen Krieg, in dem man zwar in Südböhmen nicht direkt gekämpft hat, aber die Region diente als Kommunikations-,
Nachschubs-und Übungsplatz der österreichischen Armee.
to help us discover the identity of the deceased.
Článek je věnován dvěma depotům kovových artefaktů ze závěru střední, resp. z počátku mladší doby bronzové, které byly nedávno objeveny v blízkosti Jindřichova Hradce. Jindřichohradecko bylo dosud považováno za krajinu, kterou lidé v době bronzové prakticky nevyužívali. Na tomto místě zveřejněné soubory z Najdku a Dolní Radouně představují vůbec první jisté depoty doby bronzové z uvedené oblasti. Nálezy z obou depotů jsou podrobeny jak typologicko-chronologickému rozboru, tak i analýze XRF. Článek rovněž přináší aktualizovaný soupis nálezů doby bronzové z okresu Jindřichův Hradec.
X-ray 2D imaging and 3D computed tomography are increasingly used for surveying archaeological finds and objects of cultural heritage. As examples of non-destructive methods, they can be used for the inspection of the inner structures of objects without modifying their original form. The contribution deals with the possibilities, limitations and results of a tomographic survey of a uniquely preserved hoard of coins discovered in 2020 near the village of Hradce in southern Bohemia (Czech Republic). The hoard was deposited in a ceramic vessel about 17 cm high and with a diameter of about 15 cm at the widest point. The weight of the hoard is 3.8 kg, and it contains more than 5000 coins dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. A small number of coins are still wrapped in fabric since the fifteenth century. The contents of this fabric package in terms of the amount and type of present coins have been identified by X-ray tomography.
The article informs about three Vienna pfennigs from the area of a castle near Boršov nad Vltavou (České Budějovice District), found during a metal detector survey in 2018. All three pfennigs were struck during the reign of Rudolf I of Habsburg in 1276–1282. The coins in combination with the written sources prove that the castle was inhabited in the last quarter of the 13th century.
All coins from the hoard represent silver currency, minted over a period of more than 150 years. The oldest coin is undoubtedly the Meissen Grosch, minted sometime between 1457 and 1464, while the youngest part of the hoard consists of so-called kipper Groschen, minted in 1622.
From the chronological and geographical point of view, the hoard from Hrachov can be divided into two parts. About a quarter of the coins was made before 1619 and comes almost exclusively from mints in Bohemia. This part of the hoards reflects the fact that Bohemia was able to maintain the good quality of its own small circulation coins before 1619, which was rather exceptional in Europe.
On the other hand only one single Bohemian coin from the period of the Thirty Years' War is documented in the hoard (kipper 3Kreuzer of Ferdinand II. from the year 1622). In addition to it, the younger and more numerous part of the hoard (roughly three quarters) consists mainly of kipper Groschen, minted since 1619 in today's Germany, especially Saxony, Anhalt, Brunswick and Mansfeld. Kipper (or “long”) coins are inflationary coins with a reduced silver content, mass-produced in some Central European countries, most intensively in the years 1619–1622. During this period, there were many dozens of mints in Central Europe, which intensively withdrew older quality coins from circulation and produced less valuable inflationary kipper coins. One of the factors that enabled their mass production was the introduction of machine minting (rolling machines) in many workshops. This was also reflected in the hoard from Hrachov, where more than 220 pieces of kipper coins show traces of machine minting. The result of the large volume of production of these coins is their considerable variability, so it is no wonder that the hoard also contained variants not yet described in the literature.
The hoard also includes three counterfeit coins from the period 1619–1621. Using SEM-EDS analysis, it was shown that all the counterfeit was silver-plated by the amalgamation method, a commonly used procedure consisting of applying a thin layer of silver-mercury alloy to a core of a cheaper material (copper or brass).
Coins from Austria, Silesia, Poland and Switzerland are only marginally represented in the hoard. Single coins from the Venetian Republic and the Kingdom of Sweden are of the most remote origin.
An interesting question is why the hoard from Hrachov does not contain almost any kipper coins from Bohemia, although inflationary currency has been largely minted in our territory as well. One of the reasons may be the general shortage of domestic small kipper coins, which were neglected in production in favour of coins with higher denominations. This fact probably forced the use of foreign small coins, imported mainly from the German region. An important circumstance that influenced the composition of the depot may also be the ban on the circulation of foreign and old Bohemian coins, issued on 18 February 1622 by the viceroy of Bohemia, Prince Liechtenstein. From the point of view of this regulation, from April 1622, practically the entire content of the hoard was to be an illegal currency. For this reason, coins could be separated from the currently valid currency and hidden under the ground.
Heart of the publication is a detailed catalog describing all artifacts collected on the newly discovered 110 hoards. Other chapters are theoretical, they deal with the history of research about hoards from the Bronze Age in Bohemia, evaluate the present state of the preserved source base and the typological composition of hoards . There are also chapters dealing with analysis of the elemental composition of collected¨artifacts and the organic materials that were discovered in the hoards. The final overall summary resolves cultural-chronological issues, settlement topographic analysis of disposition of hoards or the interpretation potential of newly discovered hoards. The second part of the monograph brings drawings of all the collected artifacts and other related pictorial documentation.
accompanied by papers written by two teachers of the same Department (Jan John and Evžen Neustupný) on the same subject.
In this chapter, we describe several finds of metal artefacts from seven sites, which are arranged chronologically according to the date of discovery or survey. All these metal objects were identified with the help of a metal detector, often practically on the barrow’s surface or at a depth of up to 20 cm under it. Belt fittings predominate among these finds, but some parts of equestrian equipment are represented as well. At the same time, both categories can be associated with the elites of early medieval
society in South Bohemia.