Uncle Scrooge
The Thrifty Spendthrift

Story code
W US 47-01
The Thrifty Spendthrift
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Duchess of Duckshire, Clerkly, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: HC BV 89, IC AR 836, W US 47-00, Xgr/KL 1A
article: Qdk/GB 17, Qfi/ALP 15E, Qfi/CBJ 2B, Qfi/RS2000-12C, Qfi/SI1980-04B, Qfi/T2018TRF, Qfi/T2018TRR, Qfr/SPGHS 7C, Qgr/KX 103B, Qgr/KX 105D, Qit/CTS 16J, Qit/DPCS 28I, Qit/GSD 23G, Qit/UACK 17C
various: D 22802 (illustration)

This story is rated 7.4/10 and ranked 338/44351 according to COA users. There have been about 55 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (Nov 9, 2016)

enHypnotic ray makes US give expensive Christmas presents to DD, following the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas"
frAlors que Picsou affronte la liste des cadeaux de Noël et prévoit de petits présents, Donald a décidé cette année de le forcer à lui offrir les plus belles choses grâce à un rayon hypnotique qu'il a réglé avec sa photo, mais ses neveux l'ont échangé par mégarde avec celle d'un chien féroce (by duckstories, history)
itPaperino acquista da uno scienziato pazzo un raggio ipnotico che dovrebbe trasformare Paperone in un irrefrenabile spendaccione. (by Alle, history)
noDonald prøver å hypnotisere onkel Skrue til å gi ham de julegavene han vil ha. Skrue blir i stedet hypnotisert til å gi gavene til en hund, og bestemmer seg for å gi alle gavene i den amerikanske julesangen "The Twelve Days of Christmas". (by 84...178, history)
United States, US 47
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Sweden, KAB 33
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Italy, TL 444
Brazil, TP 3
Spain, DBA1964-03
Mexico, HWD 296
Chile, TR 24
France, JM 926
Italy, AR 836
United States, US 96
Netherlands, SSCH 59
Chile, TR 190
Brazil, DE 20
Brazil, NDO 1
Netherlands, DD1981-51
Netherlands, DD1981-52 part 2
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