- Story code
- I TL 1638-B
- Origin
- Italy
- Title
- Le uova pasquali di Nonna Papera
- Pages
- 8
- Layout
- 3 rows per page
- Appearances
- Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Grandma Duck, Gus Goose, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
- Writing
- Comicup Studio
- Art (pencil and ink)
- Marçal Abella Brescó
- Date of first publication
- Subseries
- Stories with games and puzzles embedded
attribuzione a Marçal Abella di Alberto Becattini
This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 24200/44336 according to COA users. There have been about 5 votes for this story.
(3 countries, 6 publications)
- Disney Game 1 p. 21 (2011) Os Ovos de Páscoa da Vovó Donalda
- Lustiges Taschenbuch Sonderband: Ostern 5 - Frohe Ostern p. 189 (2013) Rätsel um Omas Ostereier
- Topolino (libretto) 1638 (1987) Le uova pasquali di Nonna Papera
- Disney enigmistica 63 (2001) idem
- Disney enigmistica 104 (2008) idem
- Raccolta Topolino (libretto) 49 idem
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