Uncle Scrooge
The Son of the Sun

Story code
AR 102
Another Rainbow (Gladstone)
The Son of the Sun
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Vicuna hunter, Curator, Donald Duck, Flintheart Glomgold, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: ARC US 219A, ARC US 219B, FC PM 315D, HC DE1994-11, IC ZP 92, IC ZP 92B
article: Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/DRSB 1C, Qdk/STRIP 28D, Qfi/AA2024-40C, Qfi/AAPA2004B, Qfi/ALP 9E, Qfi/DR 1999D, Qfi/T2009KKE, Qfi/T2014KKE, Qfi/T2014KKG, Qfi/T2014KKI, Qfr/PM 531A, Qfr/TP 3B, Qgr/KX 90A, Qgr/KXB 19C, Qgr/KXB 21B, Qgr/KXB 27D, Qgr/KXB 28C, Qgr/KXB 29D, Qit/BURF 14c, Qit/CFRO 3D, Qit/DPCS 18A, Qit/DPCS 19A, Qit/DR 1A, Qit/GCDN 89A, Qit/PAP 8CJ, Qit/PM 207c, Qit/TD 9C, Qit/UACK 6C, Qit/ZP 155B, Qit/ZP 181D, Qit/ZPP 54D, Qno/DD1992B12, Qno/DD1995-03, Qno/DD1995B04, Qno/DRSV 1G, Qno/DRSV 1H, Qno/DRSV 1I, Qno/HOF 1A, Qno/HOF 1B, Qno/HOF 1D, Qus/CLTS 2B, Qus/DRL 1A, Qus/DRL 1B, Qus/DRL 7B, Qus/DRL 7C, Qus/US 219B, Qus/US 335A
illustration: ARC US 300B, Qpl/KD 2013-20
article,panels: Qit/DR 1C, Qit/DR 1G, Qit/DR 1H, Qit/DR 1L
various: Qus/DRL 1N (panel), D 96066 (The Last Lord of Eldorado) (mentioned), Qit/DSBP 62C (article,image), Qfi/AA2021-29A (reminder)

This story is rated 7.7/10 and ranked 95/44351 according to COA users. There have been about 200 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: HF (Jun 8, 2017), PHm (Jun 10, 2017)

enIn a contest between Scrooge McDuck and Flintheart Glomgold to see who can locate and claim the greater Incan Treasure, the ducks go to the Andes to find the treasure of king Manco Capac, the Son of the Sun. (history)
enUS and FLG search for an Inca treasure in the Andes
daJoakim og Guld-Iver Flintesten konkurrerer om hvem, der kan finde den største inkaskat. Joakim og nevøerne tager til Andesbjergene, hvor de finder Manco Capacs tempel. Men måske er der en større skat end guldet... (by SPe, history)
nlDagobert sluit een weddenschap met Govert Goudglans waarin de eerste die een schat vindt en claimt wint. De Ducks gaan op zoek naar de Tempel van Manco Capac. (by SPe, history)
fi"Auringon poika". Roope ja Kulta-Into Pii kilpailevat Andeilla inkakuninkaan aarteesta. (by 80...168, history)
frTous les trésors découverts par Picsou sont exposés au musée de Donaldville, mais Gripsou le provoque en le défiant de trouver l'or des Incas avant lui (by duckstories, history)
deWettstreit zwischen US und FLG (by Comic Fan, history)
deUS und FLG sind auf der Suche nach einem Inkatempel in den Anden
elΟ Σκρουτζ - με τη βοήθεια του Ντόναλντ και των Χιούη, Λιούη, Ντιούη - προσπαθεί να ανακαλύψει το χρυσάφι των Ίνκας πριν από τον Σκληρόκαρδο Χρυσοκούκη. (by Greek User, history)
noSkrue, Donald og guttene gjør en interessant oppdagelse da Skrue stiller ut en del av skattene sine. Snart er de på vei til Peru på jakt etter Inkaenes gjemte gull, med Gulbrand Gråstein like etter... (by 81...15, history)
noSkrue og Gulbrand Gråstein drar til Andes for å konkurrere om hvem som kan finne den største inkaskatten
plW Muzeum Kaczorowym Sknerus oganizuje wystawe swoich skarbow.Nagle Forsant i Sknerus zakalaja sie kto znajdzie wiekszy skarb.Wymyslili ze beda sie pojedynkowac o zloto Inkow.Sknerus wie gdzie ruszac zreszta Forsant tez poniewaz ich podsluchiwal.Sknerus i inni wynajmuja samolot ktorego pilotem jest Forsant.Odbiera im zloty dysk a gdy Sknerus pilotuje wszyscy (oprocz niego)wyskakuja z samolotu.Forsant namawia ich do wspolpracy i znajduja swiatynie Manco Capaca.Sknerus odkryl ja wczesniej.A Forsant znalazl oko Manco Capaca ktore powoduje ze swiatynia wyleciala w powietrze a zloto Inkow..zatonelo. (by lajkonik, history)
ruДядюшка Скрудж и племянники отправляются на поиски золота инков. За ними по пятам следует Флинтхарт Гломгольд, который хочет первым найти сокровище! (by eVogue, history)
svJoakim och Guld-Ivar Flinthjärta tävlar om att lokalisera samt inregistrera den största inkaskatten. Joakim, Kalle och Knattarna åker till Anderna för att söka efter inkaguldet och finner då Manco Capacs tempel. Men efter att ha läst i Gröngölingarnas handbok hittar Flinthjärta en större skatt än själva guldet.
United States, US 219
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France, PM 200
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
France, PM 200
Netherlands, DE1994-11
Germany, MM1995-21
Germany, MM1995-22 part 2
Greece, KX 89
Netherlands, OD 61
Finland, DR 1999
Germany, TGDD 190
Norway, HOF 1
Denmark, HOF 1
Sweden, HOF 1
United States, US 335
Brazil, MED 1
Poland, KGD 4
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