- Story code
- I TL 743-AP
- Origin
- Italy
- Title
- Paperinik alla riscossa
- Pages
- 60
- Layout
- 3 rows per page
- Appearances
- Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
- Writing
- Guido Martina
- Pencils
- Romano Scarpa
- Ink
- Giorgio Cavazzano
- Number of parts
- 2
- Date of first publication
- Referred to in
- cover: BC AD 28D, IC GSD 23, XUC DD 382A
article: Qfr/CF 1E, Qfr/MDC 11D, Qit/CTS 21C, Qit/CTS 22J, Qit/CTS 23L, Qit/DCOLL 9D, Qit/DCOLL 9E, Qit/DSTO 48C, Qit/EC 36E, Qit/GSD 23A, Qit/GSD 23B, Qit/GSD 30M, Qit/IDI 1R, Qit/ILPA 27E, Qit/M313 0F, Qit/M313 68B, Qit/PAP 8AN, Qit/PKA 2B, Qit/PKOM 1B, Qit/SUD 29A, Qit/TL 2972C
panels: Qgr/MIK 227B, Qit/DR 1L
various: Qde/BX 51B (unknown), Qit/ILPA 6C (illustration), IC CWD 57B (panel), H 2019-226 (Intro Superdonald) (flashback), B LDI 1-T1 (intro text), B TP 155-AB (A Volta do Superpato) (art reused), B AD 28-BA (new panels), Qgr/KX 298B (article & 1st page), Qit/TXTR 4E (panels used as illustration), IC CWD 57C (panel 45.3), IC CWD 57E (detail of panel 26.5 of 2nd part)
This story contains the following items:
- I TL 743-A Paperinik alla riscossa (part 1, first published 1970-02-22, writing: Guido Martina, pencils: Romano Scarpa, ink: Giorgio Cavazzano, appearances Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge)
- I TL 744-A idem (part 2, first published 1970-03-01, writing: Guido Martina, pencils: Romano Scarpa, ink: Giorgio Cavazzano, appearances Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge)
This story is rated 7.7/10 and ranked 96/44411 according to COA users. There have been about 140 votes for this story.
en | GL tries to impress DA, so DD again has to become the Duck Avenger! (by iwerksfan, history) |
fr | Donald rend visite à Géo pour recevoir des gadgets qu'il pourrait utiliser en tant que Fantomiald. Il est plus tard raillé par Gontran et Daisy, déguisés en Fantomius et Dolly Paprika, la fiancée et complice de Fantomius, et qui participent ainsi à un bal costumé organisé au théâtre de Picsou. Donald entend prendre sa revanche avec ses gadgets et son costume de super-héros. (by Horace555, history) |
de | Donald lässt sich zum Phantomias ausrüsten und bootet seinen Rivalen Gustav aus. Er kann Daisy beeindrucken indem er die Einnahmen der Tanzveranstaltung wieder beschafft. (by Tromlaman, history) |
it | Paperinik(fantomiald) viene a sapere che Gastone e Paperina parteciperanno ad una festa dove lui non è stato invitato e i due paperi balleranno insieme, travestiti da Fantomius e Dolly Paprika. Per vendicarsi, Paperinik prima addormenta Gastone con una Car-can, poi balla con Paperina-Dolly Paprika senza svelare che non è Gastone. Infine ruba l'incasso destinato a beneficenza e la colpa casca sull'ignaro Gastone,appena destatosi. Ma Paperino rivela che Gastone non è abbastanza coraggioso da essere il ladro e conduce i paperi a Villa Rosa dove fa finta di negoziare con il fantasma di Fantomius-a suo dire autore del furto-e riporta il bottino salvo fra i parenti festanti. (by [email protected], history) |
ru | Тёмный Мститель вернулся! И его ожидает приятная встреча с самим Фантомасом и его вечной спутницей - Леди-Месть! (by eVogue, history) |
(13 countries, 69 publications)
- Almanaque Disney 28 (1973) A Fabulosa Noite do Superpato [46 3/8 pg.] [Layout remounted and 9 new panels replacing 2 original last panels]
- Disney Big 26 (2014) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 26 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Lendas Disney 1 (2018) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 1 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Gavehæfte 21 - Anders And gavehæfte p. 003 (1972) Mislykkede manøvrer [11 pg.] [Heavily cut. Begins with the original page 7. PK is missing.]
- Den store Ståland (Den store … 1982) p. 033 (1982) En kassesucces [17 4/5 pg.]
- Aku Ankan satasivuiset / Aku Ankan karuselli 1973 - Aku Ankan päistikka p. 008 (1973) Muistinmenetys [11 pg.] [layout changed, shortened from 60 -> 11 pages (only amnesia pills episode)]
- Aku Ankan taskukirja 41 - Aku Taikaviitta p. 077 (1978) Taikaviitta vauhdissa [1 page cut]
- Aku Ankan taskukirja - Erikoisnumero 1999 - Viitan varjo p. 070 (1999) idem [1 page cut]
- Aku Ankan taskukirja - Teema 31 - Salaiset aseet p. 011 (2013) Naamiosankarin karmea kosto [1 page cut]
- Aku Ankka (digipalvelu) 2016-25 - Aku Ankan päistikka (2016) Muistinmenetys [11 pg.] [layout changed, shortened from 60 -> 11 pages (only amnesia pills episode)]
- Jättikirjat 2017 - Minä Taikaviitta p. 027 (2017) Naamiosankarin karmea kosto [18 pg.] [Layout changed]
- Aku 90 2024 p. 372 (2024) idem [1 page cut]
- Mickey Parade (ancienne série) 1166 - Donald le justicier (1974) Fantomiald contre Fantomias [59 pg.]
- Le Journal de Mickey Mystère 2 (1993) idem [59 pg.] [edited version from it/CWD 57]
- Les chroniques de Fantomiald 1 p. 075 (2017) Fantomiald à la rescousse ! [59 pg.]
- Fantomiald Intégrale 1 p. 071 (2019) idem [59 pg.]
- Mickey Parade Géant Hors-Série J 2 - Fantomius gentleman cambrioleur - Tome 2 p. 178 (2021) idem [59 pg.]
- Lustiges Taschenbuch 41 - Donald mal ganz anders (1976) Phantomias in Aktion [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Die großen Klassiker 15 - Riesenspaß mit Phantomias (1996) Phantomias tritt in Aktion [17 4/5 pg.]
- Lustiges Taschenbuch (Neuauflagen mit neuen Titeln und Titelbildern ab 1997) 41 - Jetzt kommt Phantomias! p. 077 (1998) idem [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Lustiges Taschenbuch Spezial 7 - 35 Jahre Lustiges Taschenbuch (2002) idem [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Lustiges Taschenbuch Enten-Edition 39 - Geheimakte Phantomias p. 276 (2013) idem [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Lustiges Taschenbuch Ultimate Phantomias 1 p. 067 (2015) Phantomias in Aktion [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Phantomias - Schatten über Entenhausen 1 p. 009 (2019) idem [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Μίκυ Μάους 458 (1975) Ο θριαμβευτής (part 1) [30 pg.] 459 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Κλασικά Ντίσνεϋ 28 - Ντόναλντ ο τιμωρός p. 077 (1976) Φάντομ Ντακ εναντίον Φαντομία [59 pg.] [Enlarged panel of the 1st page of the originally 2nd part cut and decreased in size,became 6th panel of last page(30th) of originally 1st part]
- Κλασικά Ντίσνεϋ 83 - Φάντομ Ντακ εναντίον Φαντομία (1986) Φάντομ Ντακ εναντίον Φαντομία! [59 pg.] [1st page(enlarged panel) of the originally 2nd part cut and decreased in size, became 6th panel of last page(30th) of originally 1st part]
- Μεγάλα Σήριαλ 40 - Φάντομ Ντακ - Η Αρχή του Μύθου p. 071 (2013) Φάντομ Ντακ εναντίον Φαντομία [59 pg.] [1st page(enlarged panel) of the originally 2nd part cut and decreased in size, became 6th panel of last page(30th) of originally 1st part]
- Μεγάλες Ιστορίες Disney: Τα Άπαντα του Ρομάνο Σκάρπα 45 - Η εκδίκηση του Φάντομ Ντακ p. 011 (2022) Η εκδίκηση του Φάντομ Ντακ (part 1) [30 pg.] 45 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Topolino (libretto) 743 (1970) Paperinik alla riscossa (part 1) [30 pg.] 744 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- I Classici di Walt Disney (prima serie) 57 - Paperinik il Diabolico (1974) idem (part 1) [59 pg.] [shortened] 57 (part 2) [0 pg.] [shortened]
- Cartonatoni Disney 11 - Io, Paperinik (1981) idem (part 1) [8 4/5 pg.] [remounted] 11 (Paperinik alla riscossa) (part 2) [9 pg.] [remounted]
- Paperinik e altri supereroi 1 (1993) Paperinik alla riscossa (part 1) [30 pg.] 1 (part 2) [29 pg.]
- Paperinik e altri supereroi 95 (2001) idem [30 pg.]
- Paperinik e altri supereroi 95 (2001) idem [30 pg.]
- Paperinik - Le origini 1 - Paperinik - Le origini/1 (2003) idem [59 pg.] [splash page of the second part missing]
- Super Disney 29 - Paperinik - Le origini/1 (2003) idem [59 pg.] [splash page of the second part missing]
- Paperinik Cult 1 (2005) idem [59 pg.]
- 313 La mitica auto di Paperino 0 - 313 - Le storie di un mito (2007) Paperinik alla riscossa! [59 pg.] [first page of second part missing]
- Disney Libri a fumetti 201111 - Paperinik un eroe e mille gadget (2011) Paperinik alla riscossa [59 pg.] [removed first panel of 2nd part]
- Più Disney 52 - Paperinik un eroe e mille gadget (2011) idem [59 pg.] [removed first panel of 2nd part]
- Paperinik Appgrade 2 (2012) idem
- Le grandi storie Disney - L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa 23 - Paperinik alla riscossa e altre storie (2014) idem [some dialogs are censored]
- Super Disney 67 - Paperinik le origini - volume 1 (2017) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 67 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Disney Special Events 9 (2019) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 9 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Disney Special Events 9B - Paperinik le origini (2019) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 9B (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Paperinik - Le origini del mito 1 - Paperinik il diabolico vendicatore... e altre storie (2019) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 1 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- I Classici di Walt Disney (seconda serie) 541I - Paperinik e l'ombra di Fantomius (2024) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] [strong dialogues are censored] 541I (part 2) [30 pg.] [strong dialogues are censored]
- Dubbelpocket Donald Duck 74 - Het spook van de Caraïbische Zee (2020) De terugkeer van Superdonald [59 pg.] [1st page of 2nd part cut]
- Donald Ducks show 1972-2 - Donald Duck's store show (1972) Halvdårlig hukommelse [11 pg.] [Heavily cut. Begins with the original page 7. PK missing.]
- Donald Ducks show 1978-3 - Donald Duck's vintershow 1979 (1978) idem [11 pg.] [Heavily cut. Begins with the original page 7. PK missing.]
- Kjempebok 09 - Jeg, Super-Donald (1982) Super-Donalds hevn [18 pg.]
- Disney Especial (Goody) 11 - Super-Heróis p. 007 (2014) A Vingança do Superpato (part 1) [30 pg.] 11 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Dumbo 2ª (ERSA) 135 (1976) Patomas el vengador [45 pg.]
- Don Miki 14 (1977) El desquite de Patomas (part 1) [30 pg.] 15 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Jovial/Películas 66 (1986) Patomas el vengador [45 pg.]
- Patomas 1 (2008) Patomas al rescate [59 pg.] [Falta la página introductoria de la 2ª parte]
- Inolvidables Disney (Reedición Dumbo 2ª) 51 - La guarida de los piratas (2013) Patomas el vengador [45 pg.]
- Patomas Vol.1 (Disney Limited 3) (2023) Patomas al rescate
- Reimpresión Don Miki 1-04 El desquite de Patomas (part 1) [30 pg.] 1-04 (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Kalle Ankas Julkul 1972 (1972) Minnesförlust (part 1) [11 pg.] [Heavily cut. Begins with the original page 7. PK missing.]
- Jag, Stål-Kalle 1981 (1981) tar revansch (part 1) [18 pg.] 1981 (part 2) [0 pg.]
United States
- Donald Duck 381A (2016) Revenge of the Duck Avenger (part 1) [30 pg.]
- Donald Duck 381B (2016) idem (part 1) [30 pg.]
- Donald Duck 381C (2016) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 382A (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Donald Duck 382B (2016) idem (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Donald Duck 382C (2016) idem (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Revenge of the Duck Avenger (Donald Duck (IDW, TPB) 5) (2016) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] (Donald Duck (IDW, TPB) 5) (part 2) [30 pg.]
- Donald Duck: Timeless Tales 3 p. 047 (2017) idem (part 1) [30 pg.] 3 (part 2) [30 pg.]