- Story code
- D 4616
- Origin
- Denmark
- Title
- The Mysterious Garden
- Hero(es)
- Huey Dewey and Louie
- Pages
- 21
- Layout
- 4 rows per page
- Appearances
- Scrooge's detectives, Clerkly, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Magica De Spell, Miss Quackfaster, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
- Plot
- Werner Wejp-Olsen
- Script
- Edele Kenner
- Pencils
- Daniel Branca
- Ink
- ?
- Date of first publication
- Date the story was created
- Referred to in
- cover: BC AD 137A, HC DD1981-11
article: Qdk/AA2022B32A, Qfr/SPG 237C, Qus/WDC 522C
various: Qus/CBM 103D (page 18 panels 1-5)
This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 1032/44336 according to COA users. There have been about 35 votes for this story.
en | Magica inherits an old house in Duckburg ; the nephews, who at this moment were playing in the large garden of the house, see her and go to warn their uncle Scrooge ; Scrooge sends two of his secret agents to spy on her. (by Elephant31, history) |
en | MDS inherits an old house in Duckburg. HDL, who at this moment were playing in the large garden of the house, see her and go to warn US. Scrooge sends two of his secret agents to spy on her. |
fr | Miss Tick hérite d'une ancestrale demeure à Donaldville ; Riri, Fifi, Loulou, qui jouent dans le jardin de celle-ci, l'aperçoivent et vont en informer Picsou ; celui-ci, surpris de l'imminente installation de Miss Tick à Donaldville, envoie ses agents l'espionner. (by Elephant31, history) |
(12 countries, 37 publications)
- Almanaque Disney 137 (1982) O Dedo Verde do Mal
- Almanaque da Maga 2 (1988) idem
- Tio Patinhas em Inglês! 1 (1989) The Green Attack
- Anders And & Co. 1979-42 (1979) Spøgelseshuset (part 1) [7 pg.] 1979-43 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1979-44 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Den Store Sorte Hexia de Trick (Den Store Sorte 2) (2009) Arven fra Flora [11 1/2 pg.]
- Anders And & Co. 2010-36 (2010) idem (part 1) [7 pg.] 2010-37 (part 2) [7 pg.] 2010-38 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Anders And & Co. 2021B29 - Andeby Posten 01/2021 (2021) idem
- Anders And & Co. 60 år med danske serieskabere 1 p. 022d (2022) [21 pages cut]
- Aku Ankka 1980-42 (1980) Kummitustalo (part 1) [7 pg.] 1980-43 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1980-44 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Aku Ankka -neljännesvuosikerta 1980-4 (1981) idem (part 1) [7 pg.] 1980-4 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1980-4 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Aku Ankka -vuosikerrat 1980-2 (1981) idem (part 1) [7 pg.] 1980-2 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1980-2 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Aku Ankka Jumbo 19 - Haukansilmä p. 141 (2010) idem
- Aku Ankka - Näköispainos 1980-2 - Aku Ankka - näköispainos vuosikerrasta 1980, osa II p. 513 (2020) idem (part 1) [7 pg.] 1980-2 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1980-2 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Aku Ankka Ekstra / Aku Ankka Klassikko 2021-09 - N:o 313 (2021) idem
- Picsou Magazine 173 (1986) Picsou au jardin des mystères
- Picsou Magazine 465 p. 096 (2010) Un siècle d'avance !
- Super Picsou Géant 237 p. 141 (2023) Un siècle d'avance
- Picsou Magazine (Albums) A U Picsou au jardin des mystères
- Micky Maus 1979-42 (1979) Die Grünen kommen (part 1) [7 pg.] 1979-43 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1979-44 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 209 p. 05 (2004) Killerpflanzen greifen an
- Big Black Books 2 - Ich, Gundel Gaukeley p. 087 (2010) idem [11 1/2 pg.]
- Κόμιξ 79 - Το Φυλαχτό του Αμούνδσεν p. 37 (1995) Πράσινη επίθεση (part 1) [7 pg.] 80 - Ο Ξάδελφος Πασχάλης (part 2) [7 pg.] 81 - Στο Νησί των Βίκινγκ Πράσινη Επίθεση (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Donald Duck 1981-11 (1981) Zwarte Magica zaait verderf! (part 1) [11 pg.] [some panels partly or entirely deleted] 1981-12 (part 2) [8 pg.] [some panels partly or entirely deleted]
- Big Fun 13 (2011) idem [19 pg.] [panel 6.7, 7.5, 8.1, 10.3, 15.1, 16.5, 17.5 partly deleted, panels 7.3, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 10.1, 14.5 entirely deleted]
- Donald Duck & Co 1979-42 (1979) Den mystiske hagen (part 1) [7 pg.] 1979-43 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1979-44 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Donald Duck & Co 2010-36 (2010) idem (part 1) [7 pg.] 2010-37 (part 2) [7 pg.] 2010-38 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Klassisk Donald Duck 7 - Grøsslandskatten (2017) idem
- Donald Duck & Co 1948-2018 - 70 år med Donald Duck & Co (Jubileumsbok 2018) (2018) idem
- Disney em Inglês 1 - Uncle Scrooge (1990) The green attack
- Walt Disney's Comics and Games 1 (1992) idem
- Disney en Inglés 1 - Uncle Scrooge (1990) The green attack
- Kalle Anka & C:o 1979-41 (1979) Den mystiska trädgården (part 1) [7 pg.] 1979-42 (part 2) [7 pg.] 1979-43 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Kalle Anka & C:o 2010-36 (2010) idem (part 1) [7 pg.] 2010-37 (part 2) [7 pg.] 2010-38 (part 3) [7 pg.]
- Kalle Anka 1948-2018 - 70år med Kalle Anka & C:o (Kalle Anka 70 år 2018) p. 144 (2018) idem
- Kalle Anka Legendariska äventyr 1 - Renexpressen p. 158 (2023) idem
United States
- Uncle Scrooge 221 (1987) The Green Attack
- Disney Masters 24 - Uncle Scrooge: World Wide Witch p. 001 (2024) idem