Videos by Muhamed Valjevac
I explained the Bosnian church and heresy on Platform of International Eastern European Studious ... more I explained the Bosnian church and heresy on Platform of International Eastern European Studious Session. For any further pieces of information: [email protected], don't hesitate to contact me.
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CIIES (Platform of International Eastern European Studies) tarafından organize edilen Uluslararası Doğu Avrupa Çalışmaları e-Kongresıne katıldıkç Oldukça keygli ve güzel geçmiştir. Konumuz da: Bosna'da Bogomiller - Tarihsel Gelişim ve Mezhepler Arası Çatışma oldu. Alttaki videoda dinlyebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgil ve dieğer konular için: [email protected] mailime yazabilirsiniz. Yeni kalite, güzel ve ilginç videolar için ücretsiz abone olmayı (subscribe), beğenmeyi ve paylaşmayı unutmayın...
Yeni videolara kadar görüşmek dileğiyle.
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With all these, in the end, we will show how a united culture formed a new society where all peop... more With all these, in the end, we will show how a united culture formed a new society where all people accepted in one culture circle regarding their nation, religion, and so. Thanks to this, people in Bosnia had lived and will be living in peace, tolerance, love and success, and remarkable cultural life and all its benefits and heritage.
Osmanlılarla beraber İslam'ı zorla veya huzurla kabul etmeleri, misyonerlik faaliyetleri yüzyıllar boyunca sürmüştü. Bu eser, 19.yüzyılda yapılan zorla din politkalarına değinecektir. Avusturya-Macaristan gelişiyle Bosna Boşnak Müslümanlar, Avrupa kültürüyle yakınen tanışarak en güzel en büyük bir kültürel sentezi meydana gelmiştir. Bu kültürel sentezi bugün de devam ederek Bosna'nın simgesi oluşmuştur. Has, özel ve bağdalaştırıcı bir kültürüyle tüm dünyaya örnek olacak bir durum
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[email protected] 4 views
I do recommend seeing this lecture about Hagia... more
I do recommend seeing this lecture about Hagia Sophia
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Today we have another lecture from an eminent expert on Bosnian and World cultural history, herit... more Today we have another lecture from an eminent expert on Bosnian and World cultural history, heritage, medicine and many other topics. Today we explained how was the situation with plague, measures, results in and many other things...
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Bugün Bosna Hersek Büyük Veba 1729 - 1739 işledik. Yapılan reformlar, sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel faaliyetler ve etkiler...
Daha fazlası için, kanalime abone olmayı ve takip etmeyi unutmayın...
Ayrıca da bana yazabilirsiniz: [email protected] 44 views
Papers by Muhamed Valjevac
In these hard times of pandemic, it"s more important than ever to have a bright picture ... more In these hard times of pandemic, it"s more important than ever to have a bright picture of viruses, bacterias and sickness in general. In our work, we researched the aspects of the great plague in Bosnia during 1729 - 1739, with death injuries, plus cure, plus taken measures and cooperation between nationalities. In our exploration, we used diaries from people and officers in that period who served and found in Bosnia. The scripture of local authorities named Molla Mustafa Basheski, during the plague time, visit almost all of Bosnia and delivered government rules... Kovid döneminde bu gibi konular daha da fazla önemini kazanmıştır. Biz de çalışmamız da, Bosna'nın büyük vebası ile imtihanı, sürmesini, olayları, vakalrı vs. inceledik. İncelerken asıl kaynağımız, Molla Mustafa Başeski'nin yazmış olduğu günlükleri.
'Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity" Justus-Liebig University Giessen, 2021
The Balkan Peninsula, precisely the area of today's modern Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been inhab... more The Balkan Peninsula, precisely the area of today's modern Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been inhabited since ancient times. The first to settle in the region were the old Illyrian tribes. The population got romanized once the Romans conquered and annexed the country by the 1 st century AD. With the presence of Romans and their superior culture, the first hybridities in this region started to arise. The people who lived there at the time did not maintain their orthodox way of living, neither accepted Romans' truly. This complex situation had continued until the fall of the mighty Romans in 476 AD. From this point forward, the superior Goth-Slavic culture began to come to light, showing its supremacy and sovereignty. With the new culture on the horizon, a new religion emerged, called Bogomilism. The new religion was perceived as a blend of Christianity, some old beliefs and faith as well as pagan traditions and customs. In the coming centuries, Bogomilism spread and flourished in many European provinces, including Bosnia. Their counterculture and lifestyle, based on respect, prayers and share, severely affected the Balkan region and Bosnia; some principles exist up until this day. In 1463, when the Ottoman Turks conquered medieval Bosnia, Islam started to spread through the Balkan Peninsula. However, alongside Islam, peacefully existed Orthodox and Catholic Church, the unique symbiosis of confessions, communities and ethnicities for which Bosnia is known for even today. In 1878, with the arrival of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy, European values and customs were brought over and successfully incorporated with the existed ones, forming a new cultural hybrid. This research explores and presents unique cultural and behaviour patterns typical for the Balkans and Bosnian cultural hybridity. Hopefully, this study will be a stepping stone for many others to come.
Eberhard Karls, 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina, in their last overview past, had many challenges. Firstly, many conqueror... more Bosnia and Herzegovina, in their last overview past, had many challenges. Firstly, many conquerors, like Romans, Slavic, Turcic, Germans, etc. With all these conquerors and settlers, many new religions, customs, traditions had come to past and stay in Bosnia. During the centuries, especially with Bosnia's Ottoman conquest in 1463 in this region, we can find the main three religion and religious groups: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The process of Islamization and mainly Conversion had continued for centuries till these days. An important thing to mention is that the Bosnian region before Ottomans belonged to the Bosnian church, neither Catholic nor Orthodox, but had their traditions and believings. These main groups had their system of religious beliefs and value system incorporated from both religions. So, Bosnia and its population with all these characteristics had come to 19 century. 19'th Century, we have to separate into two main parts: First Ottoman parts that last till 1878 and the second Austrian-Hungarian part, which lasted until 1918. This article will focus and explore and present mainly the Bosnian region, the life of the ordinary people, individual and tribe conversions to different religions. Using comparative methods, with historical writings and document explanations, we will show a less known fact and face of Bosnian multiculturalism, interfaith marriages, and cultural heritage to European societies. Do these conversions sponsored by states or done by force, or ordinary people wish. Also, mosques, churches, synagogs, and some 'hidden traditions' played a significant role, and we will mention them. We will also mention the Roma population and their conversations with some practical and not known examples. With all these, in the end, we will show how a united culture formed a new society where all people accepted in one culture circle regarding their nation, religion, and so. Thanks to this, people in Bosnia had lived and will be living in peace, tolerance, love and success, and remarkable cultural life and all its benefits and heritage.
ENIUGH (Euroepan Network in Universal and Global History), 2021
In addition to many misfortunes that befell the diverse population of Herzegovina daily, every so... more In addition to many misfortunes that befell the diverse population of Herzegovina daily, every so often came infectious disease for which no known cure existed for the time being.
It's known that some infectious diseases broke out in the human population and caused a sudden rise in the number of cases leading to significant epidemics. On the other hand, the 1814-1818 plague spread so quickly, reaching almost every corner of the Ottoman Empire and the old continent, resulting in thousands of deaths classified as a pandemic.
In this study, authors attempted to reconstruct the frequency, severity and duration of certain infectious diseases in the region of Herzegovina, with the primary focus on plague, cholera, and smallpox. The Research supported by a range of sources, including chronicles and well-preserved Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim health registers and records that date back to the Ottoman Regency.
Findings indicate that the outbreaks of infectious diseases greatly influenced Herzegovina's population migrations and structure and diversity.
Keywords: Herzegovina, Ottoman Empire, infectious diseases, plague, pox, cholera.
Environmental History of the Ottoman Empire - Orient Institut Beirut (OIB), 2020
By the late 14 th century, the Ottoman army had already crossed the Bosnian border. Having said t... more By the late 14 th century, the Ottoman army had already crossed the Bosnian border. Having said that, the military campaign itself lasted for 60 years, up until 1463, when Bosnia eventually got conquered. During the first 200 years of the Ottoman expansion, the time of prosperity, power, trade and wealth in Bosnia was noticeable. It can be argued that the time of prosperity sized to exist at the time of the Vienna war, from 1683 to 1699. After the battle, the Bosnian principality lost most of its human resources and wealth, while becoming the last Ottoman province in the West. The year 1732 is known as the start of a new desperate episode for the Bosnian folk. That was the year when the plague first ravaged the cities and quickly moved to the countryside and villages. Although the plague first spread amongst the Bosnian Catholics, it showed no mercy to other religious groups; they all equally suffered the loss of human life. The extent of the plague was seen on a large scale in the city of Jajce, where the death of 5,000 people was recorded in one day. The number of deceased was so large that Christians, Jews, and Muslims were, at times, even buried together. The radical measures introduced by the central government, manged to weaken the plague's effects in 1736. The last case of plague was reported in 1739, which is also considered to be the last day of Bosnia's affliction. Officials in the Bosnian principality during the great plague had a set of unique regulations on how to behave in and during the pandemic. Additionally, some settling rules and criteria in cities and counties were rewritten. However, all the taken measures together with the help received from Austrian, Ottoman and independent provinces, were not enough to stop the plague. This study explores what measures were introduced to fight the plague outbreak in 1 [email protected] 2
History of Ortodox Churches/Ordotoks Kiliselerin Tarihi, 2020
Bosnian krstjani – Religious Views and Influence in Medieval Bosnia
The 12th century in ... more Bosnian krstjani – Religious Views and Influence in Medieval Bosnia
The 12th century in Bosnia saw the advent of a group of heretics called Krstjani, the Bosnian Church's followers. Although they soon had to subject themselves to the Catholic Church's supremacy, they were a popular religion with their own hierarchy and religious beliefs. The Krstjani’s theological views diverged from the Catholic Church's teachings and the churches in neighbouring countries. At its peak, their leaders were one of the most prominent diplomats among the Bosnian rulers; furthermore, some of the most noteworthy Bosnian noblemen and the royal family were members of the Bosnian Church. This paper recounts how the Krstjanis’ beliefs were influenced and how they were portrayed in historical sources. Besides, it delves into their hierarchy and their religious teachings following Catholic and other preserved sources.
Keywords: Bosnia, Bogomil.
The platform of International Europe Studies
Decem 2020
Bosna greek Avrupa'nın gerekse de Balkanların ana kesişim noktaı olması bakımından tarihsel ve jeopolitik açıdan önemlidirç Bunun için Romalılardan günümüze kadar çeşit çeşit devletler, dinler, sömürgeci güçler bölgeye hâkim olmaya çalışmışlardı. Bu konuda bazıları başarılı bazıları da başarısız oldular. Ama başarılı olanların hâkimiyeti de askeri ve siyasi gücünün ötesine geçmemişti. Bunun en güzel örneğini 11. Yüzyılda ortaya çıkan Bogomil Mezhebinin bölgede kurduğu hâkimiyet bize göstermektedir. Bölgeye İslam dini ve onun en güçlü siyasi gücü olan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu gelene kadar Bogomil Mezhebi tüm baskılara rağmen tek din unsuru olarak ayakta kalmıştı. Bu çalışmamız farklı teknikler ve yaklaşımlar kullanarak Türkçe literatürüne Bogomil Mezhebine dair yeni bilgiler ve bakış açılarını kazandırmayı amaçlamkatadır. Buna kilise tanıtımıö mezhepsel çatışmalar ve tarihsel gelişim doktrinleri de dâhildir.
Anahtar Kelimele: Bosna, Bogomiller
Conference Presentations by Muhamed Valjevac
In its overlong history, the Balkan region has always been central discourse for many cultures an... more In its overlong history, the Balkan region has always been central discourse for many cultures and civilizations. Starting from ancient times, Iliria tribes then Romans. These two fine and important civilizations left an impact that we still can see today. With Roman fall, on this region and area, a Slavic people and culture influence had arrived. Unique Bosnian culture formed with elements from Pagans and Christian cultures interfere in the Bosnian geographical environment and Bosnian heresy, also known as Bogomilism. Suppose we are to give an example, the cult of water, white-cloth healer, the cult of praying on the open fields, etc. With all these specific and unique cultural characteristics, Bosnia met the Ottoman conquest in 1463. With the Ottomans, a new religion has arrived. Islam is well-known and famous for the importance of water, purity, cleanness, etc. Many new mosques and buildings started to appear. In the beginning, this was quite a shock for major Bogomilism society and culture. This research will explore how the conversion and adoption process to new culture movements flew from the Ottomans to Bosnia and their communities. Celebrating Bajram feasts, fasting, making mosques, marriages, writing poetry, massive baths and toilets, hospitality and many other social and cultural movements. I will use Bosnian and Ottoman well-known and less known first-hand written and oral resources to conduct this research. We will see how Bosnia and its people incorporated these traditions and formed a unique Bosnian cultural hybridity. To entertain a world-vide and Balkan region long term peace, we have to understand better and explain the Bosnian situation and culture movements and patterns to the world. With safe and sound Balkan, protecting and conserving heritage, world and historians will get a new look and approach to undiscovered history and culture so that we can hope for a new, sustainable, and better world.
Eberhard Karls, Tübingan University, 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina, in their last overview past, had many challenges. Firstly, many conqueror... more Bosnia and Herzegovina, in their last overview past, had many challenges. Firstly, many conquerors, like Romans, Slavic, Turcic, Germans, etc. With all these conquerors and settlers, many new religions, customs, traditions had come to past and stay in Bosnia. During the centuries, especially with Bosnia's Ottoman conquest in 1463 in this region, we can find the main three religion and religious groups: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The process of Islamization and mainly Conversion had continued for centuries till these days. An important thing to mention is that the Bosnian region before Ottomans belonged to the Bosnian church, neither Catholic nor Orthodox, but had their traditions and believings. These main groups had their system of religious beliefs and value system incorporated from both religions. So, Bosnia and its population with all these characteristics had come to 19 century. 19'th Century, we have to separate into two main parts: First Ottoman parts that last till 1878 and the second Austrian-Hungarian part, which lasted until 1918. This article will focus and explore and present mainly the Bosnian region, the life of the ordinary people, individual and tribe conversions to different religions. Using comparative methods, with historical writings and document explanations, we will show a less known fact and face of Bosnian multiculturalism, interfaith marriages, and cultural heritage to European societies. Do these conversions sponsored by states or done by force, or ordinary people wish. Also, mosques, churches, synagogs, and some 'hidden traditions' played a significant role, and we will mention them. We will also mention the Roma population and their conversations with some practical and not known examples. With all these, in the end, we will show how a united culture formed a new society where all people accepted in one culture circle regarding their nation, religion, and so. Thanks to this, people in Bosnia had lived and will be living in peace, tolerance, love and success, and remarkable cultural life and all its benefits and heritage.
Environmental History of the Ottoman Empire - Orient Institut Beirut (OIB), 2020
In these hard times of pandemic, it"s more important than ever to have a bright picture of viruse... more In these hard times of pandemic, it"s more important than ever to have a bright picture of viruses, bacterias and sickness in general. In our work, we researched the aspects of the great plague in Bosnia during 1729 - 1739, with death injuries, plus cure, plus taken measures and cooperation between nationalities. In our exploration, we used diaries from people and officers in that period who served and found in Bosnia. The scripture of local authorities named Molla Mustafa Basheski, during the plague time, visit almost all of Bosnia and delivered government rules... Kovid döneminde bu gibi konular daha da fazla önemini kazanmıştır. Biz de çalışmamız da, Bosna'nın büyük vebası ile imtihanı, sürmesini, olayları, vakalrı vs. inceledik. İncelerken asıl kaynağımız, Molla Mustafa Başeski'nin yazmış olduğu günlükleri.
Books by Muhamed Valjevac
Vagus Nerve Araştırma Grubu (Edirne Planı), 2019
Bu plan Trakya-Paşaeli Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti tarafından yapılmıştır. Cemiyet 1918 tarihinde Ed... more Bu plan Trakya-Paşaeli Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti tarafından yapılmıştır. Cemiyet 1918 tarihinde Edirne'de kurulmuştur. Batı ve Doğu Trakya'da o dönemde savaşlar yüzünden ortaya çıkan karışıklıklardan dolayı sıkıntıda olan Türklerin haklarını savunmak için kurulmuştur. Bölgedeki Türk varlığını İngiltere, Fransa ve Rusya’ya barış yoluyla tanıtabilmeyi amaçlamıştır. Türk Milletinin nüfus, ekonomi ve kültür tarihini ortaya çıkarmak için çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmaların bir tanesi de Edirne’nin etnik nüfusunun dağılımını gösteren ve tarihini özetleyen bu plandır. 1918 yıllarında çizilen bu plan, Edirne’de birçok farklı etnik kökene sahip olan halkın barış ve dostluk içinde birlikte yaşadığının göstergesidir. Bunlarla beraber Edirne’de o dönemde bulunan önemli yapıların günümüze ulaşmasında çok büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. *Kitabın tamamı 19 dilde "" sitesinde mevcuttur. This plan was created by the Trakya-Paşaeli Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti (Trakya-Paşaeli Protection of Law Community). The Community was founded in 1918 in Edirne. It was founded to defend the rights of the Turks who were living in the Western and Eastern Thrace confronting trouble at that time due to the confusion caused by the wars. It aimed to promote the Turkish presence in the region peaceably to England, France, and Russia. Various studies have been carried out to reveal the population, economy and cultural history of Turkish Nation by the community. This plan is one of those studies which shows the distribution of Edirne's ethnic population and summarizes its history. This plan, drawn in 1918, indicates that the population of the city which has many different ethnic roots living together in peace and neighborly. Besides these, vital structures (cultural heritage items) in Edirne at that time have great importance in bringing the past to the present.
Videos by Muhamed Valjevac
Also, don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel :
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CIIES (Platform of International Eastern European Studies) tarafından organize edilen Uluslararası Doğu Avrupa Çalışmaları e-Kongresıne katıldıkç Oldukça keygli ve güzel geçmiştir. Konumuz da: Bosna'da Bogomiller - Tarihsel Gelişim ve Mezhepler Arası Çatışma oldu. Alttaki videoda dinlyebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgil ve dieğer konular için: [email protected] mailime yazabilirsiniz. Yeni kalite, güzel ve ilginç videolar için ücretsiz abone olmayı (subscribe), beğenmeyi ve paylaşmayı unutmayın...
Yeni videolara kadar görüşmek dileğiyle.
Osmanlılarla beraber İslam'ı zorla veya huzurla kabul etmeleri, misyonerlik faaliyetleri yüzyıllar boyunca sürmüştü. Bu eser, 19.yüzyılda yapılan zorla din politkalarına değinecektir. Avusturya-Macaristan gelişiyle Bosna Boşnak Müslümanlar, Avrupa kültürüyle yakınen tanışarak en güzel en büyük bir kültürel sentezi meydana gelmiştir. Bu kültürel sentezi bugün de devam ederek Bosna'nın simgesi oluşmuştur. Has, özel ve bağdalaştırıcı bir kültürüyle tüm dünyaya örnek olacak bir durum
Daha fazlası için, kanalime abone olmayı unutmayın
Ayrıca da bana yazabilirsiniz:
[email protected]
I do recommend seeing this lecture about Hagia Sophia
Do not forget to follow and subscribe to my Chanel
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İzlemeye tavsiye ederim
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Pogledajte predavanje o Aja Sofiji
Ostavio sam link za Yotoube i jos vide videa
For more, please do follow and subscribe on a channel and text me: [email protected]
Bugün Bosna Hersek Büyük Veba 1729 - 1739 işledik. Yapılan reformlar, sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel faaliyetler ve etkiler...
Daha fazlası için, kanalime abone olmayı ve takip etmeyi unutmayın...
Ayrıca da bana yazabilirsiniz: [email protected]
Papers by Muhamed Valjevac
It's known that some infectious diseases broke out in the human population and caused a sudden rise in the number of cases leading to significant epidemics. On the other hand, the 1814-1818 plague spread so quickly, reaching almost every corner of the Ottoman Empire and the old continent, resulting in thousands of deaths classified as a pandemic.
In this study, authors attempted to reconstruct the frequency, severity and duration of certain infectious diseases in the region of Herzegovina, with the primary focus on plague, cholera, and smallpox. The Research supported by a range of sources, including chronicles and well-preserved Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim health registers and records that date back to the Ottoman Regency.
Findings indicate that the outbreaks of infectious diseases greatly influenced Herzegovina's population migrations and structure and diversity.
Keywords: Herzegovina, Ottoman Empire, infectious diseases, plague, pox, cholera.
The 12th century in Bosnia saw the advent of a group of heretics called Krstjani, the Bosnian Church's followers. Although they soon had to subject themselves to the Catholic Church's supremacy, they were a popular religion with their own hierarchy and religious beliefs. The Krstjani’s theological views diverged from the Catholic Church's teachings and the churches in neighbouring countries. At its peak, their leaders were one of the most prominent diplomats among the Bosnian rulers; furthermore, some of the most noteworthy Bosnian noblemen and the royal family were members of the Bosnian Church. This paper recounts how the Krstjanis’ beliefs were influenced and how they were portrayed in historical sources. Besides, it delves into their hierarchy and their religious teachings following Catholic and other preserved sources.
Keywords: Bosnia, Bogomil.
The platform of International Europe Studies
Decem 2020
Bosna greek Avrupa'nın gerekse de Balkanların ana kesişim noktaı olması bakımından tarihsel ve jeopolitik açıdan önemlidirç Bunun için Romalılardan günümüze kadar çeşit çeşit devletler, dinler, sömürgeci güçler bölgeye hâkim olmaya çalışmışlardı. Bu konuda bazıları başarılı bazıları da başarısız oldular. Ama başarılı olanların hâkimiyeti de askeri ve siyasi gücünün ötesine geçmemişti. Bunun en güzel örneğini 11. Yüzyılda ortaya çıkan Bogomil Mezhebinin bölgede kurduğu hâkimiyet bize göstermektedir. Bölgeye İslam dini ve onun en güçlü siyasi gücü olan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu gelene kadar Bogomil Mezhebi tüm baskılara rağmen tek din unsuru olarak ayakta kalmıştı. Bu çalışmamız farklı teknikler ve yaklaşımlar kullanarak Türkçe literatürüne Bogomil Mezhebine dair yeni bilgiler ve bakış açılarını kazandırmayı amaçlamkatadır. Buna kilise tanıtımıö mezhepsel çatışmalar ve tarihsel gelişim doktrinleri de dâhildir.
Anahtar Kelimele: Bosna, Bogomiller
Conference Presentations by Muhamed Valjevac
Books by Muhamed Valjevac
Also, don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel :
(Link in description)
CIIES (Platform of International Eastern European Studies) tarafından organize edilen Uluslararası Doğu Avrupa Çalışmaları e-Kongresıne katıldıkç Oldukça keygli ve güzel geçmiştir. Konumuz da: Bosna'da Bogomiller - Tarihsel Gelişim ve Mezhepler Arası Çatışma oldu. Alttaki videoda dinlyebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgil ve dieğer konular için: [email protected] mailime yazabilirsiniz. Yeni kalite, güzel ve ilginç videolar için ücretsiz abone olmayı (subscribe), beğenmeyi ve paylaşmayı unutmayın...
Yeni videolara kadar görüşmek dileğiyle.
Osmanlılarla beraber İslam'ı zorla veya huzurla kabul etmeleri, misyonerlik faaliyetleri yüzyıllar boyunca sürmüştü. Bu eser, 19.yüzyılda yapılan zorla din politkalarına değinecektir. Avusturya-Macaristan gelişiyle Bosna Boşnak Müslümanlar, Avrupa kültürüyle yakınen tanışarak en güzel en büyük bir kültürel sentezi meydana gelmiştir. Bu kültürel sentezi bugün de devam ederek Bosna'nın simgesi oluşmuştur. Has, özel ve bağdalaştırıcı bir kültürüyle tüm dünyaya örnek olacak bir durum
Daha fazlası için, kanalime abone olmayı unutmayın
Ayrıca da bana yazabilirsiniz:
[email protected]
I do recommend seeing this lecture about Hagia Sophia
Do not forget to follow and subscribe to my Chanel
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İzlemeye tavsiye ederim
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Pogledajte predavanje o Aja Sofiji
Ostavio sam link za Yotoube i jos vide videa
For more, please do follow and subscribe on a channel and text me: [email protected]
Bugün Bosna Hersek Büyük Veba 1729 - 1739 işledik. Yapılan reformlar, sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel faaliyetler ve etkiler...
Daha fazlası için, kanalime abone olmayı ve takip etmeyi unutmayın...
Ayrıca da bana yazabilirsiniz: [email protected]
It's known that some infectious diseases broke out in the human population and caused a sudden rise in the number of cases leading to significant epidemics. On the other hand, the 1814-1818 plague spread so quickly, reaching almost every corner of the Ottoman Empire and the old continent, resulting in thousands of deaths classified as a pandemic.
In this study, authors attempted to reconstruct the frequency, severity and duration of certain infectious diseases in the region of Herzegovina, with the primary focus on plague, cholera, and smallpox. The Research supported by a range of sources, including chronicles and well-preserved Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim health registers and records that date back to the Ottoman Regency.
Findings indicate that the outbreaks of infectious diseases greatly influenced Herzegovina's population migrations and structure and diversity.
Keywords: Herzegovina, Ottoman Empire, infectious diseases, plague, pox, cholera.
The 12th century in Bosnia saw the advent of a group of heretics called Krstjani, the Bosnian Church's followers. Although they soon had to subject themselves to the Catholic Church's supremacy, they were a popular religion with their own hierarchy and religious beliefs. The Krstjani’s theological views diverged from the Catholic Church's teachings and the churches in neighbouring countries. At its peak, their leaders were one of the most prominent diplomats among the Bosnian rulers; furthermore, some of the most noteworthy Bosnian noblemen and the royal family were members of the Bosnian Church. This paper recounts how the Krstjanis’ beliefs were influenced and how they were portrayed in historical sources. Besides, it delves into their hierarchy and their religious teachings following Catholic and other preserved sources.
Keywords: Bosnia, Bogomil.
The platform of International Europe Studies
Decem 2020
Bosna greek Avrupa'nın gerekse de Balkanların ana kesişim noktaı olması bakımından tarihsel ve jeopolitik açıdan önemlidirç Bunun için Romalılardan günümüze kadar çeşit çeşit devletler, dinler, sömürgeci güçler bölgeye hâkim olmaya çalışmışlardı. Bu konuda bazıları başarılı bazıları da başarısız oldular. Ama başarılı olanların hâkimiyeti de askeri ve siyasi gücünün ötesine geçmemişti. Bunun en güzel örneğini 11. Yüzyılda ortaya çıkan Bogomil Mezhebinin bölgede kurduğu hâkimiyet bize göstermektedir. Bölgeye İslam dini ve onun en güçlü siyasi gücü olan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu gelene kadar Bogomil Mezhebi tüm baskılara rağmen tek din unsuru olarak ayakta kalmıştı. Bu çalışmamız farklı teknikler ve yaklaşımlar kullanarak Türkçe literatürüne Bogomil Mezhebine dair yeni bilgiler ve bakış açılarını kazandırmayı amaçlamkatadır. Buna kilise tanıtımıö mezhepsel çatışmalar ve tarihsel gelişim doktrinleri de dâhildir.
Anahtar Kelimele: Bosna, Bogomiller