Papers by Mariana Incarnato
Developing practice: the child youth and family work journal, 2012
For young people in care in Argentina, as in many other countries, the process of leaving the ins... more For young people in care in Argentina, as in many other countries, the process of leaving the institutions is not just a matter of opening the door and exiting. It begins earlier, while the youths start to prepare themselves to leave, but continues after care together with other life challenges they have to face on their way to adulthood. One of the main challenges in this process will be finding suitable employment that allows them to not only generate an income, but also belong to a new social network that could contribute to their full integration into society (Stein, 2010).
Oxford University Press eBooks, Dec 13, 2022
Oxford University Press eBooks, Dec 13, 2022
Debates Latinoamericanos, Apr 1, 2018
familiar (RELAF), más de 350.000 niños, niñas y adolescentes viven alejados de sus familias en di... more familiar (RELAF), más de 350.000 niños, niñas y adolescentes viven alejados de sus familias en distintos dispositivos alternativos de cuidado. Esto se debe a una decisión de los Estados a partir de la constatación de una vulneración grave de sus derechos, generalmente asociada a malos tratos, abusos, abandonos o negligencias severas. La mayoría de ellos vive en grandes instituciones de cuidado, durante varios años de su vida. Además, al llegar a los 18 años de edad deben egresar del dispositivo de cuidado que los albergó, teniendo que enfrentar la vida adulta sin haber sido preparados para ello debidamente. El presente artículo busca describir brevemente las trayectorias de estos adolescentes y jóvenes en su transición del sistema de cuidados alternativos a la vida adulta .
Developing practice: the child youth and family work journal, 2012
For young people in care in Argentina, as in many other countries, the process of leaving the ins... more For young people in care in Argentina, as in many other countries, the process of leaving the institutions is not just a matter of opening the door and exiting. It begins earlier, while the youths start to prepare themselves to leave, but continues after care together with other life challenges they have to face on their way to adulthood. One of the main challenges in this process will be finding suitable employment that allows them to not only generate an income, but also belong to a new social network that could contribute to their full integration into society (Stein, 2010).
Por Los Derechos De La Infancia Y De La Adolescencia Un Compromiso Mundial Desde El Derecho De Participacion En El Xx Aniversario De La Convencion Sobre Los Derechos Del Nino 2009 Isbn 978 84 9790 435 3 Pags 1540 1561, 2009
Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care, 2016
This chapter draws on the experiences of three care leaver studies from England, Northern Ireland... more This chapter draws on the experiences of three care leaver studies from England, Northern Ireland and Argentina, which were each underpinned by a participatory methodology. It considers the experience and impact of utilizing peer research (PR) approaches, outlining the processes of recruiting, training and supporting care leavers to become peer researchers. Benefits for the personal and professional development of peer researchers and for participant recruitment and quality of data are reported. The chapter considers the balance between the additional support and costs of PR with the added value to the study. Lessons for successful PR in care leaver studies are identified, including comprehensive training, practical assistance, assessment of risk, opportunities to co-interview, emotional support and ethical guidance. The continued role of peer researchers during data analysis and dissemination is also highlighted in order to facilitate their engagement with policy makers and service providers, and involvement in research impact activities.
Children and Youth Services Review, 2020
Young people who are taken up into the care system (including foster, formal kinship and resident... more Young people who are taken up into the care system (including foster, formal kinship and residential or group care) traditionally have to leave care at age 18, the generally accepted age of adulthood. Research globally has shown that most youth are not ready to transition to independent living at 18 and require additional support into early adulthood. One specific type of support that has gained increasing interest is extended care arrangements, including permitting young people to remain in their care placements beyond the age of 18. While widely discussed, there is a limited body of literature on the conceptualisation, implementation and evaluation of extended care, and almost no cross-national dialogue on extended care. This article aims to gather together a range of experiences on extended care and to explore the extent to which there is a cross-national consensus on the conceptualisation and operationalisation of extended care. Ten countries participated in the study, reviewing their country's extended care policy, practice and research using a common matrix. Findings reveal adoption of aspects of extended care in all countries, wide variations in how extended care is conceptualised, legislated, funded and implemented, and very little research on the effectiveness of extended care. The authors recommend resolving cross-national variations in the conceptualisation of extended care and further research on the role and contribution of extended care placements to improved outcomes for youth in diverse social, political and economic contexts.
This Article and its accompanying supplementary material contain typographical errors in the conc... more This Article and its accompanying supplementary material contain typographical errors in the concentrations of arabinose, where they should be multiplied by a factor of ten. As a result, all instances of '133 µM' should read '1.33 mM' and all instances of '1.33 mM' should read '13.3 mM' .
El presente trabajo aborda la problematica de los ninos, ninas y adolescentes que viven bajo cuid... more El presente trabajo aborda la problematica de los ninos, ninas y adolescentes que viven bajo cuidado alternativo por haber sido separados de su medio familiar. A los 18 anos, deben abandonar el cuidado del Estado y encarar una transicion a la vida adulta con diversas dificultades. El trabajo se centra en el analisis de las trayectorias de un grupo de 199 adolescentes y jovenes que viven o han vivido institucionalizados por una medida excepcional de cuidado, en siete provincias argentinas. Las trayectorias fragmentadas en cuanto a los vinculos, los largos periodos dentro de las instituciones y la falta de garantia en el acceso a la educacion y a la vivienda otorgan un panorama de dificil integracion para este grupo en particular. Los resultados principales permiten demostrar que las redes de soporte, la capacidad de cada joven de adaptarse a contextos adversos y cambiantes y las posibilidades de inclusion y permanencia en el sistema educativo son ejes de gran importancia para lograr ...
Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care, 2016
Papers by Mariana Incarnato