Tyng-Ruey Chuang [email protected]


I have learned to murmur in public.

  • 2021-08-18T11:06:24Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    A must-read critique from David Rosenthal on Jonathan Zittrain's article "The Internet Is Rotting":


    Rosenthal gave a very memorable keynote at the 2017 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Conference in Tainan, Taiwan:

  • 2021-07-10T00:14:22Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    『因應未來解封,民眾出入許多場所可能須出示篩檢證明或疫苗接種紀錄,健保署在一週內將兩者資料統整成「COVID-19 通行證」,宛如國內版疫苗護照,最快今晚上線啟用。』




    「COVID-19 通行證」?是讓 COVID-19(患者)通行嗎?

    為何不就說「COVID-19 篩檢與接種紀錄」呢?篩檢或接種紀錄是對身體狀況的正式陳述,與個人能否「通行」某地無關,但可因時空情境列入考慮。「通行證」是錯誤用語。



  • 2021-07-04T03:14:37Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers


    台灣全民疫苗接種進度條 @[email protected]



    "Vaccination progress in Taiwan."

    資料源: Our World In Data / Taiwan CDC /  Wikipedia
    作者: @[email protected]

    推特機器人製作方式可閱讀  gugod 寫的〈台灣全民疫苗接種進度條機器人〉

  • 2021-07-01T13:26:21Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    The depositar -- an open repository for research datasets -- is updated with Terms of Use (https://data.depositar.io/en/terms_of_use) and Privacy Policy (https://data.depositar.io/en/privacy). Please send your feedback to [email protected]; we love to hear from you!

    「研究資料寄存所」旨在保存與開放研究資料,提供存放、尋找、以及取用研究資料的服務。此服務即日起新增《使用條款》(https://data.depositar.io/zh_TW/terms_of_use) 以及《隱私政策》(https://data.depositar.io/zh_TW/privacy)。有任何意見請與我們聯繫[email protected]

  • 2021-06-26T02:38:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers

    It doesn't even make sense to say, "I don't have time." The time has you, like the air carries a bird. The bird landed, and I was gone.


    9 years ago I wrote this. A difficult time then, a different time now.
  • 2021-04-16T03:24:31Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    "Free software becomes a standard in Dortmund, Germany"




    ... 德國西部大城多特蒙德 (Dortmund) 市議會日前宣佈,在該市規劃的 2020年~2025年備忘錄裡,數位化是其中一項任務,並於二月11日通過了兩項有關自由軟體的決議,分別是:

    • 盡可能地使用開源軟體
      Use of open source software where possible.

    • 由市政當局開發、或委託開發的軟體,可向一般大眾釋出
      Software developed by the administration or commissioned for development is made available to the general public.

    根據決議,此政策是為了塑造公部門的數位主權(digital sovereignty)及數位參與(digital participation)。該決議逆轉了「支持開源軟體」的舉證責任,未來,公部門要使用專屬軟體的時候,必須舉證「何以開源軟體不符需求」。

  • 2021-04-16T02:49:34Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    "Kicking off the GNU Assembly"


    "... We came up with a founding document last year through a transparent discussion process, followed by a formal endorsement period, after which we set up the Assembly mailing list. This mailing list is a safe space where the group discusses its organization and governance.

    Currently, the GNU Assembly consists of maintainers and developers from about 30 packages—old and young, small and big. ..."

  • 2021-04-16T02:30:54Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    "NWO Persistent Identifier strategy will lead to increased efficiency and insight"


    "In the Persistent Identifier (PID) strategy presented today, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) describes how it will gradually implement PIDs in the coming years. PIDs are an increasingly important component of scholarly communication because of the increased digitization of research. They ensure that research is findable and contribute to save researchers time and effort."

  • 2021-04-15T10:17:56Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    Kuai Kuai made it to BBC! 乖乖上 BBC 了!


    "The bags also cannot be used as amulets beyond their expiration date, so Leng says they are usually swapped twice a year – once during the start of the Lunar New Year, which normally takes place around February, and again during the Ghost Festival in July. And lest you think you can get away with displaying empty bags of Kuai-Kuai, those in the tech world say the snack shouldn't be consumed, otherwise you technically void its protective warranty."

  • 2021-04-09T11:13:48Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers





    與朋友在家中聚會,我們會翻出停產的光碟片或遊戲機,一開機就進入往日時光。我們也在 YouTube 上翻找老歌與舊電影。藉由實體物件、數位載體與網路服務,群體的文化經驗藉以留存,同時寄語後世。

    不過,現在若想要感受早期全球資訊網的使用經驗,可就困難了。早期的網站多已不存在或樣貌大幅改變(可還記得蕃薯藤和奇摩?GeoCities?),1990 年代的電腦、作業系統、瀏覽器與上網方式也跟現在相去甚遠(用過數據機撥接上網嗎?)。電腦作業系統幾次更新之後,舊有的應用程式與檔案格式不能使用,更是經驗斷層的關鍵因素。舉例來說,新手機無論是安卓系統或是 iOS,都不支援 Flash。在 2000~2010 年間,使用 Flash 製作的網頁動畫與遊戲,是當時全球資訊網不可或缺的一環。因著奧多比公司 (Adobe) 的決定,Flash 的生命終點設在 2020 年 12 月 31 日,今年起眾人可要跟 Flash 的網路經驗說再見,之後的世代也無從體驗。

    幸好有「網際網路典藏庫」 (Internet Archive)!這個非營利組織成立於 1996 年,固定爬梳所有網站,每日系統性地把網頁備份到典藏庫。2020 年 11 月網際網路典藏庫宣佈,已整合名稱為 Ruffle 的 Flash 模擬器程式,先載入瀏覽器就可執行典藏庫內副檔名 .swf 的 Flash 格式檔案,讓昔日的動畫與遊戲起死回生。

    之所以如此大費周章,是因為 Adobe 在最後釋出的 Flash 播放器更新程式內建了時間炸彈;這些新款的播放器在 2021 年 1 月 12 日之後,會直接拒絕執行 Flash 格式的檔案。在這名副其實的「死期」之後,使用 Flash 的網站頓時停擺,因為造訪者瀏覽器內的 Flash 播放器罷工了。南非國稅局使用 Flash 製作網路報稅軟體,因此成為受災戶,緊急之下只好準備客製化的瀏覽器,內含無時間炸彈的 Adobe 舊版 Flash 播放器,請民眾報稅前先下載使用,以暫時度過難關。

    Flash 興起於 1996 年,那時的網頁只有文字和圖片,網路頻寬也有限,但透過 Flash 可以在瀏覽器內達到多媒體互動的效果,相當受開發者喜愛,YouTube 那時也是用 Flash 來播放影片。隨著網路頻寬大幅提升,以及網頁開發轉用內建影音功能的 HTML5,Flash 的需求日益降低。但是 Flash 播放器的維護,尤其在安全性漏洞上持續修補,卻逐漸成為負擔。也難怪 Adobe 要把它下架。

    Flash 的生命在 1 月 12日終止。美國前總統川普的推特帳號在 1 月 8 日永久停權。這兩件事不相關,但都彰顯了網路內容不易保存的特質。川普任職總統期間富爭議的推特發文,可視為政府記錄與史料,有保存研究的需要。停權後,川普自 2009 年起共約 5 萬 6000 則推文,在推特平台上卻已完全看不到。當然,川普是飽受爭議的公眾人物,他的推文必定已有多方備份留存,在推特平台上看不到似乎不要緊。不過,個別的保存是否完整?每則的備份是否忠實?這也是值得深究的問題。保存在網際網路典藏庫的川普推文以及備份在「川普推特典藏庫」 (Trump Twitter Archive) 的兩份獨立收藏,經過研究人員比較,絕大多數相同但仍有少數出入,例如川普自行刪除的一些推文,兩邊收錄的方式則不一致。


    從 Flash 網頁程式的保存與再現,到川普推特發文的蒐集典藏,都點出了在快速變動網路環境下的數位經驗,無論是個人還是群體,皆如此短暫脆弱,也彰顯數位保存的重要與困難。

  • 2021-04-07T16:28:29Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers



    109 年國中教育會考題本及相關檔案:試題說明

    109 年國中教育會考題本及相關檔案:國文科


  • 2021-04-05T13:55:16Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers


    Very happy to be at the first ever (experimental?) brunch from New Bloom at 柏林廢墟 Tacheles. The fate has reconnected me with old and new friends, as well as a distant relative. Many thanks to Brian Hioe and friends for running the place and organizing this event (and the photos too!).

  • 2021-04-04T05:42:21Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers


    Remembering and being grateful to my father. The banana in the fruit plate this morning comes from the banana trees he planted. With food provenance like this, I can only swallow them slowly.

  • 2021-04-04T05:40:23Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    Remembering and being grateful to my father. The banana in the fruit plate this morning comes from the banana trees he planted. With food provenance like this, I can only swallow them slowly.


  • 2021-04-03T01:06:00Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers




  • 2021-04-02T01:58:56Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    Bus Ride Buddy 公車旅伴

    Stephen Sekula likes this.

  • 2021-04-01T05:46:22Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers

    中央研究院新聞稿:「COVID-19 的人文社會省思」專題網站英文版上線



    「COVID-19 的人文社會省思」專題網站中文版: https://covid19.ascdc.tw

    「COVID-19 的人文社會省思」專題網站英文版: https://covid19.ascdc.tw/en

    公共衛生危機下的知識開放取用(莊庭瑞): https://covid19.ascdc.tw/essay/207

    Open Access to Knowledge during Public Health Emergencies

    Chuang Tyng-ruey|Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

    The COVID-19 crisis has reshaped social norms and revealed global institutional shortcomings, creating fertile ground for structural changes. This paper investigates access to public health information, disease statistics, and research datasets, emphasizing the efforts of individuals, communities, and non-profit organizations (NPOs) in the pursuit of open access to knowledge. In addition, it examines scholarly publication, digital lending, and content repositories among universities, research institutes, and NPOs, especially in relation to public access to scientific knowledge. This paper also highlights the importance of research data facilities and mutual data sharing, as well as the critical role of research institutions in digital repository stewardship. Finally, it considers Academia Sinica's facilitation of public knowledge access.


    Tyng-Ruey Chuang at 2021-04-02T02:12:57Z

  • 2021-03-27T13:34:50Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers




    「再現傳奇——洪通百歲紀念展」到 2021-04-25

  • 2021-03-26T09:00:06Z via Pumpa To: Public CC: Followers


    University libraries pool together to directly fund Demography, an open access journal!

    How exciting! More information:
