Free Software Foundation Europe [email protected]

Brussels, Europe

non-profit organisation working on freedoms to use, study, share and improve software as critical for equal participation in the information age.

  • 2016-10-14T09:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE Newsletter - October 2016

    After some changes to the FSFE's internship program in early September, we're happy to be able to announce an opening for a technical intern with the FSFE. We're seeking an intern who can work with us for three months in our Berlin office, learning about Free Software and the FSFE, while at the same time contributing to rewriting parts of our technical infrastructure. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-09-30T07:30:03Z via Spigot To: Public

    Open internship position as a technical intern

    FSFE is a charity dedicated to empowering users to control technology. We are working to build freedom in digital society. We operate in a lively environment with volunteers from many countries. We are looking for a technical intern to join our team for three months, taking part in the work to rewrite and implement a new account management system. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    EVAnaRkISTO shared this.

  • 2016-09-28T07:00:03Z via Spigot To: Public

    EU copyright proposal reinforces DRM

    On 14 September the European Commission (EC) published its long-awaited proposal for a Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market. While we welcome the proposal to introduce a mandatory exception for 'text and data mining' (TDM) in the field of scientific research, we are concerned about the inclusion of a far-reaching "technical safeguards" clause granted to rightholders in order to limit the newly established exception. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-09-14T06:00:03Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE Newsletter - September 2016

    Thank you for contributing to making the FSFE Summit this past weekend a huge success! We were excited to see so many familiar faces and we're eager to meet again soon. Of course, the FSFE Summit was not the only thing going on in the past month. In this newsletter you can read about our community's other activities. In the October newsletter, we will share more of what happened at the Summit. Stay tuned for more! Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Tobias Diekershoff likes this.

  • 2016-09-07T15:00:03Z via Spigot To: Public

    Julia Reda, MEP: "Proprietary Software threatens Democracy"

    Julia Reda ended the QtCon, a conference for the Free Software community, with a closing keynote on, among other things, Free Software in the European Public Sector. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Mike Linksvayer likes this.

    Mike Linksvayer, victorhck shared this.


    Good talk. I enjoyed (1) characterization of writing free software as "direct action" (2) zero mention of licenses (3) a bit of justification of claim, not bare assertion.

    Learned of

    Mike Linksvayer at 2016-09-08T02:57:22Z

    Charles Stanhope likes this.

  • 2016-08-31T11:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    Berliner Parteien zu Freier Software: Regierung enttäuscht, Opposition macht Hoffnung

    Die Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) veröffentlicht heute als Teil der "Koalition Freies Wissen die Wahlprüfsteine für die Wahl zum Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin am 18. September 2016. Die Parteien konnten Stellung nehmen zur Forderung, öffentlich finanzierte Software als Freie Software zu veröffentlichen, sowie zu ihrer Bereitschaft, Freie Software an Bildungseinrichtungen verstärkt einzusetzen. CDU, Grüne, Linke, Piraten und SPD haben geantwortet und erklärten ihre jeweiligen Positionen dazu. Zudem wurden die Wahlprogramme der Parteien untersucht und Vergleiche zu den Positionen der Parteien von vor fünf Jahren gezogen. Dabei schneiden Grüne und Linke positiv ab, bei der CDU, den Piraten und der SPD sieht die FSFE teils erheblichen Verbesserungsbedarf. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Tobias Diekershoff likes this.

  • 2016-08-23T09:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Bisherige Regierungsparteien mit offensichtlichen Berührungsängsten bei Freier Software

    Die Free Software Foundation Europe veröffentlicht heute als Teil der "Koalition Freies Wissen die Wahlprüfsteine für die Wahl zum Landtag von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern am 04. September 2016. Die Parteien konnten Stellung nehmen zur Forderung, öffentlich finanzierte Software als Freie Software zu veröffentlichen, sowie zu ihrer Bereitschaft, Freie Software an Bildungseinrichtungen verstärkt einzusetzen. Die Grünen sind Freier Software gegenüber positiv aufgeschlossen und machen Vorschläge zur Umsetzung. Die Linken haben die Bedeutung „Freier Software“ als solche erkannt -- auch wenn konkrete Vorschläge zur Umsetzung fehlen. SPD und CDU haben dagegen inhaltlich starken Nachholbedarf. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-08-17T07:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    The Document Foundation and the FSFE strengthen their relationship

    The Free Software Foundation (FSFE) is joining the Advisory Board of The Document Foundation. At the same time, The Document Foundation is becoming an associated organisation of the FSFE. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Krugor shared this.

  • 2016-08-16T13:00:03Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE Newsletter - August 2016

    The goal of the "Free and Open Source Security Audit" (FOSSA) pilot project is to increase the security of Free Software used by European institutions. The FSFE has been following the project since early 2014. Recently, the European Commission published the first round of deliverables based on their interviews with stakeholders. While the FSFE is in full support of this European initiative, the implementation of the project leaves us concerned. FOSSA's first analysis lacks an understanding of Free Software; it includes several factual errors; and it was based on poorly conducted general interviews. FSFE President Matthias Kirschner and FSFE Fellowship Representative Mirko Böehm, who were both interviewed for the project, have summarised the most evident shortcomings in the recent FOSSA publications. However, looking from another perspective: FOSSA is still in its first stages and with the help of more Free Software experts, we can get FOSSA going in the right direction. The FSFE will continue to closely follow FOSSA's upcoming implementations. In case you have any comments or feedback concerning the initiative, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with us on our discussion list or directly to the attention of Matthias Kirschner. This way, we will make sure that all relevant concerns will be communicated to the EU. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-08-09T08:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    In Memory of our Friend Elias Diem

    In the afternoon of Saturday 6 August, our friend and active Fellow Elias Diem passed away. He was on his way back home from a hiking trip with a friend in the Swiss alps. He slipped and fell about 150 meters. His friend tried to rescue him, but it was too late. He died of a heavy head injury in the age of 39. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Yutaka Niibe, RiveraValdez likes this.

  • 2016-08-04T13:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    Free Software Foundation Europe Summit 2016 – Not a tech conference

    Free Software advocates from all over Europe will be meeting in Berlin from the 2nd to the 4th of September at the FSFE Summit 2016. Apart from working on furthering the adoption of Free Software in Europe, we will also be celebrating the FSFE's 15th anniversary. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Tobias Diekershoff likes this.

  • 2016-07-25T15:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    Compulsory Routers: what customers have to take care of now

    Up until now, Internet service providers (ISPs) in Germany determined the router users had to use to connect to the Internet. The user had no say in this decision. This changes on August 1. A new law will allow users choose the device that gets installed in their homes. The FSFE wants to ensure everybody knows about their new rights and is asking users to report cases in which ISPs try to avoid the new regulation. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Yutaka Niibe, [email protected], Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

    Mike Linksvayer, Guido Arnold shared this.

    Well done. Next: prohibit ISPs from providing routers that do not respect customers' freedom.

    Mike Linksvayer at 2016-07-29T20:12:21Z

    [email protected], Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

  • 2016-07-06T15:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE Newsletter - July 2016

    Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-07-01T12:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    Registration open: Be part of the first FSFE summit from September 2nd - 4th in BCC Berlin, Germany

    Imagine a European Union that builds its IT infrastructure on Free Software. Imagine European Member States that exchange information in Open Standards and share their software. Imagine municipalities and city councils that benefit from decentralized and collaborative software under free licenses. Imagine no European is any longer forced to use non-Free Software... This is what we are seeking. And although this vision feels like a long road to go, we know that we are taking major steps along it today. To help unlock our full potential on this road, FSFE offers cross-border collaboration and in 2016 its first European summit. Join us and our movement. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-07-01T09:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    The Software Heritage intiative: A comprehensive archive of Free Software code

    The Free Software Foundation Europe protects users, companies and institutions from technological abuse by promoting the use of Free Software. Now there is a project that protects the code used in Free Software itself and promised to preserve it for the future: Inria presents the Software Heritage initiative. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-06-30T15:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    Software Heritage initiative to create an archive of Free Software code

    The Free Software Foundation Europe supports the creation of the Software Heritage initiative, a platform for the distribution, advancement, and, especially, long-term preservation and archiving of Free Software code. The Software Heritage initiative collects and collates vast amounts of free licensed code to protect it for future generations. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-06-24T14:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE's answers to the European Commission's Public Consultation: Revision of the European Interoperability Framework

    The European Commission is asking for public input with regard to its plans to renew the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). The EIF aims to promote enhanced interoperability in the EU public sector. The document, originally intended as a set of non-binding guidelines for the EU public administration, is going through its third revision since its initial adoption in 2004. The FSFE has prepared its comments for the draft of the revised guidelines. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    MATTEO BECHINI likes this.

  • 2016-06-06T05:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE Newsletter - June 2016

    Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

  • 2016-05-02T14:00:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    FSFE Newsletter - May 2016

    Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation:

    Yutaka Niibe likes this.

  • 2016-05-02T08:30:02Z via Spigot To: Public

    And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is ...

    … Mirko Boehm! The election period for this year's Fellowship GA seat has ended on April 29, 2016. There was just one candidate running for the Fellowship GA seat this time. The more we are happy that still 18,9% of our Fellows took their chance to support Mirko Boehm in running for the seat. Support FSFE, join the Fellowship: Make a one time donation: