Books by Kai Hakkarainen
While sketching has an established role in professional design, its benefits and role in design e... more While sketching has an established role in professional design, its benefits and role in design education are subjects that invite research and opinions. We investigated how undergraduates studying to become design educators and textile teachers used sketching to generate and develop design solutions in a collaborative setting. The students were given an authentic design assignment involving three detailed tasks, one of which was 2D visualisation by sketching. Adopting a micro-analytical approach, we analysed the video-recorded visualisation session to understand how teams used sketching to collaborate and to generate and develop design solutions. To that end, we set three research questions:
Kokonaan uudistettu painos kirjasta Tutkiva oppiminen - älykkään toiminnan rajat ja niiden ylittä... more Kokonaan uudistettu painos kirjasta Tutkiva oppiminen - älykkään toiminnan rajat ja niiden ylittäminen. Tutkivan oppimisen mallissa yksilöt ja yhteisöt ohjaavat omaa oppimistaan asettamalla ongelmia, rakentamalla asioista omia käsityksiään ja soveltamalla yhdessä tuotettua tietoa käytännössä.Kirja on perusteos kasvatustieteen, psykologian, kognitiotieteen, opettajankoulutuksen ja insinöörikoulutuksen opintoihin. Se sopii myös opettajille, jotka kaipaavat työhönsä uusia näkökulmia ja innostusta, sekä työelämässä toimiville, jotka haluavat kehittää omaa psykologista ymmärrystään
The purpose of the present book is to examine the challenges to human skills and competencies eme... more The purpose of the present book is to examine the challenges to human skills and competencies emerging from the knowledge society. Relying on a series of empirical workplace studies, as well as an extensive review of the psychological, sociological and educational literature, the authors develop a framework for examining human competence as a process of networked expertise. Networked expertise is relational in nature; it is con-stituted in interaction between individuals, communities, and larger networks supported by cognitive artifacts, and it coevolves with continuously transforming innovative knowledge communities. Networked expertise is examined from the perspective of three metaphors of learning, i.e. knowledge acquisition, participation, and knowledge creation, which are all relevant in workplaces as well as in educational institutions.
Papers by Kai Hakkarainen
Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2005
Routledge eBooks, Aug 3, 2023
The purpose of the document is to analyse the current practices of using ICT and CSCL in European... more The purpose of the document is to analyse the current practices of using ICT and CSCL in European education, crystallize and concretise pedagogical ideas of collaborative knowledge building to guide the design of ITCOLE CSCL, and provide good examples and models for pedagogical practices. The document is based on CSCL research literature review and information about current practices of using the Internet and networked learning environments for instructional purposes in the participating countries.
Frontiers in Psychology
Current educational reforms concerning curricula and digitalization challenge educators to meet n... more Current educational reforms concerning curricula and digitalization challenge educators to meet new demands for learning and schooling. What is common for current educational reforms is that they tend to emphasize competencies that are not related to the traditional subject-matters and reflect a stance which presents learning as a naturally reflective and collaborative act. It is often assumed that teachers are automatically ready to implement ideas of this kind in practice. In this study, we propose that teachers’ theories about knowledge, knowing and learning, particularly their epistemic theories, may be related to how teachers approach these reforms which challenge their previous ways of working and how they perceive their wellbeing at work. To examine these matters, we explored the dynamic interrelations between teachers’ epistemic theories, conformity with the novel curricular and digital reforms (ideas behind the new curriculum and digitalization program), perceptions of the ...
WSOY Oppimateriaalit, 2007
The purpose of present paper is to examine the collective nature of human expertise from the pers... more The purpose of present paper is to examine the collective nature of human expertise from the perspective of three metaphors of learning, i.e., knowledgeacquisition, participation, and knowledge-creation metaphor. From the traditional cognitive perspective, expertise is an exceptional competence relying on mentally processing acquired knowledge structures. This knowledge acquisition (monological) perspective is challenged by sociocultural approaches, i.e., the participation (dialogical) perspective, examining expertise as a process of participating and growing up to a social community in which appropriation of cultural-historically evolved social practices and mediating material and epistemic artifacts play a central role. Rather than assimilation of already existing knowledge or growing up to a stable community, constant pursuit of novelty and innovation is a central characteristic of our time. The knowledge-creation perspective examines expertise in terms of sustained collective ef...
Books by Kai Hakkarainen
Papers by Kai Hakkarainen
lukutaitoa (literacy) sen suhteen millaisia asioita ja kuinka tutkimussuunnitelmassa tulisi esittää. Ammattimaisissa tutkimusryhmissä toimivat jatko-opiskelijat sen sijaan saavat ohjausta ja malliesimerkkejä, joiden kantamaan kulttuuriseen tietämykseen nojautumalla on mahdollista onnistua. Kannattaa koettaa seurata ohjeita, hakea palautettava aktiivisilta tutkijoilta ja pyytää heiltä onnistuneiden suunnitelmien malleja seurattavaksi; näin voit auttaa itseäsi onnistumaan muiden tuella. Terv. Kai
finding a way of simultaneously promoting both “hands on” and “minds on” approaches among students. The article describes a project called ‘The Artifacts Project – the Past, the Present, and the Future’ that was organized in close collaboration between the teacher (Marianne Bollström-Huttunen) and the researchers. The technical infrastructure of the project was provided by
Knowledge Forum (KF). The teacher’s structured project diary and video recordings of classroom practices, particularly teacher-student interaction, and knowledge produced to KF’s database constituted the data sources of the study; at this point the data are only partially analyzed. While there were certain challenges concerning facilitating students’ in-depth inquiry and the development of their principal scientific understanding, the evidence we have gathered in the project indicates that material artifacts can productively be used to facilitate genuine knowledge-building inquiry, to shift between practical and epistemic manipulation of artifacts, well as to engage students in
“design mode” (Scardamalia & Bereiter, in press). The present investigation indicated the epistemic value of artifacts as well as their physical embodiment.