Competition Rules & Regulations


  • Contestants of legal age1 and all skill levels are welcomed to contribute. SolidJS Core Team and SolidHack Planning Committee members are excluded from participation.
  • Projects must include SolidJS or SolidStart as a dependency and use them in a meaningful way.
  • Submissions must be posted on Github and remain publicly accessible and readable until winners are announced.
  • Submissions may be made by an individual or as teams of 2-3 members. All members must be clearly stated within the project's documentation or configuration (package.json or


  • All projects must have a working demo or video accessible via a URL. The URL must be provided with your submission.
  • Submissions posted after the submission closing date will not be accepted.
  • Submissions must have been started on or after October 1, 2024. Old projects and projects that include previously posted code are not allowed. Projects ported from other ecosystems are allowed.
  • Contestants may utilize libraries developed by themselves or members of their team. The use of a library will be scrutinized to ensure it isn't simply a repackaging and hence providing the contestant an unfair advantage. The library must be significantly different from the submission to warrant it being used fairly. This is at the descretion of the Planning Committee.
  • Submissions must not change after the submission closing date. This includes but is not limited to bug fixes, demo updates, documentation changes etc. You may continue making changes locally or on a separate branch, however main/master must remain untouched until the voting period is over. Updating any production deployments after the date also constitutes a disqualification.
  • Submissions will be vetted by SolidHack Planning Committee members. 3 members or more may vote to disqualify a submission due to the submission breaking the Rules & Regulations.
  • Submissions must have their licensing terms clearly stated in their repositories. Only open-source licenses2 will be allowed.
  • Submissions will be treated as open-source/publicly contributed Intellectual Property bound by the selected open-source license model provided by the participant(s).
  • All source code for a submission must be visible and accessible. Closed-source dependencies are not permitted. Any dependencies or APIs used must be open-source or publicly accessible for free.


  • Contestants agree to act fairly and responsibly during the contest. The SolidHack Planning Committee may vote to disqualify a submission or contestant. One written warning will be supplied.
  • Self-hosted repositories are not allowed and are subject to disqualification. Repositories should be hosted on Github for maximum visibility.
  • Contestants and competition participants will treat each other with respect. This includes public discussions, Twitter and other social media, private and personal communication mediums.
  • Contestants who fail to meet the submission requirements will be notified of issues. This will be done via a Pull Request or Github Issue to a project and require corrections by the end of the next work day.

Voting & Winners

  • Voting with fake accounts3 or more than one account per user is strictly forbidden. All voters Github accounts will be made public on the SolidHack submissions page.
  • Submissions may only be submitted to one category.
  • Winners may only win one category.
  • Votes will be tallied from active Github accounts registered before the competition start date.
  • Winners of the competition categories will be decided by a community vote. Upon ties in votes the Planning Committe and SolidJS Core team will decide the winner.
  • Prize money will be collected from sponsors and distributed via OpenCollective.
  • Prize money will only be awarded to contestants who reside in a country to which fund transfers are allowed (any country that PayPal and OpenCollective support).
  • Prize money will be distributed to submission author(s) individually.
  • Winners may choose to donate funds to a charitable cause approved by the SolidHack Planning Committee.

Challenge Rules

  • Contestants may participate in multiple challenges as often as they'd like.
  • A challenge cannot be used to directly win an Award Category. However, it can be used within an Award Category.
  • Challenge submissions will be reviewed once a week (every Monday) as they come in and selected by the Planning Committee. The selected winner will have met the winning criteria.
  • If no winner meets the challenge criteria, feedback will be provided and contestants can choose to resubmit their submissions for the following week.
  • The Planning Committe has the final say and payouts are made at their sole discretion.

General Details

  • SolidHack is run by an organizing committee made up of SolidJS community members on behalf of corporate and individual sponsors. Similar to software licensing, the Planning Committee is providing this service as a best-effort. Individuals involved commit to acting fairly and responsibly to ensure Rules & Regulations are enacted appropriately.
  • Participants of the competition and third-parties cannot hold the SolidJS Core Team, SolidHack Planning Committee or sponsors liable in any manner. Participating in SolidHack is at your discretion.
  • SolidHack competition is not owned or operated by it's corporate sponsors (Netlify and Sentry). Contests hold harmless all corporates sponsors and organizers.
  • The Planning Commitee reserves the right to adapt or change the rules as they see fit. Rules will be clearly displayed at
  • Rules & Regulations of this competition may change at the discretion of the SolidHack Planning Committee. Contestants will be notified via Discord Channel and website of changes to Rules & Regulations.
  • Submissions may be withdrawn via email to [email protected].
  • The SolidHack Planning Committee commits to making a best effort to protect the privacy of contestants. All information will be collected and distributed for the exclusive purpose of operating the competition.
  1. 1. Underage participants require written permission from a parent or legal guardian (back)
  2. 2. According to (back)
  3. 3. Fake account includes: previously inactive, newly created for the purpose of manipulating votes, or any use of voting automation or botting. (back)
Rules changed last changed September 4, 2024 @ 5:00pm EST