There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
@xyflow᜵react JS (คลัง) - A UMD build of @xyflow/react
@xyflow᜵system JS (คลัง) - A UMD build of @xyflow/system
gifshowjs JS (คลัง) - 自用库
bsn-libs JS (คลัง) - 工具箱
快手脚本 JS (คลัง) - 自用库
Nitro Type Post Race Analysis NT JS (คลัง) - Post Race Analysis
UserScript Compatibility Library JS (คลัง) - A library to ensure compatibility between different userscript managers
Me Salva | c h e e t o JS (คลัง) - God is good, dinner on the table
layer-xiugai JS (คลัง) - layer 修改
no tip JS (คลัง) - iyugyuigiu
抖音脚本 JS (คลัง) - 自用库文件
axios_lib JS (คลัง) - axios库
arrive.js (Latest) JS (คลัง) - arrive.js provides events to watch for DOM elements creation and removal. It makes use of Mutation Observers internally.
arrive.js 2.5.1 JS (คลัง) - A lightweight JS library for watching DOM element creation and removal using Mutation Observers.
azusa_partner_library_bgm_tags_updates JS (คลัง) - bgm_tags_updates
azusa_partner_library_bgm_scores_updates JS (คลัง) - bgm_scores_updates
azusa_partner_library_bgm_covers_updates JS (คลัง) - bgm_covers_updates
azusa_partner_library_bgm_a2b_updates JS (คลัง) - bgm_a2b_updates
Units Converter JS (คลัง) - A library for unit conversions.
tiktok.js JS (คลัง) - 自用程序调用库
@mantine᜵charts-umd JS (คลัง) - UMD build of @mantine/charts
jszip-min-js JS (คลัง) - jszip库,自用
md5库-666 JS (คลัง) - md5库,加密
MaxShowBox JS (คลัง) - 最大程度显示图片的库
[Library] - GS ENCH JS (คลัง) - Library For GameSense 2.1
gz_ui_css-v1 JS (คลัง) - 个人自用样式
FileSaver.min.js JS (คลัง) - FileSaver.min.js库,自用
docx JS (คลัง) - docx.js库,自用
searchEngineJumpPlusRulesCh JS (คลัง) - searchEngineJumpPlusRulesChill
client.30.2105 JS (คลัง) - client.30.2105.js
DynamicTabs_gz JS (คลัง) - 一个简易tabs标签页,只需创建该类的实例,按需传入配置即可在页面上创建
azusa_partner_library_bgm_tags JS (คลัง) - bgm_tags
azusa_partner_library_bgm_scores JS (คลัง) - bgm_scores
azusa_partner_library_bgm_covers JS (คลัง) - bgm_covers
azusa_partner_library_bgm_a2b JS (คลัง) - bgm_a2b
QuHouLibary JS (คลัง) - QuHou's Libary
ElementGetter_xzf JS (คลัง) - 因scriptcat脚本站被屏蔽,搬运cxxjackie大佬的代码
parse-multipart-data-umd JS (คลัง) - A UMD build of parse-multipart-data
client.30.2104 JS (คลัง) - js/client.30.2104.min.js
script do deri JS (คลัง) - alura script kks
无剑3.0代码 JS (คลัง) - 无剑3.0代码,由在线版移植而来,順便《略改》
Greasys Fork API2.0 JS (คลัง) - Get information from Greasy Fork and do actions in it.
无剑Mud数据库 JS (คลัง) - 无剑Mud辅修(数据)
Title Cleaner JS (คลัง) - Clean up title strings
Make GM xhr more parallel again JS (คลัง) - Workaround for Tampermonkey 5.3.2 parallel GM_xmlhttpRequest issue
userList JS (คลัง) - 라이브러리 설명
Drawer_gz页面侧边抽屉组件 JS (คลัง) - 页面侧边抽屉组件
use-resize-observer-umd JS (คลัง) - A UMD build of use-resize-observer
gh_2215_make_GM_xhr_more_parallel_again JS (คลัง) - Go to https://github.com/Tampermonkey/tampermonkey/issues/2215 for more.
FFA Foul Language Processor JS (คลัง) - Enhanced script for detecting and counting occurrences of specific words.
Tipyy-5.2.1 JS (คลัง) - Tippy库
diesisteinskriptwelchesichzumspasaufderwebsitehochlade JS (คลัง) - deez nuts
av-min JS (คลัง) - Leancloud依赖
util JS (คลัง) - TL;DR
rally-the-troops.com 中文化插件词库 JS (คลัง) - rally-the-troops.com 中文词库
MyShowBox JS (คลัง) - 显示图片的库
MyDownloader JS (คลัง) - 包含多种下载方法的下载库
Nitro Type Theme Customizer JS (คลัง) - Theme Customizer
autolog.js JS (คลัง) - 一个小而美的toast插件
旺旺UpUp JS (คลัง) - 牛刀小试
midnight JS (คลัง) - glabal darl style
DouyinWebcastProtoJson JS (คลัง) - Proto
browsedom JS (คลัง) - bookmarklet library
一键截图 JS (คลัง) - 截图
Gaueie JS (คลัง) - Cmsp
GC - Universal Userscripts Settings JS (คลัง) - Library for adding a user interface to manage settings for grundos.cafe userscripts
raceData JS (คลัง) - Race data
UnaMD5 JS (คลัง) - 一个MD5库
人名维护 JS (คลัง) - 用于替换特定羽毛球球员人名的自定义词汇表
The_snowfall JS (คลัง) - adds falling snowflakes to the page
WPM Library for Nitro Type JS (คลัง) - Library that calculates WPM, accuracy, and errors allowed for Nitro Type races
库5 JS (คลัง) - 库5、
DouyinWebSign JS (คลัง) - DouyinWebSign Utils
LanguageTemplateManager JS (คลัง) - Language
MazyarTools JS (คลัง) - Mazyar Tools & Utilities
MazyarConstants JS (คลัง) - Mazyar Constants
Janka Tietzova JS (คลัง) - A user script for The West, optimized Dobby2 for butt plugs and cake decorations.
od JS (คลัง) - 传递哈希值,拼凑链接
jkToolFuncs JS (คลัง) - 超星泛雅平台学习通批量改作业
inject-viewerjs-style JS (คลัง) - Stylesheet for Viewer.js
inject-bilibili-comment-style JS (คลัง) - Stylesheet for comments in bilibili.com
MooMoo.js JS (คลัง) - is moomoo.js
GC - Virtupets API library JS (คลัง) - A library for virtupets.net APIs.
2.24-库存管理 JS (คลัง) - 库存管理
Page_Forum_Wide JS (คลัง) - Affiche la page forum en grand
alipan JS (คลัง) - alipan强化播放依赖库
zaixian100f.com_libjs JS (คลัง) - zaixian100f.com 在线100分 自动答题,12倍速播放视频, 因题库是加密原因,已对所加载过的题目进行了保存,已增加导出工具显示,待下次升级可自行导出。
TOTP Generator JS (คลัง) - https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/502291 脚本使用
zenyBoost2 JS (คลัง) - 个人辅助
MemeFI web JS (คลัง) - Running TapSwap in a browser
DeindentTemplateLiteralString JS (คลัง) - Exports a simple function that can be passed a template literal. It strips code indentation from it while preserving intended indentation, by stripping out the smallest indent every line has in common.
Simple WaitForKeyElement JS (คลัง) - Library that Exports my simplified vanilla JS version of WaitForKeyElement, which is a simple async function that returns a Promise that resolves to an element by a given selector, when that element is found
My consts JS (คลัง) - Constants
@mantine᜵dropzone-umd JS (คลัง) - A UMD build of @mantine/dropzone
clsx-umd JS (คลัง) - A UMD build of clsx
Viewer.js.Lib JS (คลัง) - A copy of Viewer.js, hosted on greasyfork.org
lugburz' Torn Scripts library JS (คลัง) - Imported to Greasy Fork for a privated TornPDA edit of the racing enhancement script
react-shadow-root-umd JS (คลัง) - UMD of react-shadow-root
HinatazakaStyleSetting JS (คลัง) - 日向坂46サイト向けスタイル設定