
Log into your UCLA Google Account and download the raw grade distribution data here: Fall 2021–Summer 2022, Fall 2022–Spring 2023

On February 15th, 2023, I sent a California Public Records Act request to UCLA for 2021–22 grade distributions.

Initial request letter

Two weeks later, UCLA responded asking for $130 for the records.

Billing letter

40+ UCLA students crowdfunded $130 and we sent a check to UCLA Information Practices.

Fundraising reddit post

UCLA responded, promising the records by April 14th.

Letter of estimated availability

After two months of delays, UCLA finally responded with the records on June 16th.

Response letter

This website was developed over the course of a few weeks in late June and early July. Source code for this site is on GitHub; contributions are welcome and appreciated.

The grade distribution data is available for UCLA students to download on the UCLA Google Drive (log into your UCLA Google Account to access): Fall 2021–Summer 2022, Fall 2022–Spring 2023

Responsive documents

This website is not affiliated with UCLA. Grade distribution data from 2021–2022 was sourced through a February 2023 public records request made under the California Public Records Act. 40+ UCLA students paid $131.25 to obtain these records. Grade distribution data from 2022–2023 was sourced similarly.

UCLA students can download the data on Google Drive (log into your UCLA Google Account to access): Fall 2021–Summer 2022, Fall 2022–Spring 2023

Source code for this site is on GitHub; contributions are welcome and appreciated. Questions, comments, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome at this link.