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Indiana State University Athletics



Welcome to the compliance page of This webpage is designed to serve as a quick reference to the many NCAA rules which apply to the boosters, alumni, coaches, staff members, and current and prospective student-athletes of Indiana State University. We invite you to explore the various areas of this page. It contains information tailored to each specific viewer. While it is impossible to cover every NCAA rule or different situation on this website, we hope you will garner a better understanding of the rules and recognize that everyone at Indiana State has a role in compliance. As always, if after reviewing the information you have questions about NCAA rules, please contact the compliance staff.

Information for Current Student-Athletes

An essential goal of the Compliance Office is to assist student-athletes to have a successful and beneficial collegiate experience. This includes assisting current student-athletes to prevent placing their athletic eligibility in jeopardy. The information provided is not intended to be comprehensive. Click on the topic below for more information. Please contact the Compliance Office at (812) 237-4086 if presented with a situation where permissibility is in question.

INFLCR Onboarding One Pager for Student-Athletes
INFLCR Verified Student-Athlete Onboarding Deck
INFLCR Athlete App Demonstration
Indiana State Name, Image, Likeness Policy
Student-Athlete Food Credit Request Form
Nutritional Supplement Handout
NCAA Rules Guide for Student-Athletes
Academic Eligibility
Agent Information/Brochure
Complimentary Admissions
Drug Testing
Extra Benefits
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Gambling & Sports Wagering
Recruiting Roles
Playing & Practice Seasons
Professionals & Agents
Promotional Activities
Summer & Outside Competition
Transfer Information

Information for Prospective Student-Athletes
This section of the Indiana State University Athletics Compliance website is intended to provide those interested in participating in intercollegiate athletics with enough information to proceed in accordance with institution, MVC and NCAA regulations. Please read these materials carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the Compliance Office at (812) 237-4086.

Parent Guide to NCAA Rules
Academic Eligibility
National Letter of Intent
Official Visits
Unofficial Visits
Recruiting Periods
International Athletes - Interactive Map
Who Is a Prospective Student-Athlete?

Non-Qualifier Handout

Information for Agents
Guide for Athlete Agents
In an effort to educate individuals who are interested in representing Indiana State University student-athletes in professional sports negotiations, the Indiana State University Athletics Compliance Office has created this guide.

To begin the agent registration process, please email the ISU Compliance Office at [email protected]. You will then be sent an online form to complete and return.

NCAA Rules
NCAA Bylaw 12.3.1 stipulates that an individual shall be ineligible for participation in an intercollegiate sport if her or she ever has agreed (orally or in writing) to be represented by and agent for the purpose of marketing his or her athletics ability or reputation in that sport.

NCAA Bylaw indicates further that an individual shall be ineligible per 12.3.1 if her or she enters into a verbal or written agreement with an agent for representation in future professional sports negotiations that are to take place after the individual has completed his or her eligibility in that sport.

NCAA Bylaw states that an individual shall be ineligible if he or she (or his or her relatives or friends) accepts transportation or other benefits from:
1. Any person who represents any individual in the marketing of his or her athletics ability. The receipt of such expenses constitutes compensation based on athletics skill and is an extra benefit not available to the student body in general; or
2. An agent, even if the agent has indicated that he or she has no interest in representing the student-athletes in the marketing of his or her athletics ability or reputation and does not represent individuals in the student-athlete's sport.
An educational institution has a right of action against an athlete agent or a former student-athlete for damages caused by a violation of the Uniform Athlete Agents Act.

ATTENTION AGENTS SEEKING TO REPRESENT BASKETBALL STUDENT ATHLETES TESTING THE NBA DRAFT: NCAA rules require that any agent wishing to represent college basketball players wishing to test the NBA Draft process must complete the following three requirements before representing student-athletes in their venture to explore the NBA Draft process.
Certified by the NBPA for at least three years; and, Pass an in-person exam at the NCAA offices in Indianapolis.

An athlete agent who, directly or indirectly, recruits or solicits a student-athlete to enter into an agent contract is required by the Indiana Uniform Athlete Agents Act to do the following:

All athlete agents who plan to contact student-athletes within the State of Indiana must first register with the Indiana Attorney General. The Office of the Attorney General can be reached at (317) 232-6201 (317) 232-6201 or

At least ten (10) days before a student athlete enters into an agency contract, the athlete agent shall give in a record the notice required by IC 35-46-4-4 of the existence of the contract to the athletic director of the educational institution at which the student-athlete is enrolled or the athlete agent has reasonable grounds to believe the student-athlete intends to enroll.

An athlete agent who, with the intent to induce a student-athlete to enter into an agency contract:
- gives any materially false or misleading information or makes a materially false promise or representation;
- furnishes anything of value to a student-athlete before the student-athlete enters into the agency contract; or
- furnishes anything of value to any individual other than the student-athlete or another registered athlete agent commits a Class D felony per Indiana law.

An educational institution has a right of action against an athlete agent or a former student-athlete for damages caused by a violation of the Uniform Athlete Agents Act.

Indiana State University
All correspondence from athlete agents or advisors should be sent to the ISU Athletics Compliance Office at 401 North 4th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47809 in duplicate. The original will be given to the student-athlete's head coach, and the duplicate will be kept in the Compliance Office. Indiana State University does this to ensure agents are in compliance with state law.

Indiana State Athletics will not provide the addresses or telephone numbers of student-athletes. We request all agents and advisors to refrain from telephone contact with ISU student-athletes, or their parents and relatives until the student-athlete has exhausted his or her NCAA eligibility. In-person meetings with current ISU student athletes will be allowed only if each of the following conditions are satisfied: the completed Agent Registration Form and all necessary documentation is filed with the Compliance Office; meetings must be scheduled through the student-athlete's Head Coach in conjunction with the Compliance Office; and a member of the student-athlete's coaching staff must be present at all times during any meeting.

Indiana State University requests that all athlete agents or advisors who are interested in representing its student-athletes complete a Agent Registration Form for Indiana State University and provide a copy of their State of Indiana agent license, copies of professional league players' association applications for those associations in which they are members, a resume, a list of references, and a list of current and former clients to the athletic department in care of the Compliance Office.

Information for Boosters
Are You A Booster?
Boosters (which the NCAA calls “representatives of athletics interests”) are individuals that:
- Participate in or have been members of the Varsity Club, I Club or other athletic support group.
- Have made financial contributions to the Athletics Department or to the Varsity Club.
- Aid or have assisted in the recruitment of prospects.
- Provide or have helped arrange employment for enrolled student-athletes.
- Participated as a varsity student-athlete of Indiana State University.
- Have been involved in promoting ISU Athletics in any other way.

Once an individual has been identified as a booster, that individual is a booster for life. The NCAA holds Indiana State University responsible for the conduct of all “representatives of athletics interests.” Check out the Brochure.

Employment of Current Student-Athletes
Involvement with Current Student-Athletes
Permissible Activities
Prospects and Coaches of Prospects
Ways You Can Help

Tips for Coaches & Staff
This section of the Indiana State Athletics Compliance Office website is designed to provide an easily accessible reference source for Indiana State University coaches, staff and administrators regarding NCAA rules and regulations, as well as Indiana State University policies and procedures.

These materials are designed to provide basic information concerning NCAA legislation and proper compliance protocol. This site is not intended to provide comprehensive rules education. Please contact the Compliance Office if you have any questions regarding NCAA, MVC or institutional issues.

The Compliance Office strives to establish a student-athlete and coach-focused environment. Our intent is to provide the institution’s athletics teams and its coaches with every opportunity to be successful within NCAA and MVC rules. Click on the topic below for more information.

NCAA Division I Abridged Manuals - Sport/Administration Specific

Social Media Rules Tipsheet
Social Media Rules - Chart

Agents, Amateurism, Promotions
Awards and Extra Benefits
Camps and Clinics
Complimentary Admissions
Financial Aid
National Letter of Intent
Outside Competition and Summer Leagues
Playing and Practice Seasons
Educational Monthly Meetings

Business Forms
Direct Deposit of Accounts Payable & Student Refunds
Direct Deposit Payroll Form
Incidental Expense Request Form (Travel)
Laundry Receipt
Meals Summary Part I
Meals Summary Part II
Meals Summary Part III
Occasional Meals Request Form
Purchase Requisition Form
Travel Receipt for Bus Drivers

Other Useful Links
National Letter-of-Intent

Name, Image, Likeness (NIL)
Indiana State Name, Image, Likeness Policy
INFLCR Onboarding One Pager for Student-Athletes
INFLCR Verified Student-Athlete Onboarding Deck
INFLCR Athlete App Demonstration
Name, Image, Likeness - Frequently Asked Questions
Cycle of Individual Engaged in NIL Activities
NIL Basics - Infographic

Administrative Site
Championships Site
Resources Site
Don't Bet On It - Sports Wagering Education
Eligibility Center Login
2016-2017 NCAA Division I Manual
College Bound Guide for Prospects
Legislative Services Database (LSDBI)
National Center for Drug Free Sport
Recruiting Exam Practice Test

International Student-Athlete Interactive Map

Missouri Valley Conference

Indiana State University
Indiana State University Athletics
Indiana State University Office of Admissions
Indiana State University Financial Aid Office
Indiana State University Student Athlete Handbook
Indiana State University Testing Office
Indiana State University Transfer Central

SAT Website
ACT Website
National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA)
United States Olympic Committee (USOC)