Douban movie api data completed a WeChat applet wxAPP, very suitable as a small program beginners combat project!
Powerful data driven tableView,make tableView build so easy.
Chrome Extension of hiding empty scalar/panes in TensorBoard.
Autonomous car simulator (based on JavaScript & WebGL) implemented by fuzzy control system, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization.
📚A list of core knowledge that most Android programmers need to know. (continuously updated...)
🧀Enhanced version of TabLayout, add the custom width of the TabLayout Indicator, add the animation effect of Weibo navigation bar, support the Indicator rounded effect, support the TAB to add red d…
基于 OAuth2.0 协议的跨域认证授权开发套件, 包含授权服务和开放平台 Docker 镜像,基于 Spring Boot Starter 的资源服务工具包和客户端(第三方应用)工具包
Easy-to-use data analysis / manipulation framework for humans
Hellohao图床 | 图像托管 | 云相册,分享/水印、存储源分发、图像管理、前后端分离。
📰 Past Papers Sharing Platform Based On Vue.js & GCE Guide | CAIE 试卷分享与下载平台
HySAS(Hydrogen Situation Awareness System )是一个安全态势感知系统的开发框架,用于实现多进程多数据源的实时计算。不管是在开发过程还是运行过程中,都拥有极高的并行性和扩展性。
🎉 一个基于Spring Cloud全家桶的微服务架构,可用于快速学习微服务架构,或企业环境开发,权限基于URL细粒度授权。
LiAg (LiXin Avatar Generator) is an open source 3D avatar modeling software implemented in React.js and WebGL, which provides web side 3D avatar modeling and rendering service, and users can export…
ReactJS based weather dashboard runs on my RSBP