Visualize offset-based annotations of text spans as SVG.
$ python3 -m venv annovis
$ source annovis/bin/activate
(annovis) $ pip3 install -r requirements
Let's take the provided data.json
as an example:
$ cat data.json
"text" :"Jane Doe is a software engineer.\nShe works at Acme.\n🧙♀️✨ emojis!\nPortsmouth, NH",
"annotations": [
{"start": 0, "end": 63, "label": "*"},
{"start": 0, "end": 8, "label": "PERSON"},
{"start": 14, "end": 31, "label": "OCCUPATION"},
{"start": 31, "end": 34, "label": "MULTILINE"},
{"start": 31, "end": 36, "label": "MULTILINE"},
{"start": 33, "end": 36, "label": "PERSON"},
{"start": 46, "end": 50, "label": "ORGANIZATION"},
{"start": 52, "end": 56, "label": "EMOJIS"},
{"start": 52, "end": 54, "label": "EMOJI"},
{"start": 54, "end": 56, "label": "EMOJI"},
{"start": 67, "end": 77, "label": "CITY"},
{"start": 79, "end": 81, "label": "STATE"},
{"start": 67, "end": 81, "label": "LOCATION"}
We can visualize this as SVG as follows:
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] input
positional arguments:
input input JSON file with "text" and "annotations"
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
path to output file where SVG visualization will be
written (default: annotations.svg)
$ ./ data.json
Writing SVG to: annotations.svg
Note that GitHub's rendering of SVG seems to be different from what I see in Apple's Safari 16 browser. 🤷
Screenshot in Safari 16.4 on macOS 13.3.1:
- Fix the vertical padding within the label area
- Find a better way to visualize annotations that span multiple lines?
- Soft line wrapping?
- Allow for visualizing more complex annotations, such as relationships
- Allow for more customizable styling?
- Allow for coloring labels by type
- Allow for coloring/styling text