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Arduino Car Parking System


This project implements a simple car parking system using Arduino, IR sensors, a servo motor, and an LCD display. It monitors the availability of parking slots and controls access using the servo motor.

Components Used

  • Arduino Uno
  • 2x IR Sensors
  • Servo Motor
  • LCD Display (16x2 characters) with I2C module

Libraries Used

  • Wire.h (for I2C communication with the LCD)
  • LiquidCrystal_I2C.h (for controlling the LCD)

Hardware Setup

  1. Arduino Connections:

    • Connect IR Sensor 1 to Digital Pin 4.
    • Connect IR Sensor 2 to Digital Pin 6.
    • Connect Servo Motor to Digital Pin 9.
    • Connect SDA pin of the I2C LCD Display to A4 on Arduino.
    • Connect SCL pin of the I2C LCD Display to A5 on Arduino.
  2. Power Supply:

    • Power the Arduino board using a USB cable connected to your computer or an external power supply.
  3. Assembly:

    • Mount IR sensors in a position where they can detect incoming and outgoing cars.
    • Attach the servo motor to control the parking barrier.

Software Setup

  1. Arduino IDE:

    • Download and install the Arduino IDE from
  2. Install Libraries:

    • Open the Arduino IDE.
    • Navigate to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries....
    • In the Library Manager, search for LiquidCrystal_I2C by John Rickman.
    • Click Install to install the library.

    If you encounter an error during installation, you can manually download the library

    • Extract the downloaded ZIP file into your Arduino libraries directory (usually found in Documents/Arduino/libraries/).
  3. Upload Code:

    • Open the Arduino_Uno_file.ino sketch provided in this repository.
    • Verify and upload the sketch to your Arduino board (select correct board and port under Tools menu).


  1. Upon startup, the LCD will display a welcome message.
  2. IR sensors detect incoming and outgoing cars:
    • IR Sensor 1 manages incoming cars.
    • IR Sensor 2 manages outgoing cars.
  3. The system dynamically updates the number of available parking slots on the LCD.
  4. When all slots are full, the LCD displays a "Parking Full" message.
  5. The servo motor controls the barrier to allow or deny access based on slot availability.


  • If you encounter issues with the LCD display or servo motor, ensure all connections are secure and configured correctly.
  • Check the Arduino IDE serial monitor for debugging messages if needed.


  • Developed by Zulqarnain Ahmed

Connect with me

  • Feel free to reach out to me through my social media platforms on LinkedIn. LinkedIn Account


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