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Releases: zty199/dde-dock-switch_graphics_card

Compatible with deepin V23 RC

13 May 03:39
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  • Be compatible with deepin V23 RC and dde-shell

Compatible with Deepin V23 Beta2

23 Sep 12:37
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  • dde-dock-graphics-plugin is compatible with Deepin V23 Beta2 now, dde-dock (>= 6.0.22).

fix: lightdm won't startup on UOS Home 22.0

23 Jun 03:58
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Fix a fatal bug on UOS Home 22.0:

  • Setting display color depth in xorg.conf cause Xorg sigfault on UOS Home 22.0

P.S. The following package is built on UOS Home 22.0 (equivalent to UOS Professional 1050 update3), not compatible with Deepin 20.

fix: Fix a bug that gsettings schema key name is incerrect

10 Oct 03:34
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Fix a bug in 1.8.4-2:

  • Wrong schema key name used when initializing SwitchGraphicsCardPlugin, should use SchemaKeyMenuEnable defined.

fix: Fix a bug that plugin exits unexpectedly when changing its position in dde-dock

21 Aug 12:38
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Fix a bug in v1.8.4-1:

  • Wrong SchemaKeyMenuEnable defined in switch-graphics-card-plugin.cpp, should use "menuEnable" instead of "menu-enable".

fix: Add execute permission for scripts

14 Nov 15:53
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Fix Bugs in v1.8.4:

  • Add execute permission for scripts;
  • Add missing symbol links for and prime-run.desktop;
  • Delete invalid symbol links after removal.


14 Nov 08:42
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  • Change plugin name back to "switch-graphics-card" to avoid affecting other system plugins.
  • Add gsettings for right-click menu to ensure that the plugin can be loaded correctly when using third-party plugin names.


  • Support using dpkg-buildpackage to build package instead of running


18 Apr 12:46
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Use Qt5LinguistTools in CMake (Follow xmuli's Guide);
Enable OverClock settings in nvidia-settings when using NVIDIA graphics card;
Delete useless update-initramfs -u command in scripts;
Compile on UOS Home 1030 with Qt 5.11.3.

fix: Fix Bugs in postinst script in v1.8.2

07 Apr 13:50
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Fix a bug that plugin file name in postinst is not correct.

Be adaptive for Deepin 20.2, use new tipsWidget from dde-dock;
Fix bugs that context menu can't show up and plugin can't be disabled in Deepin 20.2.


22 Dec 15:48
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Fix Bugs when running external scripts or commands, dde-dock will freeze;
Delete, use QLocale to get system locale;
Rebuild SwitchGraphicsCardWidget.cpp and .h, adopt uniform design style as system plugins like "poweroff" "notification" to avoid display issues.
Use DNotifySender to send system notifications, instead of using "notify-send" directly;
Reorganize part of codes.