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This is a compiler created for CSC-312 at Grinnell College during the Spring 2018 semester.


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GrinHC — Zachary J. Susag

A compiler written in Haskell for the CSC-312 course at Grinnell College during the Spring 2018 semester.

Supported Grammar

Currently, GrinHC supports only the following grammar:

d ::= data x = [| ci x1 x2 x3 ...]

e ::= n | (e) | e1 + e2 | e1 - e2 | e1 * e2 | e1 / e2
    | e1 % e2 | true | false | e1 <= e2 | e1 == e2
    | e1 >= e2 | e1 < e2 | e1 > e2 | if e1 then e2 else e3
    | f | NaN | x | let x :: t = e1 in e2 | lambda (x::t1)::t2 => e
    | fix f (x::t1)::t2 => e | e1 e2 | () | (e1, e2) | fst e | snd e
    | [] :: t | e1:e2 | head e | tail e | empty e
    | ref e | e1 := e2 | !e | e1 ; e2 | while e1 do e2 end
    | case e of [pi -> ( ei )] end

t ::= Int | Bool | Float | Unit | t1 -> t2 | (t1, t2) | [t] | <t> | D

p ::= (x1,x2) | C x1 x2 x3 ... 

where n is an integer literal, x is a variable identifier of the form

[a-z][a-z A-Z 0-9 ' _]+

f is a floating point literal of the form


and NaN as defined in IEEE 754.

D is the type of a ADT declaration

d is a declaration which currently only supports abstract data type declarations.

p is a pattern which is a matching over pairs and abstract data types. Lists are forthcoming.

Building and Running with Stack

Installing Stack

If stack is not already installed on your system you can install it using:

$ curl -sSL | sh

If running GNU/Linux you could alternatively install stack using the package manager associated with your distribution (e.g. pacman for ArchLinux).

For additional directions on obtaining stack, see here.

Installing additional dependencies

GrinHC makes use of a Haskell linter called hlint. To install this program using stack, run,

$ stack install hlint

Enable githooks

To enable pre-commit hooks, run the following command from the root of the project repository,

$ cd .git/hooks && ln -s ../../githooks/pre-commit

This should enable a git pre-commit hook which will run hlint on all the source files as well as run the test suite automatically.

Building GrinHC

The first time you clone the repository, you must run:

$ stack setup

To build the project thereafter:

$ stack build

You may need to run

$ stack init

if prompted to do so by stack. This will initialize the project according to your machine.

Running GrinHC

To run GrinHC command line arguments:

$ stack exec GrinHC -- foo bar baz

Note: To pass command line arguments to GrinHC instead of stack the double -- are necessary.

Running the Testing Suite

To run the testing suite for GrinHC, run:

$ stack test


[final-project] - 2018-03-16

New Features

  • Added ability to declare and instantiate custom algebraic data types
  • Added pattern matching over pairs and algebraic data types

Changes to Existing Features

  • Added a new type, D, which signifies the type of an algebraic data type named D where D is any uppercase identifier
  • Expanded test suite to test invocations of algebraic data types and pattern matching over pairs and algebraic data types

Known Bugs

  • Pattern matching over lists does not work correctly right now unless you create a Lst algebraic data type

[assignment-06] — 2018-03-07

New Features

  • Added the concept of an environment to keep track of refs (aka state eww).
  • Augmented the grammar with while loops, sequencing (e1 ; e2), stateful assignment (e1 := e2) and dereferencing (!e)

Changes to Existing Features

  • Added a new type, <t> which signifies that a variable is a ref and thus is stateful
  • Expanded test suite to test refs, sequencing, and while loops.

Known Bugs

  • None

[assignment-05] — 2018-02-28

New Features

  • Added a typechecking phase which executes before evaluation occurs and will print an error message if there is a type error
  • Add () (unit) language feature to grammar
  • Add pairs to grammar
  • Add lists to grammar

Changes to Existing Features

  • Expanded test suite to include tests for (), pairs, lists, and typechecking
  • Fixed bug which was required disambiguating parentheses with function application

Known Bugs

  • None

[assignment-04] — 2018-02-21

New Features

  • Can now define functions, both recursive and not, let-bindings, and function applications
  • Added --step command line argument to print out all of the evaluation steps
  • Added %, <, >, ==, and>= operators

Changes to Existing Features

  • Transitioned from Big-Step evaluation to Small-Step evaluation
  • Expanded test suite to include tests for new operators, functions, and let-bindings
    • stack test will also now test whether the steps taken during evaluation are correct

Known Bugs

  • Given an expression of the form 5 * f 3 where f is a function the parser currently builds the following AST, (5 * f) 3 instead of the correct AST, 5 * (f 3). As a result, failure to include disambiguating parentheses will result in an evaluation error.

[assignment-03] — 2018-02-12

New Features

  • Error messages new report position information (line,column)
  • script added to, well, generate baselines automatically

Changes to Existing Features

  • Alex and Happy are used instead of a hand-rolled lexer and parser
  • Grammar changed from prefix to infix
    • <= is non-associative and thus binds the loosest.
    • + and - are left-associative and binds tighter than <=
    • * and / are left-associative and binds the tightest of all operations currently in the grammar
  • Test suite upgraded
    • Tests updated to test infix grammar
    • stack test will now test lexing and parsing components of GrinHC as well as evaluation

Known Bugs

  • None

[assignment-02] — 2018-02-06

New Features

  • Add ability lex and parse basic S-Expressions in a LISP style syntax
  • Ability to read in file with code return evaluated code
  • Intepret S-Expressions with arithmetic operations, booleans, and floats
  • Augment testing suite with tests that cover entire grammar

Changes to Existing Features

  • Remove --length command line option
  • Remove ability to print command line arguments given back to the user
  • Remove old testing suite which tested old features

Known Bugs

  • None

[assignment-01] — 2018-01-29

New Features

  • Created the project
  • Parse command line arguments and spit them back to stdout
  • Add --length argument to print out the length of each argument instead
  • Add infrastructure for testing suite
  • Add a git-precommit hook to automatically run hlint on all *.hs files within the project as well as run the test suite.

Changes to Existing Features

  • N/A

Known Bugs

  • None


This is a compiler created for CSC-312 at Grinnell College during the Spring 2018 semester.







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