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Michael Hansen edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

string_theory iostream support


#include <string_theory/iostream>

Public Functions

Name Summary
ST::writef Write formatted output to a std::basic_ostream-derived streams
operator<< Support writing ST::string objects to std::basic_ostream-derived streams
operator>> Support reading ST::string objects from std::basic_istream-derived streams

Function Documentation


template <class char_T, class traits_T, typename... args_T>
void ST::writef(std::basic_ostream<char_T, traits_T> &stream, const char *fmt_str, args_T ...args)

template <class char_T, class traits_T, typename... args_T>
void ST::writef(std::basic_ostream<char_T, traits_T> &stream, const char *fmt_str, args_T &&...args)

Writes formatted text to the stream using string_theory formatters.

Since string_theory 2.0.

Changed in 3.0: The arguments in args are now forwarded to reduce copying.


template <class char_T, class traits_T>
std::basic_ostream<char_T, traits_T> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char_T, traits_T> &stream, const ST::string &str)

Write an ST::string to the stream, using the same output rules as an appropriately converted std::basic_string representation of the string data.

Since string_theory 2.0.


template <class char_T, class traits_T>
std::basic_istream<char_T, traits_T> &operator>>(std::basic_istream<char_T, traits_T> &stream, ST::string &str)

Read an ST::string from the stream, using the same input rules as a std::basic_string appropriately converted to a ST::string.

Since string_theory 2.0.

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