This is the official codes for EXACT: Scalable Graph Neural Networks Training via Extreme Activation Compression.
This code is tested with Python 3.8 and CUDA 11.0. We note that during our experiments, we found that the version of Pytorch, Pytorch Sparse, and Pytorch Scatter can significantly impact the running speed of the baseline. To reproduce the results in our paper, please follow the below configuration.
- Requirements
torch == 1.9.0
torch_geometric == 1.7.2
torch_scatter == 2.0.8
torch_sparse == 0.6.12
- Build
cd exact
pip install -v -e .
The default setting is applying INT8 quantization to activations. If you want to get the results without quantization. Please add --act_fp
cd mem_speed_bench
python ./arxiv/ --conf ./arxiv/conf/$MODEL.yaml --n_bits $BIT_WIDTH --kept_frac $FRAC
MODEL must be chosen from {gcn, sage, gcn2, gat}, BIT_WIDTH must be chosen from {1,2,4,8}, FRAC is pretty flexible. it can be any float-point number <= 1.0. If FRAC == 1.0, then the random projection will not be applied.
If you do not want to apply any quantization, you can change the commend to
python ./arxiv/ --conf ./arxiv/conf/$MODEL.yaml --act_fp --kept_frac $FRAC
For full-batch training,
cd mem_speed_bench
python ./non_ogbn_datasets/ --conf ./non_ogbn_datasets/conf/$MODEL.yaml --n_bits $BIT_WIDTH --kept_frac $FRAC --dataset $DATASET --grad_norm $GRAD_NORM
MODEL must be chosen from {gcn, sage, gcn2}. BIT_WIDTH must be chosen from {1,2,4,8}, FRAC can be any float-point number <= 1.0. DATASET must be chosen from {flickr, reddit2, yelp}. For GRAD_NORM, it can found in Table 11-15.
For mini-batch training,
cd mem_speed_bench
python ./non_ogbn_datasets/ --conf ./non_ogbn_datasets/conf/$MODEL.yaml --n_bits $BIT_WIDTH --kept_frac $FRAC --dataset $DATASET --grad_norm $GRAD_NORM
MODEL must be chosen from {saint_sage, cluster_gcn}. BIT_WIDTH must be chosen from {1,2,4,8}, FRAC can be any float-point number <= 1.0. DATASET must be chosen from {flickr, reddit2, yelp} For GRAD_NORM, it can found in Table 11-15.
For full-batch training,
cd mem_speed_bench
python ./products/ --conf ./products/conf/sage.yaml --n_bits $BIT_WIDTH --kept_frac $FRAC
BIT_WIDTH must be chosen from {1,2,4,8}, FRAC is pretty flexible. it can be any float-point number <= 1.0. If FACT == 1.0, then the random projection will not be applied.
For mini-batch training,
cd mem_speed_bench
python ./yaml/ --conf ./yaml/conf/$MODEL.yaml --n_bits $BIT_WIDTH --kept_frac $FRAC
MODEL must be chosen from {cluster_sage, saint_sage}. BIT_WIDTH must be chosen from {1,2,4,8}, FRAC can be any float-point number <= 1.0.
Add the flag --deug_mem and --test_speed to the above commends. For example,
python ./arxiv/ --conf ./arxiv/conf/$MODEL.yaml --n_bits $BIT_WIDTH --kept_frac $FRAC --debug_mem --test_speed
Add the flag --amp to the above commends.
For quantization, our code is based on the official code of ActNN and BLPA.
For SpMM, our code is based on the official code of torch sparse
For the overall code structure, our code is based on the official code of GNNAutoScale