This application is develop for linux platform and it is intend to run with gtk3, it also depend on libcurl which is a client url library whiten by C.Please check your platform dependencies before compile this code or run this application.Remeber modify tickethelper.conf to your own setting.
For installing gtk3, on Fedora:sudo dnf install gtk3 gtk3-develOn Debian or Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-devOn Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -Sy gtk3On OpenSUSE:
sudo zypper install gtk3 gtk3-devOn Linux Mint:
gem install gtk3 gtk3-dev
Copy this repository to local
git clone
or download zip package and extract it
Enter project directory
cd 12306helper
Build project
If everything is ok, there is an executable file which name is tickethelper generated
Use your favorite text editor modify tickethelper.conf to your own setting, such as
vim tickethelper.conf
Then start application, good luck!
Available command line options:
-c, --config specify configuration file.
-h, --help print this message and exit.
-q, --queit queit mode, don't output each train information.
-Q, --query-only query only mode, only query ticket information and disable auto order ticket function.
-v, --verbose enable verbose mode, output more detail information about connection and debug information.
-V, --version print application version and exit.