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Releases: zen-mod/ZEN

Zeus Enhanced 1.15.1

20 Aug 03:05
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Requires CBA Version 3.16.0 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.14 or later.

This is a small hotfix release that fixes an issue that prevented group sides from being changed.

Change Log Summary


  • Common - Fix undefined variable in changeGroupSide (#770)

Zeus Enhanced 1.15.0

29 Jul 17:50
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Requires CBA Version 3.16.0 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.14 or later.

This release is focused on improving and fixing some already exiting features. The main highlight is the move to Compatibility Addons that are conditionally loaded, meaning users no longer need to also subscribe to those Steam Workshop items. All compatibility features are included as part of main Zeus Enhanced mod.

This is also the first version of Zeus Enhanced built using the HEMTT build system. Special thanks to @LinkIsGrim for their efforts in updating the project to support building with HEMTT v1.0+.

Change Log Summary


  • Support for ACE Repair "Enable" setting in attributes (#742)
  • Supply Cargo attributes (#753)
  • Support for HEMTT v1.0 (#758)
  • RegEx support in the inventory display search bar (#759)


  • Compatibility Addons to be conditionally loaded (#743)
  • Context menu to use setCuratorSelected (#746)
  • Markers tree to use CBA_fnc_execAfterNFrames (#747)
  • Attach Flag module to be used with flagpoles (#749)
  • Performance of marker global broadcast for exporting SQF (#764)
  • Area Markers to only allow editing when in markers mode (#765)
  • Area Markers to cancel placement when an icon is clicked (#766)


  • Hide Terrain Objects module for tall objects (#748)
  • Change Side module (#763)


Zeus Enhanced 1.14.0

25 May 15:50
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Requires CBA Version 3.15.8 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.12 or later.

This release focuses on improving existing features like the Watch Cursor and Watch Curator Camera keybinds to have better targeting. Relatedly, the new Toggle Laser keybind pairs naturally with the Force Fire keybind when controlling, for example, UAVs with laser-guided missile weaponry. Another highlight is the addition of settings to easily control which attributes (and related displays) are available in the Zeus interface.

The new Ping Zeus keybind (default: U) makes coordination between multiple Zeus users significantly easier. When activated, other curators will receive a ping as an icon drawn in the world and unique sound being played. Finally, the other curators can use the base game "Move to pinged player" (default: SPACE) keybind to jump to the designated position or object.

Area markers received some updates as well including a dedicated sub-tree in the markers tab to use for placement (like in 3DEN), a more natural flow compared to the now removed module or context menu action. Furthermore, an Editable Markers setting was added that controls which area markers (all or only Zeus created ones) are editable through Zeus.

Lastly, an optional Advanced Rappelling compatibility PBO was added. This is meant to provide extended compatibility with Advanced Rappelling in ways that are not possible without an explicit dependency. Currently, it includes a waypoint type that makes units rappel using functionality from the mod. This is available on the Steam Workshop as a separate mod to make it easier for communities that use it for mod management.

Feature Preview Video

Zeus Enhanced 1.14.0 Feature Preview Video

Change Log Summary


  • Advanced Rappelling compatibility (#700)
  • Settings to enable/disable specific attributes (#716)
  • Toggle Laser keybind (#721)
  • Support for waypoint type conditions and priority (#722)
  • Custom sub-tree for placing area markers (#724)
  • Icon for Scale Object module (#726)
  • Ping Zeus keybind (#729)
  • Editable Objects > Remove > Selected context menu action (#732)
  • Editable Markers setting for area markers (#736)


  • Watch Cursor and Watch Curator Camera keybinds (#720)
  • Conditions for Engine and Lights attributes (#723)
  • Toggle AI Pathing keybind with hint icons (#725)


  • Placement preview activating modules in recent tree (#727)
  • Typo for garrisoned flag (#734)

Zeus Enhanced 1.13.0

16 Mar 12:25
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Requires CBA Version 3.15.8 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.12 or later.

This release adds tools that enable curators to better control AI units. First, various keybinds (unbound by default) to control AI units, including Watch Cursor, Watch Curator Camera, Force Fire, Move to Cursor, and Toggle Pathing, were added. Context menu actions such as switch the current weapons of infantry units and vehicle turrets were also added, which can be combined with the watch and force fire keybinds to create more engaging firefights. Next, the Suppressive Fire module now has a fire mode option that will make units suppress using single shots, three round bursts, or fully automatic fire.

Another highlight is the improvement to attached object editing in Zeus. Now, objects can be easily attached and detached using keybinds and currently attached objects can be edited (i.e., moved and rotated) directly, unlike before where they would immediately snap back to their attachment position.

Furthermore, the Placement Preview feature was improved to allow rotating the preview object using the regular Zeus rotation key and support placing objects through the recent tree. The Visibility Indicator can now be enabled during placement only and has a max distance setting as well.

Finally, the new Building Markers feature can automatically create grey rectangle area markers, similarly to terrain structures, for buildings placed through Zeus (must be enabled through settings). The markers are automatically updated if their corresponding object is edited by Zeus and deleted when the object is deleted. Markers can also be selectively created for specific buildings through attributes.

Change Log Summary


  • AI Control keybinds (e.g., Watch Cursor, Move to Cursor, and Force Fire) (#496)
  • Switch Weapon context menu actions for infantry (#520)
  • Switch Weapon context menu actions for vehicles (#537)
  • Support for CBA Extended Loadouts (#669)
  • SQFC support (#674)
  • Support editing all area markers (e.g., those created through 3DEN) (#676)
  • Fire mode option to Suppressive Fire module (#677)
  • Snow option to Change Weather module (#682)
  • Mod icons to create unit trees (#684)
  • During Placement Only mode and Max Distance setting to Visibility Indicator (#686)
  • Placement preview support to recent tree (#689)
  • Attach/detach keybinds and ability to edit attached objects directly (#691)
  • Ability to rotate placement preview objects (#703)
  • Building Markers (similar to terrain structures) (#704)
  • Toggle Object Editability keybind (#711)


  • Various aspects of the Custom Modules framework (#685)
  • Placement preview mouse position handling (#690)
  • Positioning of Teleport Players module (#693)
  • Created groups are marked for autodeletion (#698)
  • Placing aircraft in map (i.e., spawn flying when over water or off the map) (#702)


  • Use maxLoad command for calculating container capacity (#673)


  • Unit and group tree IDCs for updated RscDisplayCurator_sections (#687)
  • Inventory being available for CAManBase objects (#697)
  • Select position ignoring overlapping controls (#707)
  • Width adjustment for context menu mouse area controls (#710)

Zeus Enhanced 1.12.2

12 May 12:22
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Requires CBA Version 3.15.5 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.06 or later.

This small update includes updated translations and some fixes.

Change Log Summary


  • Serialized unit loadouts by filtering for unique ACRE radios (#640)


  • Undefined variable in selectPosition function (#657)
  • 3D rotations for the Attach To module (#658)
  • Attach offsets not being relative to the object's center (#663)


Zeus Enhanced 1.12.1

19 Oct 18:25
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Requires CBA Version 3.15.5 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.06 or later.

This small update improves some existing features by using capabilities introduced in the Arma 3 2.06 update.

Change Log Summary


  • Support for toolbox tooltips (#639)


  • Support for editor preview images with non-16/9 aspect ratios (#600)
  • Cover Map module dialog to open with map centered (#601)
  • Include Crew check box by using new deleteVehicleCrew syntax (#624)


Zeus Enhanced 1.12.0

20 Sep 07:34
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Requires CBA Version 3.15.5 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.04 or later.

This release adds new tools that enable curators to create more engaging scenarios in terms of firefights. First, the Suppressive Fire module reliably makes units perform suppressive fire at a given target. The module is effective in creating convincing suppression even at long range (approximately 1000 m for infantry and even farther for vehicles). Next, the Throw Grenade context menu action makes AI units throw the selected grenade type at a specified position.

Another highlight is the addition of a "Camera Exit Position" setting to control where the Zeus camera is positioned after exiting remote control. It provides various options including: Unchanged, Relative, Related (Limited), Above Unit, and Behind Unit.

A Scale Object module that modifies the render scale of an object was added (currently limited to attached objects). Lastly, for consistency with the debug console, code execution is now restricted to logged in admins (not voted) when explicitly disabled (i.e. via the ZEN_disableCodeExecution variable).

Change Log Summary


  • Throw Grenade context menu action (#132)
  • Suppressive Fire module (#595)
  • Mod icons to Tracers module dialog lists (#606)
  • Remote control Camera Exit Position setting (#612)
  • Remote control stopped event (#613)
  • Scale Object module (#627)


  • Plate number attribute condition (#607)
  • BIS_fnc_curatorObjectPlaced override with changes from base game (#620)


  • Custom Compositions are now saved using HashMaps instead of arrays (#552)
  • Code execution is now restricted to logged in admins (not voted) (#625)


  • Issues with dialog framework when opened in 3DEN (#616)
  • Multi-line dialog edit boxes not displaying default text correctly (#618)
  • Context menu not using modified action data (#635)


Zeus Enhanced 1.11.1

15 Jul 04:26
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Requires CBA Version 3.14.0 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.04 or later.

This small hotfix release fixes the group trees preventing placement of 3DEN Editor Compositions in Zeus (as available on profiling and development branches). The Tracers module's compatibility with 3rd-party weapons was also improved.

Change Log Summary


  • Tracers module compatibility with 3rd-party weapons (#604)
  • Group trees preventing placement of 3DEN compositions (#611)

Zeus Enhanced 1.11.0

25 Jun 10:58
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Requires CBA Version 3.14.0 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.04 or later.

This release adds two key tools for curators to elevate their missions: an overhauled Tracers module and a Cover Map module. The Tracers module was overhauled to work more effectively and allow curators to customize parameters such as the weapon, magazine, burst delay, dispersion, and target through a dialog. The Cover Map module, a Zeus equivalent to the one found in 3DEN, opens a dialog where curators can draw or delete their area of operations.

Furthermore, the context menu can now be opened by right clicking even when waypoint placement would normally occur due to selected AI or waypoints. This functionality is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled through the "Override Waypoint Placement" setting. When enabled, waypoints are placed by holding down the SHIFT key while right-clicking.

Lastly, various components were improved to take advantage of new engine features such as hash maps and new commands. For example, pylon functionality will now always correctly identify which magazines belong to which turrets and the area markers display's edit boxes correctly handle deleting characters.

Change Log Summary


  • Overhauled Tracers module (#491)
  • Radius slider type for dynamic dialogs (#549)
  • Attributes support for dynamic value info (#578)
  • Show In Animation Viewer module (#586)
  • Cover Map module (#589)


  • Allow opening context menu by right clicking when AI are selected (#481)
  • Various components by using isNotEqualTo command (#510)
  • Replaced CBA hashes with base game hash maps (#515)
  • Pylon turret functionality by using getAllPylonsInfo command (#531)
  • Faction Filter by using hash maps and ensuring strings in units array (#565)
  • Markers tree cache to use hash maps (#584)
  • Area markers edit box handling (#587)


  • Remote vehicles not updating in garage (#560)
  • Unlocalized sort mode strings in inventory display (#580)


Zeus Enhanced 1.10.0

18 Feb 13:20
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Requires CBA Version 3.14.0 or later and Arma 3 Version 2.00 or later.

This release adds various improvements to the inventory display. Most notably, a weapon specific items mode that only shows items and magazines compatible with a selected weapon can be accessed by double-clicking a weapon in the list or by clicking the button at the bottom. Additionally, the items list can now be sorted by name or amount and in ascending or descending order and items can be added 1, 5, 10, or 50 at a time using the SHIFT and CTRL keys.

Another highlight is the addition of a Faction Filter. This component adds settings to easily control which factions (by name and side) are available in the unit and group trees.

A Door State context menu action was added to allow for more accessible control over building doors. This action is available when the context menu is opened with the cursor hovering over a door.

In terms of modules, a Hide Terrain Objects module was added, an action type option was added to the Create Intel module, and a Remove NVGs option was added to the Toggle Flashlights module.

A keybind and context menu action to unload vehicle-in-vehicle cargo were added. Furthermore, a Reload Display keybind was added that reloads the Zeus interface even when it is forced.

Lastly, for consistency with the custom modules framework, the argument order in the Execute Code module was changed.

Change Log Summary


  • CBRN hose support (#393)
  • Action Type option to Create Intel module (#477)
  • Waypoint loiter altitude attribute (#483)
  • Door State context menu action (#492)
  • Weapon specific items mode and sorting options to inventory display (#500)
  • Faction Filter (#504)
  • Search Building waypoint (#506)
  • Remove NVGs option to Toggle Flashlights module (#517)
  • Reset Loadout context menu action (#518)
  • Unload Vehicle Cargo keybind and context menu action (#528)
  • Hide Terrain Objects module (#536)
  • Reload Display keybind (#542)


  • Pylons display to sort magazines alphabetically (#532)


  • Teleport Players module to clear previous selection (#469)
  • Argument order in execute code module to be consistent with custom modules (#474)
  • typeOf config lookups to use configOf command (#482)


  • Teleporting onto surfaces using context menu actions (#472)
  • hasDefaultInventory function incorrectly handling item cargo (#476)
  • Include crew panel positioning (#478)
  • Attributes checkboxes control font size (#479)
  • Game Master module locality transfer timeout (#487)
  • Custom modules not being added in ZGM missions (#494)
  • Object serialization not saving pitch and roll (#499)
  • Remote control breaking when entering ACE arsenal (#516)
  • Remote control owner variable not being reset after disconnect (#521)
  • Game Master modules being deleted in multiplayer (#522)
  • Non-unique global event ID usage in Toggle Lamps module (#535)
  • Missing preStart XEH in ACE Compat (#553)