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Zen-like JSON <-> Object marshalling



Via cocoapods : pod miyagi


miyagi lets you spec JSON mappings in a way similar to jackson-annotations. Freeing you from writing JSON mapping code anywhere in your application. A miyagi-fied class could look like this:

    j(myJsonKey, name)
    j(myJsonKey2, boolean)

@interface Basic : NSObject <JSON>

@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString *name;
@property(nonatomic,copy)NSNumber *boolean;


All you need to do is place the JSON/JSOFF syntax at the top of your file, with a j(key,property) mapping for each property you'd like to map, then adopt the <JSON> protocol. Afterwards, you can call initWithDictionary: to create an instance from a JSON dictionary (returned from your favourite JSON parser), and JSON to serialize the object back to a JSON dictionary.

Why miyagi?

I was unhappy with almost every marshalling implementation I had seen, almost all of them were almost there, but none quite crossed the line and became a really nice solution to use, all had caveats, so here's why I think miyagi is cool.

  • Write no initialization code.
  • JSON spec visible alongside your properties, in your header.
  • @properties don't need to match JSON keys.
  • No need to subclass anything.
  • Lightweight implementation (2 files, <500 lines).


  • Specification:

Define your JSON mappings in your header file, above your interface, like so:

    j(myJsonKey, name)
    j(myJsonKey2, boolean)

Your properties will be invisibly mapped to the keys. You can overrided property names as normal, and miyagi injection will occur before your code executes. There is no need to call super! (So variables will already have been injected in overriden methods)

  • From JSON:
MyObject *object = [[MyObject alloc] initWithDictionary:jsonDictionary];

After calling initWithDictionary:, your object will have been mapped. You can implement this method in your class, without calling super, and injection will occur before your code executes.

  • To JSON:
NSDictionary *json = [object JSON];

You can call JSON to generate an NSDictionary from your object, mapped in reverse using your mappings. You can implement this method in your class, without calling super, and injection will occur before your code executes. The NSDictionary returned will be merged with the miyagi NSDictionary, with your keys overwriting miyagis in the event of a collision.


    return @{@"myKey": @"myValue"};
    // your returned dictionary will be merged into the JSON dictionary.

Supported Types

miyagi supports the following types:

JSON Objective-C
null NSNull
true and false NSNumber
Number NSNumber
String NSString
Array NSArray
Object NSDictionary


miyagi supports collection marshalling using 'fake protocols' in the same way as JSONModel, essentially giving you similar syntax to typed collections in other languages like Java.

It looks like this:

@property(nonatomic,strong)NSArray<MyClass>      *array;
@property(nonatomic,strong)NSDictionary<MyClass> *map;

Immediate //TODO:

  • More edge case coverage!
  • More tests!

How can I help?

Write tests! Even if they don't pass, I'll look at valid JSON spec tests and make them work. :)


Thanks to Mobile Travel Technologies Ltd., for letting me develop some of this on company time.


Zen-like JSON <-> Object marshalling.







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