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Note: Roundabout is no longer under active development. I've moved the documentation over here to support the exists plugin, but there are known issues and such that won't be fixed. Use at your own risk.

Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that easily converts unordered lists & other nested HTML structures into entertaining, interactive, turntable-like areas.

It’s ready-to-go straight out of the box, but if you want to get crazy, Roundabout is highly-customizable with an extensive API that allows for some pretty amazing results.

Roundabout requires jQuery (at least version 1.2).


Roundabout is equipped to play nicely with a couple of other plugins if they’re made available.

  • Roundabout Shapes by Fred LeBlanc Roundabout can move in more ways than just a turntable. With Shapes, you have many other ways you can move your content around the page.

  • jQuery Easing by George McGinley Smith jQuery comes with two easing styles built in, but this plugin adds many, many more. Include this script and use any of its defined easing functions in your Roundabout animations.

  • Event.drag & Event.drop by ThreeDubMedia In addition to rotating on click, Roundabout can also move by clicking and dragging on the Roundabout element itself. Include these scripts and turn on enableDrag.

But That’s Not All!

The list above is only a list of the plugins that have support baked in, but Roundabout will play nicely with many other plugins. (It’s up to you to integrate those yourself.)

Using Roundabout

Include the jquery.roundabout.js JavaScript file on your page after you include jQuery itself. Also, either link to the included CSS file, or copy the CSS styles from that file and paste them into your site's CSS file.

To activate Roundabout in its simplest form, you can do this:


Of course, this will change all of your ul elements into Roundabouts, which probably isn't what you want, but you can easily change the selector to only target the elements you wish to convert

Setting Options

You can set options on Roundabout to change how it behaves. Do this by passing in an object of options into the main Roundabout call upon initialization, like so:

    btnNext: ".next"

Incorporating Roundabout Shapes

If you're using the sister plugin Roundabout Shapes, be sure to include the jquery.roundabout-shapes.js file after you include the main Roundabout JavaScript file. Next, you'll select the shape as on of the options that you pass into Roundabout upon initialization:

    btnNext: ".next",
    shape: "figure8"

Calling Roundabout Methods

Roundabout comes with a number of methods you can call to better control how it works. Calling those methods are done by re-calling roundabout on the element that Roundabout is already working on and passing in the name of the method to use as the first parameter. If the method requires other parameters, pass those in as subsequent parameters.

For example, instead of using the btnNext option, you can manually implement this yourself like this:

$('.btnNext', function(e) {
    // this is the action
    return false;

Enabling Drag & Drop

Lately it seems that this doesn't work as well as it once did. Not sure why, but you can still enable it. To do this, you'll need to grab v2 of the jquery.event.drag and jquery.event.drop plugins by ThreeDubMedia. Include them on your page after Roundabout is included.

Next, enable your Roundabout to use drag and drop like so:

    enableDrag: true

Using Autoplay

Autoplay lets you have Roundabout automatically animate on an interval. This functionality is included with the Roundabout core, so no additional scripts are needed to get this working.

To enable autoplay, there are three options you can set:

    autoplay: true,
    autoplayDuration: 5000,
    autoplayPauseOnHover: true

The first option, autoplay will turn on autoplay. The second, autoplayDuration is the length of time in milliseconds between animation triggers. The final option, autoplayPauseOnHover will force autoplay never to figure while the user has their cursor over the Roundabout itself.


Version 2 (the current version) works reasonably well, although if you look in the issues you'll see a number of things that don't work for some people. As mentioned above, this plugin is no longer under active development. Feel free to continue submitting issues for others to see, but no further official action can be guaranteed at all.


Settable Options

Roundabout comes with many settable configuration options that let you customize how it operates.

Option Description Data Type Default
bearing The starting direction in which Roundabout should face relative to the focusBearing. float 0.0
tilt Slightly alters the calculations of moving elements. In the default shape, it adjusts the apparent tilt. Other shapes will differ. float 0.0
minZ The lowest z-index that will be assigned to a moving element. This occurs when the moving element is opposite of (that is, 180° away from) the focusBearing. integer 100
maxZ The greatest z-index that will be assigned to a moving element. This occurs when the moving element is at the same bearing as the focusBearing. integer 280
minOpacity The lowest opacity that will be assigned to a moving element. This occurs when the moving element is opposite of (that is, 180° away from) the focusBearing. float 0.4
maxOpacity The greatest opacity that will be assigned to a moving element. This occurs when the moving element is at the same bearing as the focusBearing. float 1.0
minScale The lowest size (relative to its starting size) that will be assigned to a moving element. This occurs when the moving element is opposite of (that is, 180° away from) the focusBearing. float 0.4
maxScale The greatest size (relative to its starting size) that will be assigned to a moving element. This occurs when the moving element is at the same bearing as the focusBearing. float 1.0
duration The length of time Roundabout will take to move from one child element being in focus to another (when an animation is triggered). This value acts as the default for Roundabout, but each animation action can be given a custom duration for that animation. integer 600
btnNext A jQuery selector of page elements that, when clicked, will trigger the Roundabout to animate to the next moving element. string null
btnNextCallback A function that will be called once the animation triggered by a btnNext-related click has finished. function function() {}
btnPrev A jQuery selector of page elements that, when clicked, will trigger the Roundabout to animate to the previous moving element. string null
btnPrevCallback A function that will be called once the animation triggered by a btnPrev-releated click has finished. function function() {}
btnToggleAutoplay A jQuery selector of page elements that, when clicked, will toggle the Roundabout’s autoplay state (either starting or stopping). string null
btnStartAutoplay A jQuery selector of page elements that, when clicked, will start the Roundabout’s autoplay feature (if it’s currently stopped). string null
btnStopAutoplay A jQuery selector of page elements that, when clicked, will stop the Roundabout’s autoplay feature (if it’s current playing). string null
easing The easing function to use when animating Roundabout. With no other plugins, the standard jQuery easing functions are available. When using the jQuery easing plugin, all of its easing functions will also be available. string "swing"
clickToFocus When true, Roundabout will bring non-focused moving elements into focus when they’re clicked. Otherwise, click events won’t be captured and will be passed through to the moving child elements. boolean true
clickToFocusCallback A function that will be called once the clickToFocus animation has completed. function function() {}
focusBearing The bearing that Roundabout will use as the focus point. All animations that move Roundabout between children will animate the given child element to this bearing. float 0.0
shape The path that moving elements follow. By default, Roundabout comes with one shape, which is lazySusan. When using Roundabout with the Roundabout Shapes plugin, there are many other shapes available. string "lazySusan"
debug When true, Roundabout will replace the contents of moving elements with information about the moving elements themselves. boolean false
childSelector A jQuery selector of child elements within the elements Roundabout is called upon that will become the moving elements within Roundabout. By default, Roundabout works on unordered lists, but it can be changed to work with any nested set of child elements. string "li"
startingChild The child element that will start at the Roundabout’s focusBearing on load. This is a zero-based counter based on the order of markup. integer 0
reflect When true, reverses the direction in which Roundabout will operate. By default, next animations will rotate moving elements in a clockwise direction and previous animations will be counterclockwise. Using reflect will flip the two. boolean false
floatComparisonThreshold The maximum distance two values can be from one another to still be considered equal by Roundabout’s standards. This prevents JavaScript rounding errors. float 0.001
autoplay When true, Roundabout will automatically advance the moving elements to the next child at a regular interval (settable as autoplayDuration). boolean false
autoplayInitialDelayadded in v2.4 The length of time (in milliseconds) to delay the start of Roundabout’s configured autoplay option. This only works with setting autoplay to true, and only on the first start of autoplay. integer 0
autoplayDuration The length of time (in milliseconds) between animation triggers when a Roundabout’s autoplay is playing. integer 1000
autoplayPauseOnHover When true, Roundabout will pause autoplay when the user moves the cursor over the Roundabout container. boolean false
enableDrag Requires event.drag and event.drop plugins by ThreeDubMedia. Allows a user to rotate Roundabout be clicking and dragging the Roundabout area itself. boolean false
dropDuration The length of time (in milliseconds) the animation will take to animate Roundabout to the appropriate child when the Roundabout is “dropped.” integer 600
dropEasing The easing function to use when animating Roundabout after it has been “dropped.” With no other plugins, the standard jQuery easing functions are available. When using the jQuery easing plugin all of its easing functions will also be available. string "swing"
dropAnimateTo The animation method to use when a dragged Roundabout is “dropped.” Valid values are next, previous, or nearest. string "nearest"
dropCallback A function that will be called once the dropped animation has completed. function function() {}
dragAxis The axis along which drag events are measured. Valid values are x and y. string "x"
dragFactor Alters the rate at which dragging moves the Roundabout’s moving elements. Higher numbers will cause the moving elements to move less. integer 4
triggerFocusEvents When true, a focus event will be triggered on the child element that moves into focus when it does so. boolean true
triggerBlurEvents When true, a blur event will be triggered on the child element that moves out of the focused position when it does so. boolean true
responsiveadded in v2.1 When true, attaches a resize event onto the window and will automatically relayout Roundabout’s child elements as the holder element changes size. boolean false

Callable Methods

Roundabout does a lot on its own, but all of the methods it uses internally to perform actions are publicly usable as well. Manually calling these methods give even more control over how Roundabout functions.


Starts the Roundabout.

.roundabout(options, callback)
object options is an object of options to configure how Roundabout acts
function callback is a function that is called once the Roundabout is ready

Returns a jQuery object.


Changes the bearing of the Roundabout.

.roundabout("setBearing", bearing)
.roundabout("setBearing", bearing, callback)
float bearing is a value between 0.0 and 359.9
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Alters the bearing of the Roundabout by a given amount, either positive or negative degrees.

.roundabout("adjustBearing", delta)
.roundabout("adjustBearing", delta, callback)
float delta is the amount by which the bearing will change (either positive or negative)
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Changes the tilt of the Roundabout.

.roundabout("setTilt", tilt)
.roundabout("setTilt", tilt, callback)
tilt tilt is a value typically between -2.0 and 10.0
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Alters the tilt of the Roundabout by a given amount, either in positive or negative mounts.

.roundabout("adjustTilt", delta)
.roundabout("adjustTilt", delta, callback)
tilt delta is the amount by which the tilt will change (either positive or negative)
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Animates the Roundabout to the nearest child. This animation will not move the Roundabout if any child is already in focus.

.roundabout("animateToNearestChild", callback)
.roundabout("animateToNearestChild", duration, easing, callback)
integer duration is the length of time (in milliseconds) that the animation will take to complete; uses Roundabout’s configured duration if no value is set here
string easing is the name of the easing function to use for movement; uses Roundabout’s configured easing if no value is set here
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Animates the Roundabout to the given childPosition, which is a zero-based counter of children based on the order of markup.

.roundabout("animateToChild", childPosition)
.roundabout("animateToChild", childPosition, callback)
.roundabout("animateToChild", childPosition, duration, easing)
.roundabout("animateToChild", childPosition, duration, easing, callback)
integer childPosition is the zero-based child to which Roundabout will animate
integer duration is the length of time (in milliseconds) that the animation will take to complete; uses Roundabout’s configured duration if no value is set here
string easing is the name of the easing function to use for movement; uses Roundabout’s configured easing if no value is set here
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Animates the Roundabout to the next child element.

.roundabout("animateToNextChild", callback)
.roundabout("animateToNextChild", duration, easing)
.roundabout("animateToNextChild", duration, easing, callback)
integer duration is the length of time (in milliseconds) that the animation will take to complete; uses Roundabout’s configured duration if no value is set here
string easing is the name of the easing function to use for movement; uses Roundabout’s configured easing if no value is set here
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object. Returns a jQuery object.


Animates the Roundabout to the previous child element.

.roundabout("animateToPreviousChild", callback)
.roundabout("animateToPreviousChild", duration, easing)
.roundabout("animateToPreviousChild", duration, easing, callback)
integer duration is the length of time (in milliseconds) that the animation will take to complete; uses Roundabout’s configured duration if no value is set here
string easing is the name of the easing function to use for movement; uses Roundabout’s configured easing if no value is set here
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Animates the Roundabout to the given amount of degrees away from its current bearing (either positive or negative degrees).

.roundabout("animateToDelta", degrees)
.roundabout("animateToDelta", degrees, callback)
.roundabout("animateToDelta", degrees, duration, easing)
.roundabout("animateToDelta", degrees, duration, easing, callback)
float degrees is the amount by which the bearing will change (either positive or negative)
integer duration is the length of time (in milliseconds) that the animation will take to complete; uses Roundabout’s configured duration if no value is set here
string easing is the name of the easing function to use for movement; uses Roundabout’s configured easing if no value is set here
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Animates the Roundabout so that a given bearing ends at the configured focusBearing.

.roundabout("animateBearingToFocus", degrees)
.roundabout("animateBearingToFocus", degrees, callback)
.roundabout("animateBearingToFocus", degrees, duration, easing)
.roundabout("animateBearingToFocus", degrees, duration, easing, callback)
float degrees is a value between 0.0 and 359.9
integer duration is the length of time (in milliseconds) that the animation will take to complete; uses Roundabout’s configured duration if no value is set here
string easing is the name of the easing function to use for movement; uses Roundabout’s configured easing if no value is set here
function callback is a function that is called once the change completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Starts the Roundabout’s autoplay feature.

.roundabout("startAutoplay", callback)
function callback is a function that is called after each autoplay animation completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Stops the Roundabout’s autoplay feature.

.roundabout("stopAutoplay", keepAutoplayBindings)
boolean keepAutoplayBindings — when true — will not destroy any autoplay mouseenter and mouseleave event bindings that were set by autoplayPauseOnHover

Returns a jQuery object.


Starts or stops the Roundabout’s autoplay feature (based upon its current state).

.roundabout("toggleAutoplay", callback)
function callback is a function that is called after each autoplay animation completes

Returns a jQuery object.


Checks to see if the Roundabout’s autoplay feature is currently playing or not.


No parameters.

Returns a boolean.


Changes the length of time (in milliseconds) that the Roundabout’s autoplay feature waits between attempts to animate to the next child.

.roundabout("changeAutoplayDuration", duration)
integer duration is a length of time (in milliseconds) between attempts to have autoplay animate to the next child element

Returns a jQuery object.


Repositions child elements based on new contextual information. This is most helpful when the Roundabout element itself changes size and moving child elements within need readjusting.


No parameters.

Returns a jQuery object.


Gets the nearest child element to the focusBearing. This number is a zero-based counter based on order of markup.


No parameters.

Returns a integer.


Gets the child currently in focus. This number is a zero-based counter based on order of markup.


No parameters.

Returns a integer.

Hookable Events

Roundabout is equipped to trigger events on both the Roundabout element itself and the moving child elements.


This event fires on the Roundabout element once it and its child elements have been initialized. It also fires on each child element once it has been initialized.


This event fires on child elements that land in the focusBearing at the end of an animation. Will only fire if triggerFocusEvents is set to true.


This event fires on child elements that move away from the focusBearing at the start of an animation. Will only fire if triggerBlurEvents is set to true.


This event fires on the Roundabout element when its child elements have been repositioned and are in place.


This event fires on child elements that have been repositioned and are in place.


This event fires on the Roundabout element when its bearing has been set.


This event fires on moving child elements when an animation causes them pass through the point that is opposite (or 180°) from the focusBearing in a clockwise motion.


This event fires on moving child elements when an animation causes them to pass through the point that is opposite (or 180°) from the focusBearing in a counterclockwise motion.


This event fires on the Roundabout element at the start of any animation.


This event fires on the Roundabout element at the end of any animation.


This event fires on the Roundabout element when the autoplay feature starts.


This event fires on the Roundabout element when the autoplay feature stops.


A 3D Turntable jQuery Plugin.






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