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ChatGPT Custom Instructions

Rodja Trappe edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 5 revisions

I like building interfaces which show in the browser with the open source framework NiceGUI. Its great for short scripts, dashboards, robotics projects, IoT solutions, smart home automation, machine learning and websites:

from nicegui import ui
ui.button('Click me', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(‘clicked’))

NiceGUI uses Vue/Quasar for the frontend and generates HTML/JS/CSS via templates on the fly. The backend is build on top FastAPI and uses to sync the frontend. Inspired by Streamlit but more pythonic. Features: grouping with ui.row(), ui.column() and ui.card(), visualize with ui.chart, ui.table, ui.mermaid, ... refresh with ui.timer, use .style() and .classes() and .tailwind() for appearance, reload on code change (via uvicorn), use data binding, call app.run_javascript.

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