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Releases: zarocknz/javascript-skyrocket

Visual designer

05 Nov 05:12
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  • Created a visual designer which allows you (and me) to create skyrocket explosion shapes more easily
  • Designer will create the JSON config needed for the explosion definitions file
  • Designer will also load configs for individual rockets copy and pasted from the skyrockets/explosions.js
  • Altered skyrocket.js to use the new explosion definitions
  • Colours are now defined separately to rockets allowing random combination of colours and explosion shapes
  • Updated the readme to include more details and some screenshots

Fix mobile height issues

03 Sep 02:51
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  • Removed some CSS which was causing most buildings to be the same height on mobile
  • Moved CSS that was squishing the height of all things below certain resolutions

Sky lightening when rocket explodes

03 Sep 02:36
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Added a feature where the sky lightens ever so slightly when a skyrocket explodes

Message and click to launch rocket

22 Aug 02:51
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  • Added message to the bottom center of the screen as an example of putting messages there for different occasions.
  • Made it so that the screen can be clicked to launch another rocket, it will travel to the mouse x,y at time of click.
  • Prevented rockets from being added when the window does not have focus to stop the issue where on returning to the screen after it has been in the background for some time 100s of rockets launch which just about breaks the users machine.

Code drawn rockets

23 Jul 04:38
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  • Removed jQuery dependency by converting backdrop code to pure JS
  • Rockets are now code drawn using the colours specified for the rocket
  • Removed rocketIcon and rocketIconSize properties
  • Removed Font Awesome inclusion now that rockets are code drawn
  • Backdrop colour is darker and and does not animate
  • Fixed small issue with light horizontal line near bottom of buildings
  • Rocket trails contain less particles and fade from the bottom up over time

Initial working version

09 Jul 02:56
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  • Tidied up hackathon code
  • Wrote readme
  • Added code needed to the index.html to show working fireworks
  • Renamed fctx and fcanvas to just ctx and canvas
  • Moved all js files under /js subfolder

Hackathon results

09 Jul 01:56
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Hackathon results Pre-release

Results of the hackday