Every now and then I come across a task where I have to submit some job to a 3rd party service and then await for completion by periodically polling job status.
This is all it does - you give a polling function and get back a future which completes when you return either an error or a value.
Backed by Akka, no blocking obviously.
Package is available at Bintray.
Check the latest version and add to your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("zamblauskas", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "zamblauskas" %% "scala-poller" % "<latest_version>"
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.{MINUTES, SECONDS}
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import zamblauskas.poller.{AkkaPoller, Poller}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
// we need an actor system for Poller implementation
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
// hypothetical 3rd party API,
// we want to poll until status is either Failed or Completed
sealed trait Status
case object Running extends Status
case object Failed extends Status
case object Completed extends Status
def some3rdPartyApiCall: Future[Status] = Future.successful(Completed)
// create a Poller
val poller: Poller = new AkkaPoller()
// await for the completion
val done: Future[Either[String, Unit]] = poller.poll(
interval = FiniteDuration(5, SECONDS),
timeout = FiniteDuration(2, MINUTES),
() => {
some3rdPartyApiCall.map {
case Running => None
case Failed => Some(Left("3rd party failed"))
case Completed => Some(Right(()))