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Left-leaning red-black tree implementation in F#. Library documentation is hosted on GitHub pages. General information about left-leaning red-black trees can be found on Wikipedia.


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zn-llrbtree NuGet Badge NuGet Badge


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Build Targets

See build.fsx for the latest information. The following should be correct, but there may be subtle differences.

  • Clean - Cleans artifact and temp directories.
  • DotnetRestore - Runs dotnet restore on the solution file.
  • DotnetBuild - Runs dotnet build on the solution file.
  • DotnetTest - Runs dotnet test on the solution file.
  • GenerateCoverageReport - Code coverage is run during DotnetTest and this generates a report via ReportGenerator.
  • WatchTests - Runs dotnet watch with the test projects. Useful for rapid feedback loops.
  • GenerateAssemblyInfo - Generates AssemblyInfo for libraries.
  • DotnetPack - Runs dotnet pack. This includes running Source Link.
  • SourceLinkTest - Runs a Source Link test tool to verify Source Links were properly generated.
  • PublishToNuGet - Publishes the NuGet packages generated in DotnetPack to NuGet via paket push.
  • GitRelease - Creates a commit message with the Release Notes and a git tag via the version in the Release Notes.
  • GitHubRelease - Publishes a GitHub Release with the Release Notes and any NuGet packages.
  • FormatCode - Runs Fantomas on the solution file.
  • BuildDocs - Generates Documentation from docsSrc and the XML Documentation Comments from your libraries in src.
  • WatchDocs - Generates documentation and starts a webserver locally. It will rebuild and hot reload if it detects any changes made to docsSrc files, libraries in src, or the docsTool itself.
  • ReleaseDocs - Will stage, commit, and push docs generated in the BuildDocs target.
  • Release - Task that runs all release type tasks such as PublishToNuGet, GitRelease, ReleaseDocs, and GitHubRelease. Make sure to read Releasing to setup your environment correctly for releases.