A smaller version of the sherpa extruder, direct and bowden supported
MSLattice is a software that can be used to generate the geometries of various types of lattices that are known as periodic cellular materials or architected materials. In particular, lattices base…
Hack to beat Winand Slingenbergh's lasermaze
An open-source incubator for fun and profit.
Arduino cursus gegeven bij De Jonge Onderzoekers te Groningen
Space Invaders on any size LCD screen controlled by an Arduino
hisashin / NinjaPCR
Forked from jperfetto/OpenPCROpen Thermocycler Implementation
richelbilderbeek / OpenPCR
Forked from jperfetto/OpenPCROpen Thermocycler Implementation
Richel Bilderbeek's C++ work, before splitting it up
An open PCR device, also known as a thermocycler
We're building the world's first Open Source Bug Farm Kit.
A liquid democracy system with a focus on deliberative policy building and consensus finding.