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The minijavac compiler.

A compilation project for Thrid year students of Telecom Bretagne.

'ocamlbuild Main.byte' (or native) to build the compiler. The main file
is Main/, it should not be modified. It opens the given file,
creates a lexing buffer, initializes the location and call the compile
function of the module Main/ It is this function that you
should modify to call your parser.

'ocamlbuild Main.byte -- <filename>' (or native) to build and then execute
the compiler on the file given. By default, the program searches for
file with the extension .java and append it to the given filename if
it does not end with it.

If you want to reuse an existing ocaml library. Start by installing it
with opam. For example, to use colored terminal output you
use 'opam install ANSITerminal'.
Then you must inform ocamlbuild to use the ocamlfind tool :
'ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind Main.byte -- tests/'
et vous devez ajouter au fichier _tags la librarie en question par exemple :
true: package(ANSITerminal)

The Lexer/Parser is incomplete but should be ok for phase2. It contains two conflicts:
- the dangling else problem
- a conflict between expression and declaration of variable in statements
both could be solved at the price of a much more complex
grammar... Here the behavior of choosing shift should be ok.


# How minijavac works and what it supports

Lexer and Parser turn your source code into AST,
after that, minijavac runs your Java program in the following steps.

1. Typing: we turn an AST into a TAST.

  Meanwhile, we have done a lot of syntax check:

  - Check if there is a circle of inheritance.
  - Check if a class is redefined.
  - For each class, we check if there is any redefined methods, redefined attributes.
  - When declaring a variable, we check if it's redefined in that scope.
  - In value assignment and infix operation, we check if the two values are compatible,
  including primitive types and class types.
  - And a lot more :), you can refer to the code for more detailed check that we have done.

  (ps: we have built a class table called "GlobleEnv" to help us get the check done.)

2. Compiling: based on the TAST, we build the class descriptors.

  - Each class descriptor contains an attribute table and a method table.
  - If a class inherits from another class, then it also recursively inherits or
  override it's ancestors' attributes and methods.

  We also load some predefined classes: Object, Integer, etc.
  However, we cannot support the methods of these classes yet.

3. Evaluation: we run the program using the TAST and the class descriptors.

  We maintain a stack for storing the variables, and a heap for allocating objects.
  The evaluation starts with a single entry point: the main method.

  At runtime, we support basic stuff in Java:
  - Expressions calculation: +, -, *, /, %, &&, ||, !, ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=  etc.
  - Logic control: if else, while. ("for" loop is not yet supported, but it can be replaced by while loop)
  - Local variable declaration, the scope of variables is also well considered.
  - Object initialization.
    We initialize objects' attributes with a default value.
    Then we call the constructors to initialize the attributes using parameters.
  - Method call, passing parameters, returning values.
  - Polymorphism (calling methods with different numbers or types of parameters will invoke different methods).
  - Dynamic binding (we support runtime type).
  - Class inheritance.

Lastly, here are something not supported yet:

  - package
  - static methods, and static fields
  - array
  - private, public check.
  - for statement
  - predefined classes
  - exceptions

Please refer to the tests/ for some test cases.
To see the test of evaluation, see tests/Eval/.

For running the tests:

  $> python


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