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This project aims to develop a Python-based arbitrage bot for Uniswap V3. The bot is designed to identify and potentially exploit price discrepancies across different Uniswap V3 pools for the same token pair. The project includes scripts for fetching pool data, calculating prices with proper token decimals, and identifying simple and triangular arbitrage opportunities.

Main Module serves as the primary entry point to the application. It queries on-chain data to extract liquidity and price information of cryptocurrencies, evaluates this data for potential arbitrage opportunities, and allows for reanalysis to determine if conditions have changed to present new opportunities.


Data Transformation and Processing

The process begins by establishing a connection to the Ethereum blockchain using the library and sets aggressive gas price strategies for faster transaction confirmation.

It then prompts the user to input the desired trade size in ETH and slippage tolerance percentage. Slippage tolerance defines the maximum price movement a user is willing to accept between the transaction's signing and its execution on the blockchain.

Liquidity and price data are retrieved from Uniswap V3 pool contracts using specified ABI and pool addresses. get_pool_liquidity_all() gathers liquidity for each pool address, while get_pool_price_all() fetches the corresponding sqrtPriceX96 value, a representation of the price used by Uniswap V3.

Both the liquidity and price data undergo filtering based on the minimum liquidity cutoff determined by the given trade size and the user's slippage tolerance. Pools that do not satisfy this criterion are disregarded.

The calculate_price() function converts the sqrtPriceX96 value into human-readable prices for each token pair, adjusting for differences in the token decimals.

Each One-Way Trades Formatted as Dictionary

Once the data is assembled, the file generates a dictionary named pair_prices keyed by TICKER_A_TO_TICKER_B strings, with each entry containing a list of tuples. Each tuple includes token addresses, the pool address, fee, liquidity, and the computed price for trading between the specified tokens.

Profitability Calculation

Using the pair_prices dictionary data, the application computes arbitrage opportunities for the filtered pool pairs. An arbitrage opportunity exists if an asset can be bought in one market (pool) at a lower price and sold in another at a higher price, after accounting for transaction fees, slippage, and gas costs.

The calculate_arbitrage_opportunities() function calculates the scaled buy and sell prices for each token pair across different pools. It factors in transaction/slippage costs and uses gas fees (in Wei, converted to ETH) to evaluate potential profitability of a trade.

Re-run Capabilities

The script provides an option for the user to re-run the data retrieval and evaluation process without restarting the program, simply by inputting "y" when prompted by the rerun() function. The pool addresses, coin addresses, and coin decimal points are already initiated and retained from the first run. The user inputted trade amount and slippage tolerance are also kept. It fetches a new gas price and runs the smart contract price queries again for new opportunities.

Other Modules

The project is divided into several Python modules, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Contains a dictionary mapping token tickers to their respective Ethereum contract addresses.
  • Fetches and stores the number of decimals for each token using the Web3 library and the ERC-20 decimals ABI.
  • Queries Uniswap V3 pool contracts for liquidity and other pool-specific data.
  • Identifies simple arbitrage opportunities by comparing the prices of a token across different pools.
  • Identifies triangular arbitrage opportunities by finding cycles of length three in a graph representation of token pools.

Key Concepts

  • Pool Data: Information about each pool, including token addresses, liquidity, sqrt_price_x96, and pool fees.
  • Price Calculation: Conversion of sqrt_price_x96 to actual token prices, adjusted for token decimals.
  • Graph Construction: Representation of token pools as a graph where nodes are tokens and edges are pools with associated prices.
  • Arbitrage Identification: Algorithms to detect price differences that can be exploited for profit, considering the direction of trades.


  1. Environment Setup: Install the required Python packages, such as web3, by running pip install -r requirements.txt.

  2. Ethereum Node Configuration: Create a .env file in the root directory of the project with your Ethereum node HTTP provider URL. For example:

  3. Token Configuration: In, add the tokens you want the bot to monitor by specifying their ticker symbols and Ethereum contract addresses. For example:

    coins = {
        "WETH": '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2',
        "WBTC": '0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599',
        "DAI": '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
        # Add more tokens as needed
  4. Fetch Token Decimals: Run to fetch and store the number of decimals for each token in the coins_decimals dictionary. This information is crucial for accurate price calculations.

  5. Query Pool Data: Use to query Uniswap V3 pools for the latest data, including liquidity, prices, and fees.

  6. Identify Arbitrage Opportunities: Execute to identify simple arbitrage opportunities across different pools for the same token pair. Alternatively, run to identify triangular arbitrage opportunities by finding profitable cycles in the token graph.

  7. Review Results: Analyze the output for potential arbitrage opportunities. The scripts will print information about profitable trades, including the tokens involved, the pools to execute the trades, and the expected profit margins.


  • Slippage: The bot currently does not account for slippage, which can significantly impact the profitability of arbitrage trades, especially in pools with low liquidity.
  • Transaction Costs: Ethereum gas fees are not considered in the current implementation and must be factored into the profitability calculation.
  • Execution Time: Prices on decentralized exchanges can change rapidly, so the bot must execute trades quickly to capture the identified opportunities.
  • Smart Contract Interaction: A production version of the bot would require smart contract integration to automate trade execution.

Future Work

  • Implement slippage estimation and include it in the profitability calculation.
  • Integrate with Ethereum wallets and smart contracts to enable automated trade execution.
  • Add real-time monitoring and alerting for arbitrage opportunities.
  • Optimize the bot's performance and improve its resilience to changing market conditions.


This project is for educational purposes only. Arbitrage trading carries financial risks, and you should perform your own due diligence before running any trading bot on a live network. The developers of this project are not responsible for any financial losses incurred from using this bot.

About arbitrage on uniswap






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