This repository contains:
- json templates to build a VPC and a RDS with CloudFormation
- yaml template for build eks cluster with eksctl
- eksctl cli
- j2-cli (
Define the Environment vars: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - with the IAM User AWS Access Key ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - with the IAM User Secret Access Key AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - with the AWS Region where the S3 bucket will be created
in the shell console execute the commands:
j2 -f json templates/template-vpc.template env/development.json -o vpc.json aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name platform-development-vpc --template-file vpc.json --no-fail-on-empty-changeset j2 -f json -e ENV templates/template-mariadb.template env/development.json -o mariadb.json aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name platform-development-mariadb --template-file mariadb.json --no-fail-on-empty-changeset ./
- the env vars defined and the shell commands indicated must be integrated in the CI/CD pipeline (Github Actions)