Brix Server is a REST Service implemented on Node.js with Hapi Framework.
Initial code based on Pearson's nodejs-reference-app.
The project uses make tool. If you are using Mac, you must install Xcode first.
- lib - Contains the application source code
- aggregation.js -
- sequencenodeprovider.js - The component that provides sequence node (from either AMS or Hub)
- controller.js - The controller that includes the routes
- hubproxy.js - Hub Proxy
- ips.js - The IPS component
- utils.js - File that contains utility functions
- sample - Sample REST server application using Hapi and Redis
- schema - Message validation schema
- test
- integration - Integration testing
- test_messages - Messages for unit testing
- unit - Unit testing
There are two ways of running the tests:
'npm test'
'make test'
Running 'make test-w' will run tests in "watch" mode, with the directory files will be watched for file changes and tests re-run. This is useful during development.
Redis must be running for the application to be started. Locally, redis can be started using: 'redis-server'.
You must create (or copy) a config/local.json.USERNAME file and create a config/local.json symlink as $ ln -s local.json.USERNAME local.json
To run the application: 'node brixapp.js'. Prior running the server, make sure that the port as defined in config.js is not in use.
Alternately, in development, nodemon can be used to run the application, watch files under the main directory, and restart the server after every change. This is useful during development. './bin/nm app.js'
Then to check: Start browser and go to URL https://localhost:8088/seqnode?seqNodeRequestParam=123
Should display
What follows is a list of all config variables and a brief descriptions:
"numWorkers": ie. 2, ... "maxDeadWorkerSize": ie. 10, ... "host": ie. "localhost", the host machine name "port": ie. 8088, the port the IPS listens on "maxSockets": ie. 100, ...
"amsBaseUrl": ie. "https://localhost:9080", the base URL of the AMS "amsCaching": ie. true, ... "hubBaseUrl": ie. "", the base URL of PAF "bipsBaseUrl": ie. "https://localhost:8088", the base URL of this IPS application "ceBaseUrl": ie. "https://localhost:8089", the base URL of the Correctness Engine (CE)
"logLevel": ie. "debug", log statements set to this level or less will be written/displayed "logToScreen": ie. true, whether to log to console or not "logToFile": ie. true, whether to log to a file or not
"imgDir": ie. "/Users/uivesse/images", the location of the local clone of the images repo ( This is a temporary measure for 0.9 "imgBaseUrl": ie. "https://localhost:8088/images/", the URL sent to the IPC which will be appended to all relative-path images in Brix. Currently (for 0.9) this points back to the /images/ BIPS endpoint. It should be an absolute path URL with a trailing slash.