Implementation, trained models and result data for the paper "Pairwise Multi-Class Document Classification for Semantic Relations between Wikipedia Articles"
Training and evaluating NBM and SPAM for interpretable machine learning.
This repo presents implementation to "Detecting Singleton Spams in Reviews via Learning Deep Anomalous Temporal Aspect-Sentiment Patterns" paper published by DMKD Journal
Matlab source code for Experience and Reputation models in the Trust Platform
Master's Project: The trustworthiness of data is one of the important aspects taken into consideration in Mobile crowd sensing context where number of users submit the data which can be false or ma…
Trust-based Recruitment Mechanism in Mobile Crowd Sensing. This is the demonstration for our trust mechanism and recruitment algorithms.
crosstar1228 / DS_Algorithm
Forked from JJeo-Ri/crosstarcrosstar's algorithm studies
It’s a NLP Problem,the goal of our project is to classify categories of news based on the content of news articles from the BBC website using CNN, RNN and HAN models on two datasets that the former…
A LSTM model with GloVe pre-trained word vectors for Fake News Detection.
One of the Kaggle challenges, where we compared the similarity between two sentences using cosine similarity and machine learning algorithm (Naïve Bayes) and compared the result on the basis of acc…
Methods used: Cosine Similarity with Glove, Smooth Inverse Frequency, Word Movers Difference, Sentence Embedding Models (Infersent and Google Sentence Encoder), ESIM with pre-trained FastText embed…
Modelling task and worker correlation for crowdsourcing label aggregation
Official implementation of: Tha3aroon at NSURL-2019 Task 8: Semantic Question Similarity in Arabic
Computing similarity of two sentences with google's BERT algorithm。利用Bert计算句子相似度。语义相似度计算。文本相似度计算。
[EMNLP 2021] SimCSE: Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings
Chinese-Text-Classification Project including bert-classification, textCNN and so on.
An integration method for combining multiple ranking lists generated by various review spam detection algorithms.
N-Body Gravity Physics in Python with visulisation and clustering.
A curated list of data mining papers about fraud detection.
Improved crowdsourcing vote aggregation using document similarity and machine learning.
o Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Zeyang Ni, Jiuxin Cao, Junzhou Luo, Benyuan Liu, Xinwen Fu. Co-Detection of Crowdturfing Microblogs and Spammers in Online Social Networks. World Wide Web. 2019. (Accepted, CCF-…
A tool for semantic relation extraction. The program finds pairs of semantically related words based on the text definitions coming from the Wikipedia articles (other texts may be also used). The e…
Spam Classifier using Semantic Similarity and Corpus based thesaurus
Source code and simulation data of our DOT Anti-collusion paper