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A lightweight, efficient virtual machine implementation in Rust, designed for educational purposes and as a foundation for more complex emulation projects.


1. CPU Emulation

  • Basic CPU structure with registers and program counter
  • Instruction fetch-decode-execute cycle
  • Initial instruction set with basic arithmetic operations (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV)
  • Error handling for unknown opcodes and division by zero
  • Unit tests for arithmetic operations

2. Memory Management Unit

  • Implementation of a Memory Management Unit (MMU)
  • 64KB of emulated memory
  • Byte and word (32-bit) read/write operations
  • Integration of MMU with CPU for instruction fetching and data operations
  • LOAD and STORE instructions for memory access
  • Extended unit tests for memory operations

3. I/O Operations

  • IOController and IODevice trait for managing input/output operations
  • ConsoleDevice implementation for basic console I/O
  • INPUT and OUTPUT instructions added to the CPU
  • MockIOController for testing I/O operations without actual console interaction
  • Flexible architecture allowing easy addition of new I/O devices

4. Expanded Instruction Set

  • Logical operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT
  • Shift operations: SHL (shift left), SHR (shift right)
  • Comparison operation (CMP) with flags register
  • Control flow instructions:
    • JMP (unconditional jump)
    • JE (jump if equal)
    • JNE (jump if not equal)
    • JG (jump if greater)
    • JL (jump if less)
  • Modified instruction decoding to accommodate the expanded set
  • Comprehensive unit tests for new instructions and operations

Project Structure

  • src/
  • ├── # Entry point of the application
  • ├── # CPU implementation with instruction set
  • ├── # Memory Management Unit implementation
  • └── # I/O Controller and devices


  • To build and run the virtual machine:

    • cargo build
    • cargo run
  • To run the tests:

    • cargo test

Future Improvements

  • Implement a simple assembler for easier program input
  • Add more complex I/O devices (e.g., virtual disk, network interface)
  • Implement interrupt handling and system calls
  • Create a debugger interface for step-by-step execution and memory inspection


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.