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A module to handle concurrent requests with worbox-precaching

1. Installation

$ npm install precache-striping

Peer Dependencies

You need to install the following dependencies

  "peerDependencies": {
    "workbox-precaching": ">=6.5.0",
    "workbox-routing": ">=6.5.0"
  • 6.5.x ~ 7.x.x

If you don't install them, run the fowlling command

$ npm install workobx-routing working-precaching

2. How to use it

Your service worker(normally named sw.js or service-worker.js) might cache the assets files using workbox-precaching like this.

// in sw.js
import { precacheAndRoute } from "workbox-precaching";

declare let self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; // to prevent type error


2.1. Caching concurrently

// in sw.js
// import { precacheAndRoute } from "workbox-precaching";
// precacheAndRoute(self.__WB_MANIFEST);
import { PrecacheStriping } from "precache-striping";

const controller = new PrecacheStriping();
  • It splits the assets into four buckets and they are executed concurrently
  • Each bucket is executed sequentally like precacheAndRoute(...)

2.2. Bucket size

You can change bucket size

controller.precacheStriping(self.__WB_MANIFEST, 6);
// bucket0: [...].length 17
// bucket1: [...].length 17
// bucket2: [...].length 17
// bucket3: [...].length 17
// bucket4: [...].length 16
// bucket5: [...].length 16

If 100 assets are given, each bucket contains 16 or 17 assets

2.3. Routing Option

If you want pass a custom routing option,

// in sw.js
import { PrecacheStriping } from "precache-striping";
import { type PrecacheRouteOptions} from 'workbox-precaching'

const precachController = new PrecacheStriping({
  optionResolver: () => ({
    cleanURLs: ...,
    directoryIndex: ...,
    ignoreURLParametersMatching: ...,
    urlManipulation: ...
  } as PrecacheRouteOptions),

2.4. Don't

You should not use this module in conjunction with the { precacheAndRoute, precache } in workbox-precaching module.

The following sample code deletes all cached assets.

// in sw.js
import { precacheAndRoute, type PrecacheEntry } from "workbox-precaching";
import { PrecacheStriping } from "precache-striping";

const controller = new PrecacheStriping();

const moreAssets: PrecacheEntriy[] = [...]
precacheAndRoute(someMoreAssets); // (X)
  • precache-striping deletes the assets cached by workbox-precaching
  • workbox-precaching deletes the assets cached by precache-striping

Instead, call PrecacheStriping.precache() as shown in the code below

import { type PrecacheEntry } from "workbox-precaching";
import { PrecacheStriping } from "precache-striping";

const controller = new PrecacheStriping();

const moreAssets: PrecacheEntriy[] = [...]
// precacheAndRoute(someMoreAssets);

2.5. cleanupOutdatedCaches

cleanupOutdatedCaches() in workbox-precaching can be used together.

import {cleanupOutdatedCaches, type PrecacheEntry } from "workbox-precaching";

const controller = new PrecacheStriping();

const moreAssets: PrecacheEntriy[] = [...]


After updating service worker(say sw#2), browser detects changes and then tries to install sw#2 and cleanupOutdatedCaches() clear outdated assets cached by sw#1

3. Samples

3.1. Basic example

import { cleanupOutdatedCaches, type PrecacheEntry } from "workbox-precaching";
import { PrecacheStriping } from "precache-striping";

declare let self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;

const staticAssets: (string | PrecacheEntry)[] = self.__WB_MANIFEST;

const controller = new PrecacheStriping();
controller.precacheStriping(staticAssets, 8);


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