Starred repositories
docker compose files to create a fully working kafka stack
A curated list of Apache Kafka learning resources
【Java面试+Java学习指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
☕ A practical event-driven microservices demo built with Golang. Nomad, Consul Connect, Vault, and Terraform for deployment
Collection of Enterprise Architectures & Patterns built with Spin and WebAssembly
This is a useful reading list on Microservices
Backend MVP showcasing JWT (Json Web Token) authentication with multiple login, timeout / refresh / logout (with in memory invalidation) using Spring Security & MySQL JPA.
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Use Cloudflare Gateway DNS/VPN to block ads, malware and tracking domains - free alternative to NextDNS, Pi-hole and Adguard
Navigate the complex landscape of .NET software architecture with our step-by-step, story-like guide. Unpack the interplay between modular monoliths, microservices, domain-driven design, and variou…
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see…
⚡ Delightful Node.js packages and resources
GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
A curated list of awesome software engineering resources.
🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
The open-source project manager for tiny teams
Offline/local search for Docusaurus v2/v3
A collection of my book notes on various subjects, mainly computer science
Python tool to easily download Manning products that you own
Tips and resources to prepare for Behavioral interviews.
Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. For more information, see the file below.
A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.
🍃 Build Better Spring Boot Applications: A Comprehensive Testing Course to Boost Your Confidence and Productivity.