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Developed algorithm with Professor Nathan Ryan to study physical access to health care providers, using Google Maps API

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For a given [lat,long] location, calculate a service area around it. Any point on an x-minute contour should take a total of x minutes of travel to reach from the origin. Any point within an x-minute contour should be reachable in fewer than x minutes.


origin : must be a list containing [lat, lng]; For lat/long as per convention: N, E are positive; S, W are negative

duration : Number of minutes for the service area

mode : must be either 'driving' or 'walking' or 'transit' or 'bicycling', default: 'driving'

number_of_angles : Number of points defining the service area (int), default: 10

tolerance : Number of minutes that a test point can be away from duration to be considered acceptable, default: 0.1

config_path : Path location (str) of the 'google_maps.cfg' file, default: 'config/'

  • Make a file called 'google_maps.cfg' in a directory called 'config/'
  • Format of the config file must be: (e.g. if your api_number were 1234567890, you would replace <your api number> below with 1234567890):
api_number=<your api number>


  • get_service_area: A list of [lat, lng] -- [[lat1, lng1], [lat2, lng2], ..., [latn, lngn]] where n = number_of_angles.

  • generate_service_area_map: generates html file with an embedded Google Maps with service area


This module makes use of the following Python modules that you must have installed.

  • urllib.parse
  • configparser
  • simplejson
  • urllib.request
  • time
  • math


origin = [39.9500, -75.1667]
duration = 30
mode = 'walking'
number_of_angles = 10
get_service_area(origin, duration, mode, number_of_angles)
# OR generate html file
generate_service_area_map(origin, duration, mode, number_of_angles)


Developed algorithm with Professor Nathan Ryan to study physical access to health care providers, using Google Maps API







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