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Pack Vector Array

Ryan Porter edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 2 revisions


Constructs a vector array using the input values. The array may be constructed from a list of vectors or three arrays of components

Attribute Name Description Attribute Type
inputVector (iv) Values that will be placed in the outputVector array at their logical index if inputMethod is set to 'Elements' double3[]
inputVectorX (ivx) X component of inputVector. double
inputVectorY (ivy) Y component of inputVector. double
inputVectorZ (ivz) Z component of inputVector. double
inputX (ix) Values that will be used as the X component in the outputVector array if inputMethod is set to 'Components' doubleArray
inputY (iy) Values that will be used as the Y component in the outputVector array if inputMethod is set to 'Components' doubleArray
inputZ (iz) Values that will be used as the Z component in the outputVector array if inputMethod is set to 'Components' doubleArray
fillValue (fv) Value that will be placed in the outputVector array if there is no input for that index. double3
fillValueX (fvx) The X component of fillValue. double
fillValueY (fvy) The X component of fillValue. double
fillValueZ (fvz) The X component of fillValue. double
size (s) Size of the outputVector array. int
inputMethod (im) Selects the method by which the outputVector array is filled. enum
outputVector (ov) Input values packed into a vector array. vectorArray