the react app is in the client folder and the web page is https://localhost/email_messages/
Sandbox is shipped with a Docker setup that makes it easy to get a containerized development environment up and running. If you do not already have Docker on your computer, it's the right time to install it.
On Mac, only Docker for Mac is supported. Similarly, on Windows, only Docker for Windows is supported. Docker Machine is not supported out of the box.
Open a terminal, and navigate to the directory containing your project skeleton. Run the following command to start all services using Docker Compose:
$ docker-compose pull # Download the latest versions of the pre-built images
$ docker-compose up -d # Running in detached mode
You'll need to add a security exception in your browser to accept the self-signed TLS certificate that has been generated for this container when installing the framework. Repeat this step for all other services available through HTTPS.
This starts the following services:
Name | Description | Port(s) | Environment(s) |
php | The API with PHP, PHP-FPM 7.3, Composer and sensitive configs | n/a | all |
db | A PostgreSQL database server | 5432 | all (prefer using a managed service in prod) |
client | A development server for the Progressive Web App | 443 | dev (use a static website hosting service in prod) |
admin | A development server for the admin | 444 | dev (use a static website hosting service in prod) |
api | The HTTP server for the API (NGINX) | n/a | all |
vulcain | The Vulcain gateway | 8443 | all |
mercure | The Mercure hub, for real-time capabilities | 1337 | all (prefer using the managed version in prod) |
run shell command
$ ./
If you work on linux and cannot edit some of the project files right after the first installation, you can run docker-compose run --rm php chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) .
to set yourself as owner of the project files that were created by the docker container.