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1. Preparation



Follow the instructions

NVIDIA Container Toolkit

Follow the instructions here

Docker Image

2. Getting Started

Before Build

Modify files. Be careful os version and python version.
(ex. Ubuntu 20.04 -> python 3.9, Ubuntu 22.04 -> python 3.10)
See here or here

  • Modify docker_template.env

    • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME : project name
    • UID : UID
    • GID : GID
    • USER_NAME : user name used in container
    • WORKDIR_CONTAINER : container WORKDIR, directory where local WORKDIR mounted to
    • WORKDIR_LOCAL : local WORKDIR, directory mounted to container
    • BASE_IMAGE : Docker Image
    • PYTHON_VERSION : Python version
    • IMAGE_LABEL : label to cache docker image with label, if exist, load, if not, build.
    • CONTAINER_NAME : CONTAINER NAME, used to get in the container
    • HOST_PORT : HOST_PORT, use port not used at other containers
    • CONTAINER_PORT : CONTAINER_PORT, use port not used at other containers

    Commands to search your UID, GID

    id -u # UID
    id -g # GID
  • docker-compose.yaml Change image, container_name, volumes, shm_size if needed.

    • image : name of image cached to local. if exist, load, if not, build.
    • container_name : name used to get in the container.
    • volumes : Correspondence. {local_dir}:{container_dir}
    • shm_size : shared memory size. check your spec.
  • Dockerfile Change apt libraries, Pytorch.

Useful Commands

  • Docker compose up
    Use command at the directory where docker-compose.yaml is

    docker compose up -d

    If Dockerfile changed, Docker compose up with build

    docker compose up -d --build
  • Execute command in Docker

    docker exec -it {container_name} bash
    # or
    docker exec -it -w {WORK_DIR_PATH} {container_name} bash
    # example
    docker exec -it template bash

    As root

    docker exec -it -u 0 -w {WORK_DIR_PATH} {container_name} bash
  • Using JupyterLab (Optional)

    python -m jupyterlab --ip --port {CONTAINER_PORT} --allow-root
  • Using Tensorboard

    tensorboard --logdir=/workspace/PytorchLightning/lightning_logs --host= --port={CONTAINER_PORT}
    # or
    python /home/{USER}/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorboard/ --logdir=/workspace/PytorchLightning/lightning_logs --host= --port={CONTAINER_PORT}
  • Login W & D

    wandb login
    # or
    python3 -m wandb login
    # or
    /usr/bin/python3 -m wandb login

3. Reference


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