Your average discord success reposter that includes a delete function.
First install the required python modules if you havent already using the line below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the zip above and extract to a folder
Open and edit the following lines:
- 14-17 to change twitter api credentials (you can get these if you dont know then by applying here:
- 33 to change the name of channel that bot will be used in (most likely will be called success but you never know)
- 80 to add your discord bot token (here is a video i found to help you:
- Run!
How to customize bot (if you using this code as the base for yours):
- Edit tweet_text to edit what text is sent alongside image
- Edit embed to change how the message looks when picture is posted to channel/twitter
- Edit edit_embed to change how the message looks when the picture is deleted from twitter
- Edit emoji and change the unicode value (\U0001F5D1) to the unicode of a different emoji if you don't like the default trash can
Hope you enjoy and make sure to follow my Twitter